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I hate them, I know the fact that I am one of them...

But I really can't live li

ke that and with that thought. So logically If I am a human... it means the bad
souls should be caged in the animals, some kind of God work - OfPunishment. - It
's stupid conclusion!!!!!!!??????? But what do u want from 17 years old?
Or it's not stupid and... that is true... and to know it and to don't know it...
Aliens won't come they know that we are stupid and that we are under their leve
l. Even the aliens on the movies aren't real... I still have an difficulty creat
ing a Alien in my mind which is reading a book... watching TV.... I always get t
hem in my mind something like out of Stephen King works.
Let's play with this... If aliens are alive... what If they use us as dolls and
they pull the strings!? This could explain a lot of... or even to be inside of g
iant computer which will explain the fact 1969 or 1977 the computers... how they
came out... from nowhere. Even fit with us... here is another to use it as a to
y... and to play with it... Since 12 years old "You"... and 22 years old "you"..
. there is differences... but you couldn't take a picture of the "Differences"..
. I mean the day you woke up without any hair in your ass... inside of your pant
s... Or or on your legs... I mean perfectly the "Whole beginning"...

But after all books... should be wise and humans or mankind to be stupid. Becaus
e in one book there are so much words that as for man he will say all this words
in about 2 years... (But still is strange that I insult humanity or mankind and
... I kind of make author and humanity two different creatures)... But I still c
an't explain this fact.
I have always been fascinated from women a lot of from them - it's rare to see a
woman to be in distance... and to talk little ...
as for men I have saw few... and that's kind of fascinating how they talk so mu
Whatever on that phenomenon,... men = few ... = rare... let's try on women proba
bly 500 Pages book are in about 3 months... words fortheir... they talk so much.
.. but it won't be... 1 year or it's possible 500 pages one year talk from them
looks like...
( I hear that I tear up people... how is that possible?????? I CAN'T exPLAIN THA
T...andnow people who pretended to be my friends... with fucked up reasons... sk
ip it up... By itself, words sound strange... all languages as possible... "so".
.. sounds more likely... "Sol".. "Sun"... more likely "Son"... there are out the
re and others!)
But I am sure in one that for 1 year they say somewhere there in about words.. .
After all words = sentence = sentences = texts = pages. But in their case it's
something flying not written down.
Probably films/series.. As for books I still do not have theory... They are like
chess... you have the everything as details... only the speech is left and the
chess players... and the most important part is knowing who is first and second.
. 1st = White, 2nd =Black... Probably and real life is like that. But somebody e
lse is pulling the strings.
But we all know what happens... to be honest with someone means that one day whe
n you go to bed you won't wake up... or one day when you wake up you will see th

at you have a lot of enemy... (But it's 2016, you already know that... it's the
basics of life and survival)... Or even If you wake up without friends. If = Not
If = Possible = Killer.... which as a task means if you become a killer... you k
now since you started... and now you are master you gonna become a victim soona.
. . So paranoiacomes to control your whole life... Even you can be a victim in t
he hands of your students... Or enemy.. Or you will know that your days are coun
If = Possibility = Childhood = Same = Place, it means that you live a life of re
petition... to be honest almost 18 years... I am staying here... where my mother
grew...her sister also... her daughter also .. and now "I".
But even removing this above tasks... just to be easier... for reading and under
standing... you could wake up in delusion... you even could wake up one day in h
eaven and say "What a nightmare... and it was so long..."...
What "If" you find out that God is the right and the left side... Hell and Heave
n - Tell me did that changed you as a character.
What will happen if you find out that you want to stop something... like alcohol
or drugs... or films watching... Or non stop staying on your computer(After all
some of them create great depression and anxiety) - But here it's my "Horror"..
. study on human behavior... it's not too long and it isn't too complex... We ju
st dive under the water few times.. to have fast look... to see what's deep down
in the ocean and then we get out. If I am's... my problem.. (As for
honesty... the 1 video or the second 2 = music was bad... As for the 3... it's k
ind of it's own way better.)... However, it's not possible to don't know!?
... That if you are a the problem, you aren't the solution.
But you know old habits are comfort zone.. so that explain... why you go back, b
ut what confuses me that I cannot understand why I can kill a pig... which is fa
t... and it's legal and why I can't kill a fat human... If I kill him... first I
am a killer... second a murder... third cannibal... If I start eating him/her A
nd and as last its illegal.
And as a End why a water in glass.. . Isn't ocean or river or lake??... and why
outside from your house... Or inside...And If... it's more than a glass of water
... cup of water... bowl of water.. bucket of water... it's a pool???

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