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Adapted from The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to prepare for the coming

of the
Christ Child at Christmas by Dean Meador Lambert


Advent is a time on the Christian calendar designated for symbolically preparing for the arrival of Christ
at Christmas time. It is meant to be a time of waiting and making ourselves ready to experience the joy of
the Christmas season. Advent calendars are a popular way to mark the time leading up to Christmas Day,
and the Jesse Tree serves a similar purpose, using symbols drawn from the Bible to tell a story.
There is a symbol for each day of Advent which can be made into an ornament. The ornaments can hang
on a small tree, a branch, or go on a wall or refrigerator. Use them in the way that works best for your
family. Dont be afraid to do two or three ornaments in a day if you miss a few nights. The Jesse Tree
should not feel like one more thing piling on in the bustle of the holiday season, but a chance to slow
down for a few moments a day and reflect on the story unfolding and what it means on your own faith
journey. You may also wish to combine the Jesse Tree with an Advent wreath or light a candle to honor
the time you spend with the symbols.
Please note that the narrative here draws heavily from the Hebrew scriptures with a Christian lens. This
is just one interpretation of the story and by no means the only one or the right one. We always explore
multiple interpretations when we look at the Bible in class and I encourage the children to bring their own
knowledge and experience to their interpretation.
I welcome any questions or comments and look forward to hearing about your experiences this season.
Jillian Westerfield

Symbol: A stump with a new shoot
Bible verses: Isaiah 11:1-2
For contemplation and discussion: Why is waiting so hard?
God has a plan for everything. Long before Jesus was born lived a man named Jesse. Jesse had
seven sons; the youngest was named David. When David grew up, he became a great king of
Israel. God had a plan for Jesse and for his son David, even before they were born.
Jesus was also part of Jesse and David's family tree, born many, many years after David. People
waited a long time for the birth of the savior. The season of Advent is a season of waiting for us,
too. We wait for Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
It is hard to be patient, especially when we are waiting for something wonderful like Christmas!
But it is important to learn to be patient, and to trust that God has a plan for us, too.

Symbol: The earth
Bible verses: Genesis 1: 26-31
For contemplation and discussion: What are some ways that you can take good care
of plants, animals, birds, rivers, people, and everything else in the world?
Most people understand the creation story in the Bible to be an allegory; this means it is not
literally true, but is a story we use to understand something about ourselves. In the Biblical
creation story, God is depicted as the creator of all things. God made the world and everything in it: the
air and the water, the plants and the fish, the animals and the people. When God finished creating the
world, it was perfect. When God first created people, even they were perfect. They did not do anything
to make God unhappy.

Even though there is now some sadness in the world, God still cares for us. We have been given
a beautiful world in which to live, and we must take care of it. We can care for the world by
showing kindness to all living things.


Symbol: A snake and a piece of fruit
Bible verses: Genesis 3: 1-19
For contemplation and discussion: What are some ways sadness enters the world?
What can we do about it?
Today we continue with the creation story. In the reading, we see some more clues that this story
is not meant to be taken literally, such as the talking snake. This is a part of the story that some
people call the fall; yet we see in the text that the Bible never calls it that. This part of the story
tries to help us make sense of the fact that sad and frustrating things can happen in our world.
Yesterday we read about the perfect world that God created, including perfect people. Today we
read in the Bible about Adam and Eve, and how they disobeyed God. God had given them
everything, and had only asked that they not eat the fruit of one special tree. But Eve and Adam
did eat the fruit. The fruit made them understand certain things, but in the story, eating it brought
unhappiness into the world, as well. One way that people understand this story is to think about
how things change as we grow older. When we are babies, we dont understand some of the bad
things that may happen, but as we grow and learn, we begin to see new things. Many things we
learn are wonderful, but we also start to experience more difficult things, too. It can seem like
our world is getting less happy and peaceful, but that is a natural part of growing and learning.
In the story, God still loved Adam and Eve, but sent them out of the beautiful garden, and they
had to work for their food. God also made a promise to Adam and Eve: that God would always
love them.

Symbol: A rainbow
Bible verses: Genesis 6: 11-14; 7:17-8:3; 9:8-13
For contemplation and discussion: Can you name a promise you have kept?
The story of Noah is another one that most people understand to be an allegory. Many cultures
all over the world have different versions of this story, so even though it probably did not happen
exactly the way we tell it, it is a story that is powerful and interesting enough that we tell it all
over the world.
In the story, God is sad. There came a time when there was so much unhappiness in the world that God
had to find a way to remove sin from the world. So God asked Noah to build the ark and to save his own
family, as well as the animals, because Noah and his family remembered God. Then God sent rain and the
world flooded, and God destroyed all the people and animals that were not on the ark.

