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Explorer Study

Date of birth:_______________

Explorers Name:_______________________________

Place of birth:___________________________

Date of

How old was he when he died?__________________
When did the exploration take place?
How many voyages were taken?

What countries and people sponsored the


Where did the exploration take place? Were

there more than 1 place? Did they travel on
foot, boat, horse? What important events
happened on the trips?

Why did the exploration take place? (for

gold, glory, religious reasons, etc.?) What
made this person famous?

Interesting fact(s)

Impact of Exploration (Paragraph for Mobile)

Recopy this paragraph on 5 x 7 index card. Fill in the blanks with information about
your explorer.
___________________________________________ was an explorer who made a great impact on the
world. In the year(s) __________________________, he
One result of __________________________________s exploration was
__________________________________________________________________________. Another result was

If ___________________________________________ had not explored as he did, it is possible that

What I learned from studying about _______________________________________________ is that

Sample Paragraph

Christopher Columbus was an explorer who made a great impact on the world. In the
year 1492, he became the first explorer to reach the islands near the continent of
America although he thought he had reached Asia. One result of Columbus exploration
was that a new continent had been found. Another result was that Spain now had access
to a whole new empire in the New World. If Columbus had not explored as he did, it is
possible that many years would have passed before anyone attempted to sail west to
find a route to the East. What I learned from studying about Columbus is that to be an
explorer, you have to be willing to take risks and believe in yourself even if no one else
Note: When you finish, you must proofread for spelling and grammar. I expect everything to be
spelled correctly. Use your resource books and dictionaries to help you.

Additional Notes:

Resources I Used:

One web site that may be useful in research is:
Sample of what the mobile should look like:

Christopher Columbus
Born: 2010 Died: 2013 XX years old



Christopher Columbus took X voyages to

Christopher Columbus sailed primarily to the

explore . During the years .. to ..

islands of . During his many trips.

Who Helped


Christopher Columbus was sponsored by the

Christopher Columbus promised 3 things to his

.. of .

sponsors He would get .


Voyage Map

Interesting Fact(s) He had ..

Columbus Impact (rewrite paragraph)

Bibliography (where you got your information) example

Web site:
Text Book: Americas Story, pages .

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