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10th Grade Language Arts

Poudre High School

Ms. Nickless
Contact Information:

Office Hours: M/W 10:30-12:30

Ms. Amanda Nickless
Office: (888)-888-8888
Room: 200
Welcome to our tenth grade Language Arts class! This course has two primary goals. The
first is to prepare us to be successful in the professional world through the mastery of
reading, writing and speaking skills. The second is to promote exploration, expression and
enjoyment of reading, writing and speaking. It is my hope, that by working through a
variety of stories, speeches, poems, blogs, and novels, we can achieve these goals. Our core
texts this year will include, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Animal Farm by George
Orwell, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In addition to these texts, you will be
able to pick one personal novel to interact with throughout each semester. We will be
exploring ourselves as writers through many different genres, and will be consistently
practicing effective writing techniques and rules.
I am a dedicated believer in the concept of growth mindset, for both myself and my
students. Growth mindset means that mastery is based off of perseverance and dedication.
I encourage my students to take risks in the classroom and I understand that mistakes are
part of learning. I hope to create a safe and supportive community that allows us to take
these risks. I expect all students to help in building this community by demonstrating
respect and empathy.

All novels and reading material may be checked out from the school library.
Students will need to bring the same notebook to class every day along with a writing

Sticky notes and highlighters are highly encouraged.

Behavior Expectations

1) You are free to do anything that does not interfere with the learning or teaching of any
individual in the classroom (this includes yourself)
* Disrespectful or otherwise hurtful comments or behavior will not be tolerated. We are
all responsible for creating a safe community.
Cell Phones
I understand that cell phones can be difficult to put away for all of us. However,
ultimately they detract from the classroom community and learning environment. The
only time I will permit cell phones in the classroom is during work time. I will be clear
when students can pull out their phones. If a cell phone is repeatedly an issue within the
classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate the phone.
90-100 A
80-90 . B
70-80 . C
60-70 .. D
Below 60 . F
Semester Portfolios . 40%
Essays/Creative Writing .. 20%
Unit Assignments .. 20%
Professional Behaviors .. 15%
Homework/ Reading at Home . 5%
Professional behaviors is the grade I will assign you based on how well you uphold my one
behavior expectation. It consists of arriving on time and prepared, respecting peers,

leaving phone out of sight, and contributing thoughtfully in class. I will give you a more
detailed rubric with these details in class.
Your grades will be posted weekly online. Please check them often so that you can let me
know any questions or concerns. In addition to posting grades, I will conference with you
as often as I can about your progress in the course.
Attendance/Make-Up Work
Excused Absences: In accordance with District policy, you will be given two days to turn
in any assignments from an excused absence.
Unexcused Absences: See Late-Work policy
Tardies: Several unexcused tardies will first result in a drop in your Professional
Behaviors grade. If the tardies continue to occur consistently, a meeting with parents or
school administrators will be arranged.
I accept late work for 60% of the credit no matter how late it is turned in.
Each student will be allowed two flex days each semester. Each flex day is an extra day
you may use to complete an assignment without penalty.
Rules of the Flex Days:
1) You must notify me when you are using a flex day so that I dont deduct points
2) If you use a flex day for an assignment due Friday, you may turn the assignment in on
Monday if you use one flex day, or Tuesday if you use two flex days
3) If you have unused flex days at the end of the semester, they will turn into extra credit
points and will be added to any low scores
4) You may use flex days to turn in work from an unexcused absence
5) You may not use flex days on any assessments (in-class tests or quizzes)

Please detach and sign this portion of the syllabus.

I have read and understood the expectations in this class.





-----------------------------------(Printed Name)

Please write parent contact info here:


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