When the flood was over and Noah and his family were safely on dry ground, God made a
covenant, or a promise, with Noah. God promised not to send another flood that would destroy
the world. As a sign of this promise, God put a rainbow in the sky.

Symbol: A camel
Bible verses: Genesis 12: 1-7
For contemplation and discussion: Name some ways you know the right thing to do
or perhaps have felt called to do something.
Sometimes God asks us to do things that are hard to do. God asks us to be good when it would
be so much easier--and sometimes more fun--to be naughty. God asks us to go places and do
things we'd rather not do.
God asked Abram to take a long trip, and to leave behind the place that Abram called home. But
in return, God made promises to Abram. God promised that Abram would be blessed by God.
Abram still had problems and struggles, especially when he forgot to listen to God's directions,
but God kept all of the promises made to Abram. Most importantly, God was Abram's friend

Symbol: Stars in the sky
Bible verses: Genesis 15:1-6
For contemplation and discussion: What are some promises that have been made to
God loves to make promises. Have you ever made a promise that was hard to keep? Has someone
made a promise to you but then broken it? When that happens, we feel sad. The good news is
that God never, ever breaks a promise!
God made a promise to Abram and his wife Sarai. Abram and Sarai had no children, and since
they were almost 100 years old, they thought it was too late. But God promised Abram that he
would have a son of his own. God invited Abram to come outside, look up into the night sky, and
try to count the stars. God said, "Your family will be like thatthere will be too many to count!"
Abram believed in God's promises and had faith that it would happen.

Symbol: Laughter
Bible verses: Genesis 21:1-7
For contemplation and discussion: Have you had any answered prayers?
Have you ever wanted something so much that you thought you would die if you didn't get it?
It's so hard to be happy when we focus on the things we don't have, instead of the things we do
Sarah wanted a baby more than anything, but even though she prayed a lot and tried everything
she could think of, she didn't have a baby. As she got older she finally decided that God would
not give her a child. But then God gave Sarah a son, and she named him Isaac. Sarah was very
happy and grateful to God for giving her a wonderful son when she had given up on her dream.

Symbol: A ram
Bible verses: Genesis 22:1-14
For contemplation and discussion: When have you felt protected?
Isaac was a special boy, and his father, Abraham, loved him very much. But Abraham loved God
even more than he loved Isaac. One day God asked Abraham to take Isaac on a journey. Abraham
obeyed. God also asked Abraham to kill Isaac as a sacrifice, as a way of showing how much
Abraham loved God.
Abraham was sad, but he knew that he had to obey God. He trusted that even though he was
being asked to do something terrible, God would make everything right. As he was getting ready
to sacrifice Isaac, God sent an angel to stop Abraham and save Isaac's life. Then Abraham
sacrificed a sheep as a way of honoring God, and to thank him for saving Isaac's life.

Symbol: A ladder
Bible verses: Genesis 28:10-22
For contemplation and discussion: How do you feel Divine presence?
Jacob had not always been a good person. He had done some unkind things, but instead of saying
he was sorry, Jacob ran away. He lived away from his family for many years, but now it was time
to meet with his brother. He had to face up to the things he had done wrong many years before.

When Jacob ran away from his family, he may have thought that he was running away from God,
too. The night before he was going to see his brother, God spoke to Jacob in a dream. God
reminded Jacob of promises God had made to Jacob's father and grandfather, and that those
promises were meant for Jacob, too.
Jacob thought that he had run away from God, but God was always with him.


Symbol: Tablets
Bible verses: Deuteronomy 5: 1-22
For contemplation and discussion: What rules help you get along with your family?
God wants us to be good to each other. God wants us to treat others the way that we want to be
treated. To help us to understand how to care for each other, many years ago God gave Moses
the ten best rules for living. These rules are called the Ten Commandments, and they are still
good rules for us today.
Not everybody likes to follow the rules. They think rules keep them from having fun. But God
gave us the rules not as a punishment, but as a way of helping us to show God that we are
thankful for what God has done for us. God wants us to do good, and will help us to do the right
thing by guiding us to the right path.


Symbol: Cord
Bible verses: Joshua 2: 1-21
For contemplation and discussion: When have you had the courage to help someone?
The Israelites were ready to enter the land that God had promised them. They sent two men into
the land to find out more about the land. It was very dangerous to go into the land; if the people
who ruled the land had found the two Israelites they would have been killed.
Rahab saved the lives of two of God's people. She hid the two men in her house and then helped
them to escape. She knew that God had promised the city of Jericho to Joshua and the Israelites,
and she believed that God is a powerful God.
Brave Rahab honored God because she believed in God's power. In return, the Israelites
protected Rahab and her family. Rahab hung a red rope from the window in her house so that
the Israelites would remember to protect her. And God remembered Rahab and took care of her
for the rest of her life.


