Lessonplan-Arts Integration-Annakelleher PDF

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Lesson Plan Template (InquiryArts Integration)

Students Name: Anna Kelleher
Subject Area(s): Social Studies and Art
Concept/Topic: The Middle Ages & Coats of Arms

Date: November 15, 2016!

Grade Level: 4th!
Time: N/A!

Big ideas/Key concepts:
This lesson introduces fourth grade students to a study of the medieval times.
In this study, the students can make authentic medieval shields and coats of arms,
teaching them the relationship to the culture of the Middle Ages. The students will be
allowed to design their own shields while also learning the origins and functions of
coats of arms. Students will look up their names and see if their family has a coat of
arms, and continue to see what each symbol means. !

What art form is making a connection:

Students will create their personal coat of arms using construction paper and
markers. Teacher will provide an example.

Students will be able to !

Discuss the origins and functions of coats and arms !

Know the culture of the Middle Ages !
Understand the daily life in the Middle Ages !
Know what your families nationally and culture!
Know the meanings of the heraldry within the coats of arms

!Curriculum Standards:

Standard - 9.2.5.A
Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an individual work in the arts.
Standard - 9.2.5.C
Relate works in the arts to varying styles and genre and to the periods in which they were
Standard - 9.2.5.D
Analyze a work of art from its historical and cultural perspective.!




Data of the students families nationality will be shared with class and collected
by teacher with a paragraph explanation of their coat of arms. Students are individually
accountable to search their own names to figure out how the heraldic symbols can be
used for their family crest/coat of arms.!


Students will know some of their family history(ancestors). !
As necessary, list any prior skills that students will need to use during this lesson.
and Technology

Computer Lab access!

Construction paper!
markers scissors !
writing utensils

Integrating the coats of arms in the middle ages lesson is a fun way for the
students to be curious and interested about their family heraldry.!


This lesson will allow for differentiation because students will be able to understand
their family history and integrate by creating their coat of arms. !

Step-By-Step Procedures:

1. Engage:
a. Hook/Lead-in: Students will watch a short video from YouTube!
The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 minutes!
b. Have student go over what they have just seen in the video and what
stood out to them the most. Ask if they have already known some of the
facts that the observed in the video.

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2. Instruction: After students watch the short video of the Middle Ages, explain
how the Middle Ages and coats of arms are related.!
a. This is when the students will read Castles within two weeks, they will
make connections to what they have also learned in the video.!
b. Once finished the book, students will go into the Coats of Arms.!
c. Modeling: Pull up the teachers coat of arms by searching their last
name(Kelleher). Explain the heraldic symbols within the coat of arms.!
d. Guided Practice: Have students look at to see if they have a Coat of
Arms, then create their own using the heraldic symbols to describe
themselves and their familes. Along with the coat of arms student with
write a paragraph about what they have learned about the Middle Ages.!
3. Independent Practice: Students will create their Coat of Arms using the
construction paper and other materials that are provided. They will write a brief
description about their artwork, what their heraldic symbols mean, the colors,
4. Application: Based on the description of the students coat of arms, it will
determine their understanding of the Middle Ages and coat of arms.!
5. Closure: Students will present their coat of arms to the class and explain the
heraldic symbols and their meanings. Students will also be asked questions by
the teacher when they are presenting.(ex. What do the acorns and the colors
represent in your artwork?)
Analyze the evidence you collected and reflect on how the lesson went:

What did the students learn? How do you know?

-The students learned the connections between the Middle ages and the coats
of arms. The also know the students learned the origins of the coats of arms. We know this
because they presented to class.

What went well? What makes you think so?

-The students designing their coats of arms and sharing to classmates.

What would you change if you were to teach the lesson again? Why?

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-Have students work together a little more.


Review your lesson plan to make sure you have addressed the six TTS

Deep Content Understanding

Coherence & Continuity

Real World Connections

Critical & Creative Thinking

Teacher Reflective Thinking

Revise, if necessary, to ensure all standards are included.

Be prepared to explain how your lesson plan addresses the TTS.


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