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Social Media Analysis

Assignment: Social Media Analysis

ENG 3100, Fall 2016
September 15, 2016
As weve discussed multiple times throughout this semester, technology plays a vital role in effective
communication. And while weve often grappled with writing itself as a technology, more frequently we think of
writing technologies as the tools that mediate communication. In the past ten years, very few tools have
influenced writing as much as networked communication platforms and social media. Toward that end, this
assignment will ask you to compose an informal report about a social media platform of your choice.
Your Task
For this project, you will be investigating and analyzing a social media platform. Imagine that the company you
are working for (you can invent a particular scenario related to your field if you desire) has decided to create an
online presence so that its stakeholders and clients can more effectively track the activities and values of the
company. Your immediate supervisor is head of the web content department and has asked you to select a
platform that you feel would best allow the company to express itself online. In doing so he also asks you to
create a document that analyzes and argues that your company should pursue the platform you have chosen:

Who is/are the primary audience(s) that engage with this platform? What kinds of content are typically
created in this space? (Memes, longform articles, images, charts, videos?)
How does this platform market itself? How does it officially define its role?
What are some effective strategies that other companies/associations/organizations are already using on
this platform? (In other words, what is the competition doing? What are major organizations already
posting in these places?)
What are some guidelines for effective etiquette that the company should follow when attempting to
effective engage its audience? (In other words, what are the rules that you should follow to be a
respected participant on this social media platform?)
Submit a Reflective Memo (see guidelines below)

Reflective Memo (minimum of one page)

In this memo, you will be responsible for addressing the typical considerations of audience and purpose. In
addition, though, I will also ask you to do the following:
o Discuss your choice of social media platform: Why did you choose it? Why is it relevant?
o Discuss how you chose to format your informal report? Why did you design it the way that you
did? How might you revise it to be more effective?
o How did you address your audience and purpose?
o What rhetorical decisions did you make to justify your selection of a social media platform and
convince your supervisor that it is wise to pursue that platform?
For this report, you will be asked to make some decisions about how you would choose to format your final text.
Often you may be called upon to investigate certain options and report to a supervisor in a less formal manner,
and while we will be exploring the format of formal proposals and reports later this semester, you will also need
to develop an awareness of how you might effectively convey information when not provided with a template to
follow. As a result, a part of this project is evaluated on the basis of how you justify the format youve chosen
(which you should explicitly do within the reflective memo). Feel free to use examples or templates from the
book, but this does not excuse you from justifying your choices. However, the following general guidelines
should be followed.
Your informal report should be no less than two pages single-spaced. Block formatting is allowed (blank
lines between paragraphs)
The report should be presented in a professional font, no larger than 12pt and no smaller than 10pt

Social Media Analysis

Select a social media platform that you feel would be ideal for a company (you can invent a particular
company if you like). You must be able to justify why this platform can be used for professional
purposes (which is why Yik Yak may not be the best choice). Examples of social media platforms
include (but are not limited to):
o Facebook
o Instagram
o Snapchat
o Reddit
o Ello
o Pinterest
Analyze that platform
o What kind of content is posted there?
o What are the rules of etiquette in place?
Compose an informal report intended for your supervisor that advocates for your platform and presents a
list of guidelines for effectively engaging an audience in that online space.
o You must choose how you will format and present this report and then
create a Reflective Memo that describes your rationale. In other words, explain to me (the instructor)
why you chose your particular platform and how you chose to organize the informal report.
Due Dates
Draft One:
Final Draft:
Portfolio Draft:

Tuesday, September 22
Due in Print and Digital Form for Conferences 9/27-9/29
Due with ePortfolio; December 5, by midnight

Social Media Analysis

Assignment Assessment Rubric

Does the writer convey a clear
understanding of the audience in
the report?
Does the reader get a clear idea
of how the social media platform
functions? Does the reader
receive guidelines on how to
effectively communicate with
that platform?
O rganization:
Is the information organized in an
effective manner for its purpose?
How did the writer choose to
format the informal report?
Was a direct approach effectively
Was an indirect approach
effectively used?
Me chanics and Tone:
Is the document free of
mechanical errors or problems?
Are unnecessary words
eliminated and is parallel
structure used?
Is the tone of the report
appropriate for its purpose and
Me mo:
Does the memo effectively
describe the rationale for
choosing the particular social
media platform?
Does the memo explicitly discuss
and explain your rationale for
how you formatted the informal
Does the memo specify the
audience you targeted and
describe some characteristics of
that audience?
Does the memo describe the
choices you made to effectively
target your report for its

Needs Work



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