Symbol: Wheat
Bible verses: Ruth 1: 15-2: 3
For contemplation and discussion: What makes you happy when you are sad?
Ruth and Naomi had lost all the people they loved. Naomi's two sons--one of them was Ruth's
husband--had died, and Naomi's husband had died too. Naomi had been living in Ruth's country,
far from her family, and so Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem. Ruth could have stayed in her
own country with her own family, but she chose to go to Bethlehem with Naomi.
Naomi was so sad that she thought that God had forgotten her. In the days of the Bible, most
women couldn't get jobs, so women would go the fields and take the grain that the farmers left
behind. Ruth went to the field to gather grain, and there she met Boaz, a relative of Naomi's, who
took care of them. Boaz and Ruth married and had a son, and Naomi was happy. She knew that
God had not forgotten them, even when she had been sad.


Symbol: Crown
Bible verses: 2 Samuel 5:1-5
For contemplation and discussion: Would you rather be a king or a shepherd?
Kings sit on thrones. They wear fancy clothes and talk to important people. They make big
decisions that affect the whole country.
Shepherds stand or sit on the ground. They wear clothes that can get dirty, and they mostly talk
to sheep. They make decisions to keep their flock alive and healthy.
David was a shepherd, and then God chose him to be a king. Shepherds make the best kind of
king. They are humble and care more about people than about power. David wasnt perfect, but
he had the spirit of a shepherd even when he was king. Just like a shepherd cares for sheep and
keeps them safe from harm, he cared for the people of Israel and protected them.


Symbol: Flame
Bible verses: 1 Kings 18: 17-24, 36-39
For contemplation and discussion: What are some things you do to show joy?
The people of Israel had forgotten to worship God. Instead, they were worshiping a false god
named Baal. God sent his prophet Elijah to remind the people about the true God. But the people
didn't want to listen to Elijah. So Elijah offered to show the people God's power. He prepared a
sacrifice, and the prophets of Baal prepared a sacrifice. The prophets of Baal prayed that their

god would send fire to burn the sacrifice, but of course the false god did nothing. But when Elijah
prayed, God sent fire.
The Israelites had forgotten God, until God showed them a miracle. God still does miracles today,
but we need to remember God even if we don't see miracles. Our God is a great God; we need
to praise God at all times.


Symbol: Scepter
Bible verses: Esther 4
For contemplation and discussion: Do you have a special job or talent?
God is at work in everything. Sometimes things don't seem to make any sense to us at all, but
later we understand why God put us in a certain place at a certain time.
Esther was a beautiful woman, and because she was beautiful she became queen. But because
she was brave, she saved the Jewish people from death. Esther's uncle told her of the danger to
her and to her people, and he helped her to plan how to save the people. At first she didn't think
she could help, but her uncle reminded her that everyone is important.
God had put Esther in the palace for a special job. Her bravery saved many lives.


Symbol: Scroll
Bible verses: Isaiah 9: 2-7
For contemplation and discussion: Have you ever forgotten a promise?
Many, many years before Jesus was born, people called prophets would bring God's message to
the people of Israel. The prophets reminded the people of what God wanted them to do. God
wanted them to be good and kind to others. The prophets told the people to worship only the
one true God.
The prophets also reminded people that God had promised a savior. The prophets also gave the
people hope that no matter how bad things might be here on earth, God had not forgotten them.
God was going to send a child who would grow to be the world's savior.


Symbol: Animals together
Bible verses: Isaiah 11: 6-9
For contemplation and discussion: How can you be a peacemaker?
Animals are one of God's great gifts to us. God made each animal unique. Many of them are
gentle, but many others can hurt us or other animals. Most animals only hurt others when they
are hungry or frightened.
Before Eve and Adam left Eden, all of the animals got along with each other. There was no danger.
Someday God will restore peace to the world. There will be no hunger or fear, and all of the
animals will get along again. They will not hurt each other, and we will not hurt them.
In a peaceful world, all of God's children will get along too. There will be no more war and no
more pain. What a wonderful world that will be!


Symbol: Fish
Bible verses: Jonah 3:1-5
For contemplation and discussion: Have you ever tried to get out of doing something
you should?
Jonah was one of God's special preachers, called a prophet. God asked Jonah to do a special and
important job. But Jonah didn't want to do the job God asked him to do, and so he ran away.
Of course, God always knew where Jonah went; no one can run away from God. God was with
Jonah on the storm-tossed ship, and God was with Jonah in the belly of the fish. God was with
Jonah when he finally went to Nineveh to do the job God had asked Jonah to do.
We can't run away from God. God wants us to obey him, but even when we don't, God is still
with us. God loves us at all times and in all places.


Symbol: Lion
Bible verses: Daniel 6
For contemplation and discussion: Who do you love most?
God wants to be the most important thing in our lives: more important than our family, more
important than our things, more important than even our own lives. Daniel understood that; he
worshiped God even though it might cost him everything, even his own life.

