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The first theories is piaget,

he believe that children
use cognitive domain to
develop their mind to

Bruce, T. (2001). Learning through play:


Babies, Toddlers and the foundation


think, by remove the cube

and put it in other cube

Moyer, J. M., & Sinclair, A. J. (2016). Stoking

the Dialogue on the Domains of
Transformative Learning Theory: Insights
From Research With Faith-Based

The second theories is

Vygotsky, he believed that

Organizations in Kenya. Adult Education

Quarterly: A Journal Of Research And

Theory, 66(1), 39-56

Talking is necessary to
clarify important points

Pound, L. (2005). How children learn

but also that talking with

Others helps us to learn
more about communication
Such as, when children

Writer, Contributing. "How To Classify Living

Organisms | Ehow". eHow. N.p., 2016. Web. 12
Oct. 2016.

helps other to combine the

Name: Meera Nasir


Ms.Mona Alsuwaidi

ID: H00298116


Toy Description:

The age appropriateness:

How to play the puzzles:

My toy it's simple and not heavy. It

made of cubes and pictures to attract
children. in each side there are 4 pictures in
the cubes and children have to combine.

Children from 3 to 5 years

old because they can think and
And understand each other.

First,there is a cubes and pictures

Then I will open the cubes for

the children to guess which

animals it is, next they will try


To combine the animals and

children should build it

Cognitive: its encourages flexible thinking so

It will help Child by use their mind to create the


puzzles. (Tina Bruce)

Type of play:

Physical: Children use their fine motor to use

Puzzles make children thinking a lot

their fingers to move the puzzles and build it.

and talk to each develop

Cooperative play: Because children in this

Linguistic: They talk with others to know how

their relationship with other children

toy should play together in groups to

to build and match the pictures.

So they will know new things that they can

talk and help other to play puzzles.


help them to solve the puzzles.

When they will play together

they will feel like they love other and will help
to find the right picture

Creativity and Imagination: They imagine to

to Change the head of animals to be a different
and be other animal.

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