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Thomas 1

Haylee Thomas
Mrs. Crist
25 October 2016
English 4
Essential Question: What are the types of child abuse ?
Working thesis: Physical, mental and emotional abuse are the types of abuse that children suffer
Refined thesis: Children get taken away from their families because of emotional, physical and
sexual abuse.

Annotated Bibliography
Prevent Child Abuse America. "The Incidence of Child Abuse Is Increasing." Child Abuse. Ed.
Lucinda Almond. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Current Controversies.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
In this article it talks about what the different ways children suffer from child abuse. The
number one way kids suffer from abuse is because of substance abuse. The article explains that if
a child does not have a parent or parents to take care of them then that leaves them with a higher
chance of engaging in bad behavior. The article also says the although child fatalities are not all
that common they have risen in the past eleven years. Lastly the article shows that child abuse is
rising at a steady rate. I am choosing to use this article because it goes over how kids suffer from
abuse and how it is rising every year.

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information. "Child Abuse in the United

Thomas 2
States Is a Serious Problem." Child Abuse. Ed. Lucinda Almond. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press, 2006. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web.
25 Oct. 2016.
In this article it states that a lot of child abuse fatalities are not recorded in many states.
Children under the age of four in 2002 took up 76 percent of child fatalities. The article explains
who the usual abusers are when a child suffers from child abuse. In 2002, 79 percent of child
abuse came from one or both parents of the child. In the article it says that there is not a specific
profile for a perpetrator who is an abuser. In studies that were taken in this article it shows that
perpetrators were usually in their early 20s. I chose to use this article because it goes over certain
thing i want to look into
"What Is Child Abuse." Childhelp Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
In this article it goes over every type of child abuse that children go through. It explains
what physical abuse is, the signs of abuse and what can come out of it. It also explains how it is
like for a kid to go through sexual abuse. It lists what is considered sexual abuse for children and
the signs that can be shown. The last type of abuse that the article goes over is emotional abuse.
It lists how emotional abuse can be shown and what the child can suffer from when they go
through emotional abuse. I chose to use this article because it goes in depth of each type of

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