Huma Civic Engagiment

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Emily Dibble
November 14, 2016
Civic Engagement pre-reflection
Civic engagement provides participants with the opportunity to make difference in the
civic life of our communities. By Engaging in our communities, not only are we making
difference in others life in need, but also developing combination of knowledge and skills. Im
anticipating that my time and experience at Catholic Community service will bring me close to
understanding, how the individuals using the services benefit from it.
I hope to learn how the people using the Catholic Community service end up in the living
condition they live in. I hope to learn the kind service the catholic community organization
provides to its clients. By engaging in this activity I hope to learn the impact of this social
movement to our culture in fighting the issue of homelessness. Upon completing this assignment,
I will be able to think critically regarding current issues facing our communities. And ways the
rest of us can show support and contribute to our fellow citizens struggling with life and the
society over all.

Civic Engagement Post reflection

For my civic Engagement assignment, I decided to volunteer my time at the Catholic
Community Service homeless day Center. I completed this activity November 11, 2016 between
12:30 and 16:00. While at the Catholic Community Services, I helped out with the front desk
duties. This included checking clients in an out and providing them with whatever item they
requested. To gain more information regarding the organization and its impact on its client, I
spoke to Bethany one of the employees at the Catholic Community Services homeless day
center. Bethany who has been working with Catholic Community Service for two years, was
kind enough to provide me with more details regarding the organization. The Catholic
Community Services is none profit organization whose mission is to practice gospel values of
love, compassion and hope through service, support and collaboration. The catholic community
services facility operates on day time bases and, provides variety of services to individuals
working to get back on their feet. Some of these services includes helping on resumes, job
searches, day shelter, computer training, hygiene supplies, showers, laundry, clothing and more.
For me Civic engagement is a way of keeping up with the community and keeps me
actively involved in the community. By engaging in civic activities, I help to shape my
communitys future. By civically engaging in my community, it helps me to appreciate the things
I have in life, for there is people who has it worst. This assignment helped me to be civically
engaged by giving me the opportunity to work closely with the people who have committed to
improving the lives of others. Civic engagement gives me a sense of being active citizen in the
community. I did enjoy my time and experience at the Catholic Community homeless day center.
And would certainly consider participating again. First this experience made me felt like I was
making difference in the community. Secondly I learned about the struggle of being homeless
and the impact organization like Catholic Community serves, have on these individuals. And
thirdly, through this short experience, I discovered that I possessed social work values.
This assignment relates to Christianity, Happiness, and the good like life theme studied
in Humanities course. According to Christianity, one can achieve their happiness through
integrity of serving others. We all gods children and we should put the responsibility of helping
other and show hope, upon us. similarly, happiness in the Christian tradition is also understood
to be more of a consequent result than a direct goal (Meconi,938). When serving others
according to Christian tradition, one should expect nothing in return. This guarantees us the true

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