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Part I: Identification of Learning Problem

By Valerie Morris
Target Audience
5th grade students in the Nevils Elementary Stem Lab. (Collaboration with Shelly
Shuman, STEM Instructor)
Learning Problem
Most elementary age children are experiencing the internet for the first time.
Unfortunately, that can lead to inappropriate and sometimes dangerous behavior.
To correct the learning problem, my goal is to design an online module dedicated to
teaching young students about digital citizenship. Afterward the students will know about
Password safety, internet safety, citing sources, cyberbullying, and email etiquette.

Part 2: Learner Analysis

1. Introduction
The students who are participating in the study is a group of 25 5th graders at Nevils
Elementary School. The group is comprised of 13 female students and 12 male students. 22 of
the students are Caucasian, 2 are African American, and 1 is Hispanic. 5 of them are identified as
gifted, and 5 of them have a learning disability. However, they all need to learn about digital
citizenship and online etiquette.
2. Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge
These students have been exposed to a variety of technological experiences. The STEM
lab at Nevils uses 3D printing, Minecraft, online circuit board modules, kodu, google slides, and
many other types of technology. The students all have various comfort levels with the
technology, but they have all been exposed quite a bit to it. However, their knowledge of digital
citizenship is fairly low, and it is not uncommon for them to get reprimanded for inappropriate
online behavior. (Usually silly emails that can be borderline offensive)
3. Attitudes Toward Content & Academic Motivation
My target group of 25 students shows varying levels of attitude towards academics.
However, they are generally excited to go to the computer lab and work on projects. Keeping
them on task for a full class session can be a challenge, but hopefully this unit will provide them
with a little more knowledge about how to behave online.
4. Educational Ability Levels
5 of them are identified as gifted, and 5 of them have a learning disability. The students
who have a learning disability do have modifications and academic support.

5. General Learning Preferences

When questioned, 92% of the students responded that they prefer to do their work on
computers as opposed to on paper. Also, 84% stated that they prefer working in groups as
opposed to solo work.
6. Attitude Toward Education in General
Overall the student motivation is pretty high when the students are in the STEM lab.
Some of the students definitely stay more focused throughout the lesson than others, but for the
most part they do a great job.
7. Group Characteristics (including social characteristics and relevant cultural
The students who are participating in the study is a group of 25 5th graders at Nevils
Elementary School. The group is comprised of 13 female students and 12 male students. 22 of
the students are Caucasian, 2 are African American, and 1 is Hispanic. 5 of them are identified as
gifted, and 5 of them have a learning disability. The students who have a learning disability do
have modifications and academic support.

Task Outline:
1. Complete password safety etiquette lesson
1.1 Read through resources 1-3.
1.1.1 Watch all accompanying videos
1.2 Complete Activities 1-3.
2. Complete internet safety lesson
2.1 Read through resources 1-3.
2.1.1 Watch all accompanying videos
2.2 Complete Activities 1-3.
3. Complete citing sources lesson
3.1 Read through resources 1-3.
3.1.1 Watch all accompanying videos
3.2 Complete Activities 1-3.
4. Complete cyberbullying lesson
4.1 Read through resources 1-3.
4.1.1 Watch all accompanying videos
4.2 Complete Activities 1-3.
5. Complete email etiquette lesson
5.1 Read through resources 1-3.
5.1.1 Watch all accompanying videos
5.2 Complete Activities 1-3.

6. Create an google doc on digital citizenship

6.1 Create an google doc
6.1.1 Include a section for all 5 course topics
6.2 Share the google doc with the teacher
6.2.1 Assignment will be graded by rubric

UDL Differentiation for Assessments:

Lesson 1:
Multiple means of representation:
Learners may either play a game or watch a video to learn the material.
Lesson 2:
Multiple means of engagement: Learners are accessing multiple websites, and collaborating with
their peers in small group discussions.
Lesson 3:
Multiple means of engagement:
Students can play a game or watch a video to learn the material.
Lesson 4:
Multiple means of engagement: Learners are both watching a video and completing a written
analysis of the topic.
Lesson 5:
Multiple means of engagement: Learners are viewing a video and conducting a written analysis
on a google doc.
Lesson 6:
Multiple means of representation: Learners are compiling all of their information into one google
doc that will encompass all of the lessons.

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