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Today Im going to talk about Human Rights.

I wanted to start the presentation

with this quote because it talk about a fundamental rights:freedom and It says
that we can be free only if we all are and ,in my opinion,it is right because we
are all born free and equal
The Universal Declaration of Rights was born in 1948 and it was adopted by the
General Assembly of the United Nations to protect the rights of minorities.Since
then this documents has been translated into more than 200 languages,and it
remains a powerful instrument which continues to have effects on peoples
lives all over the world and this was the first time in history than a document
considered to have universal value was adopted by an international
organization. Human rights are important for everyone because they
allow to all people to live with dignity,freedom,equality, justice and
peace.These rights are given purely because an individual is
human;they remain intact and cannot be restricted by the state
In the video that now I will show you,are shown the core human rights
(Parte il video)
In my opinion, the most important human rights, especially for young people,
are freedom of expression,gender equality and the right to education.
First of all,the rights to freedom of expression is important because we must all
have the opportunity to say what we want without be afraid.
At second, The right to gender equality is important because there should be
no distinction between men and women because we all have the same rights.
At the end,the right to education is important for young people because it will
allows us to have a job and allows us to have a good education and allows us to
develop our ability
But Human rights advocates agree that this rights is still more a
dream than reality. Violations exist in every part of the world.For
example, there are men and women detained for their opinions, skin
color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion,or other inhuman
practices like the death penalty, torture, use of excessive force by the
police, the participation of children in wars and conflicts. (vedi sullaltro
There are several organizations that denounce the governments
showing complicity or lack of commitment to prevent these abuses,
for example Amnesty International
In addition, many singers who live in areas where human rights are violated,
wrote songs on this topic to spread a message of hope and to inform people on
this abuse.
Between these,there is the song "The price of silence" that was created
for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights.16 international artists, who come from countries where human

rights are still violated,took part in this song.In this group of artists
reveal the presence of Emmanuel Jal, now singer but first was a
former child soldier. The purpose of this song is to spread a message
of peace and hope for a world where everyone has the same rights.
This can be heard especially in the last verses of the song
against these violations we can not do much,But we can make a difference.
Become informed by reading the reports on human rights around the world.

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