It was against the law for Daniel to worship God, but Daniel knew that God is the only true God,
and he would not stop worshiping God. Daniel was punished for breaking the law, and he was
put in a pit with lions. But God protected Daniel from becoming the lions dinner. People learned
of Gods power because of Daniel, and many others worshiped God because Daniel had trusted
and honored God.


Symbol: City
Bible verses: Micah 5:1-5
For contemplation and discussion: How are you getting ready for Christmas?
Often God does things that surprise us. God chose the small town of Bethlehem for the birthplace
of Jesus. In Bible times, most rulers in important families were born in bigger cities, but Jesus was
born into an ordinary family in a small village.
God chose Bethlehem many years before Jesus was born. The prophet Micah wrote that
Bethlehem would be the place where the Savior would be born. But even so, the town of
Bethlehem wasn't ready for the birth of Jesus. There was no place prepared for God's Son to be
The day when we celebrate Jesus' birth will soon be here. We need to make our hearts ready.


Symbol: Shawl
Bible verses: Luke 1:5-25
For contemplation and discussion: How do you share good news?
Sometimes even good people have prayers that are not answered. Zechariah and Elizabeth
honored God, and God loved them, but they did not have a child. One day while Zechariah was
working in the temple, an angel brought him a message from God, saying that he and Elizabeth
were going to have a very special son and his name was going to be John.
Zechariah wasn't sure he believed the angel, and so God took away Zechariah's voice as a sign of
God's power. Imagine if you had seen an angel who had told you wonderful, happy news, and
you weren't able to tell anyone what had happened! Zechariah was sad to have lost his voice, but
he was happy to know that he would have a son chosen by God to do important work.


Symbol: Shell
Bible verses: Matthew 3:1-6
For contemplation and discussion: When have you needed forgiveness?
Elizabeth and Zechariah's son grew up to be John the Baptist. He was Jesus' cousin. God chose
him to tell the people about Jesus.
John wanted people to know that Jesus is the Son of God, the savior that God had promised the
people so many years ago. He wanted them to be ready to believe in Jesus. John wanted the
people to remember God, and he baptized them in the river if they promised not to sin any more.
The baptism reminded them that God forgave them for their sins.
John did not look like other people, and some people probably thought he was a little strange.
But many other people listened to John, and they were ready to believe in Jesus.


Symbol: Lily
Bible verses: Luke 1:26-38
For contemplation and discussion: Has anything ever happened that seemed
God had a special job for someone. God was looking for an earthly home for baby Jesus. Jesus
was going to need a mother who loved and trusted God. He would need a mother who was smart
and strong and loving. God chose Mary to be Jesus' mother.
God sent an angel to talk to Mary. Mary wasn't sure that she could be a good mother to Jesus,
but the angel reminded Mary that God would be with her. Mary knew that being a mother is a
difficult and important job, but she knew that God would guide her. She also knew that she loved
God and wanted to do whatever she could to serve him. Mary said yes with a joyful heart.


Symbol: Hammer
Bible verses: Matthew 1:18-25
For contemplation and discussion: Are there ways the Divine speaks to you?
Yesterday we talked about Jesus' mother, Mary. Jesus also had an earthly father named Joseph,
who was a carpenter.

God sent an angel to talk to Joseph in a dream. The angel explained that God had chosen Mary,
and that Mary's baby would be very special. When Joseph woke up, he knew that he and Mary
were a part of God's plan. Joseph knew that he would be a good father to Jesus.


Symbol: Sandals
Bible verses: Luke 2:1-5
For contemplation and discussion: What journeys have you taken?
Sometimes taking a trip is fun, like when we go on vacation. Sometimes it's not so fun, like when
we go to the doctor when we're sick. But usually when we're on a journey, whether a short trip
or a long one, we experience something new. We learn things on a journey.
Mary and Joseph went on a journey. If we were to take the same journey by car it wouldn't take
very long, but because Mary and Joseph were walking, it took a long time. They had to go to
Bethlehem because the country's ruler said they had to. But it was all part of God's plan. That is
one thing that Joseph and Mary learned on their journey.


Symbol: Star
Bible verses: Luke 2:6-21
For contemplation and discussion: What is your favorite part of Christmas?
Our waiting is over! Jesus is born! The star is shining, the angels are singing, the shepherds are
worshiping. Our savior is here!
Mary was happy to have her beautiful baby, but she knew that not every day would be as special
as his birth day. She knew that raising God's son was going to be a challenge. But for the moment
she tried to enjoy all the amazing things that had happened.
When sin first came into the world, God made a promise. Even when the people forgot about
God and the promise, God didn't forget about the people. God guided the people, protected the
people, and loved the people, even when they were sinful. God was faithful, and today the
promise is fulfilled.

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