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Dawit Aboye

Ms. Pinon
September 30,2016

Personal Insight Question

Question #6 - Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has
influenced you?
I like the quote to start it off! Nice touch!
Force is necessary to start motion, but it is not required to keep an object in
motion. Those were one of the first words that came out of my Physics teacher, and I
have fell in love with Physics since. The thought of knowing why everything moves and
acts the way it does is something that has always intrigued me, but I didnt a chance to
have a deeper understanding and thinking of it until I took a Physics class. Physics is in
our everyday lives in every way possible from the houses we live in, to the cars we
drive, to the smartphones we use, and being the most basic and fundamental of all the
sciences, it makes it the most important and impactful which is why its so interesting.
By the time I finished taking this class, I had so much more questions than answers
which is one of the reasons this subject is so exciting, no matter how much you learn,
there will always be more to learn and discover.
I took Physics the first semester of my junior year, but I got into it so much that I
decided to also take the AP Physics course that was offered the next semester. This

Physics course has not only gave me an interest in this subject specifically, but it has
helped expand my interest in science and math in general. I also think it has had a
significant impact in helping me decide what I want to study and be in the future. I had
ideas of becoming an engineer before, but after I took this class, there is no doubt that
thats the route I want to take these next couple of years. I plan on graduating from a
university with a degree in an engineering and pursue that career path, this class has a
major role in that decision because it is one of the reasons I have opened my eyes to

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