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Kalynn Wollard

CIED 1003
August 23, 2016
Goal Statement: Due 8/26/16

After carefully reading the course content, syllabus, course manual and other
documents on Blackboard, I was very eager to start this course. My past experience with
technology in and out of the classroom has not been the greatest. I am most excited about
learning how to properly use and inform others on different technologies that can help engage
us in learning. I think there are many sites and tools I am unaware of on the computer that will
be very beneficial for me to learn how to navigate. My goal is to perform well and score and A
in this class and learn very important tools and tactics to better my learning. I think it is
important for students to be engaged in learning on any level of education and want to better
my knowledge of these tools.
My only concern with the course content is excel. I have had difficulty working in Excel
in the past, the software and rules on how to use Excel is just something that has never clicked
well with my brain. But I do believe this course can help me better understand excel and all it
has to offer, so this does excite me as well.
I am not quite sure what career path and profession I will be entering. But my major is
Communications with a minor in Sustainability. I have considered extending my education and

pursuing a career in teaching. I think I would teach Speech or History in the high school to
college level. But in my major the technology tools we use are mainly: Microsoft PowerPoint,
Office, PDF, Ted Talks and class activities that get students engaged and talking with one
another. I have worked in excel in one class, but I did not end up doing the best with that
specific tool. I know these are all not very unusual and broad tools, but that is why I am taking
this course. I am eager and ready to learn of all the tools in which I can use to better my
learning experience and possibly others in the future.

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