Rhesus Isoimmunisation & HDN Quiz

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Rhesus Isoimmunisation & Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Quiz

a) What must occur for Rhesus Isoimmunization to develop in pregnancy? (3

1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________

b) What events during pregnancy can expose maternal circulation to fetal

blood cells? (4 marks)
1) ____________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________________________________
c) Explain the principle of the Indirect Coombs test (3 marks) and state
the titre range which is the critical threshold for fetal hemolysis. (2
d) What drug can be used to prevent Rhesus sensitization (2 marks), give
1 reason it should it be administered during pregnancy (1 mark) and
state how it works (1 mark)?
e) What are 4 complications which occur in Hemolytic Disease of the
Newborn secondary to Rhesus Isoimmunisation? (4 marks)


a) (1) Fetus must have Rh-positive erythrocytes and mother must have Rh-negative erythrocytes.
(2) Fetal erythrocytes must enter maternal circulation.

(3) Mother must be able to produce antibodies against the D antigen.

b) Fetomaternal hemorrhage with ectopic pregnancy or abortion, chorionic villus

sampling, amniocentesis, external cephalic version, significant antepartum bleeding,
molar pregnancy (complete mole controversial), blunt abdominal trauma, fetal death
in the second or third trimester, or multifetal reduction.
c) 1:32 or 1:16

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