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Central Panther Press

October 2016
Volume 4, Issue 1

Rachels Challenge

Rachels Challenge
By Miss I. Wright

On April 20, 1999, Rachel Joy Scott

was shot in the temple by Eric David
Harris while eating lunch with her
friend, Richard Castaldo. Rachel Joy
Scott was an American student and the
first murder victim of the Columbine
High School massacre, which claimed
the lives of 12 other students and a
teacher. A sister, best friend, and
daughter were lost. Her parents later
discovered that Rachel often drew and
wrote about kindness. Days after her
death, many told of how nice and kind
Rachel Joy Scott was. Rachel once said
These hands belong to Rachel Joy
Scott and will someday touch millions
of peoples hearts., and they did.
Heres what the Central Family thinks
Nuola, Grade 6: Be helpful and stop a
bully when you see one.
Tamia, Grade 6: Donate food and

Hope, Grade 6: If Rachel was

still alive she would be nice to
Carlene, Grade 6: If Rachel was
still alive, I think she would be
a motivational speaker.
Tadhg, Grade 7: Rachel's
Challenge is inspiring.
Makenzie, Grade 8: Emotional
Caitlin, Grade 8: Important
Caroline, Grade 8: Great
Mrs. Sparks: I hope you take it
to your heart, its a really good
Larry Scott: Dare to dream for
your life, never give up.

I have this theory that if one person will go out of

their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain
reaction of the same. -Rachel Joy Scott

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Do You Want To Make Your School A Better
Place and Spread Kindness?
Then join Friends of Rachel (FOR Club).
Friends of Rachel is a service club that again
makes the school a better place and has people
spread kindness. Friends of Rachel is not just a
service club its a club that is determined to do
what Rachel Joy Scott did to make her school a
better place. As you know, Rachel was shot and
killed at her school, Columbine High School on
April 20, 1999, and she was a wonderful and kind
person. She made our world a better place. So she
did so many helpful and kind things to make her
school a better place, I cant even name all of
them. She gave a tour to new people who were
scared and nervous on their first day. She sat by a
person who was alone and brought her friends.
She stood up to bullies for other people. She did
many nice things and changed the world. So the
FOR club is a club that wants to make the world
and our school a better place. Please join! It is a
great and providable club and we also need more
BY: Aliyah Polk

A Q. And A. with Ms.Hojek

by:Sarah Beyer
Q.Why did you become a teacher??
A.I have always loved teaching and I
would always love to play school with my
neighborhood friends. My aunt was a
teacher and she took me to her job all the
time. I had very influential teachers and I
wanted to be one myself one day.
Q.How long have you been teaching??
A.Ive been in the district for 7 years, but
Ive been teaching full time for 5 years.
Q.If you werent a teacher what would you
A.I would love to be an interior designer,
or I could design restaurants.
Q.What schools did you teach at before
A.I taught at Hinsdale Middle School for
student teaching, and I taught at Burr
Ridge, Northeast, and Southeast.
Q.What highschool did you go to??
A.I went to Lockport Township High

Interview with Mrs.Telander

By Grace Leonard
Q: When did you first start teaching at CMS?
A: Last year in August
Q: Is it hard to remember names for every class?
A:Except for Gabby who is Abby, I felt I remembered names by the end of the first week.
Q: What are some fun things you are looking forward to this year?
A: I am most looking forward to the Minute to Win it Competition and more technology in Math
Q:What are some things you want students coming into your class to know?
A:They will have to work hard in math but all it takes is a positive attitude to be successful .

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Happy Halloween!!

By:Makenzie Telstad
Many of you may know what
Halloween is. Well, you may think you do. Lets talk about
what Halloween really means and what it is really about. It
is about superstitions and celebrations. It is thought to have
originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. This is
when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward
off roaming ghosts. It isnt all about candy. This holiday is
also known for people to have bad luck due to the
superstitions that have gone around, such as the night where
crazy adults come out, when you go outside and you will
apparently see ghosts standing by cemeteries (according to
sites about paranormal activity, the St.Mary Cemetery by 81st
has a ghost near it at nighttime). Theres too many
superstitions or myths to count. Even though we all know this
holiday to be when we all dress up and get free candy, thats
not what its all about. It is kind of like Christmas, how
theres background behind it
and it isnt just about the candy you get or the presents you
get. Its about why we celebrate these Holidays.

Lets talk about how the candy

thing originally happened. It didnt
originally involve passing candy out
until it became popular in the
1950s. The passing out tradition
started as a cake thing. Pretty much in the 40s and 50s
instead of getting candy they would get cake, people gave out
toys, and other fun things but it started to cost a little too
much. Candy companies saw the perfect opportunity to make
major candy sales. People started buying candy in attempt to
save money, and it has been like that since about the 50s and
So as you may see, Halloween is about many other things
that we dont focus on but we should start to focus on
anyways, Halloween is not just about the children, Halloween
is not just a random candy holiday. On Halloween, try to
celebrate the true meaning of Halloween. Try to appreciate
what it really means, itll lose all purpose sooner or later if we
keep forgetting its meaning and purpose.

5 Facts About Halloween

BY: Hannah McMahon

Jack-O-Lanterns were originally made from turnips.

Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.
About 350 million dollars are spent on pet costumes each year.
More families in the midwest hand out candy than in any other region.
Candy Corn is the most disliked candy for Halloween, so if you get any throw it out or give it to
Mrs. Kelly.

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween Candy Statistics

By Grace Beyer
Every year, Americans together tend to spend nearly 2
on just Halloween candy alone.
Six hundred million(600,000) pounds of candy are sold, just during the Halloween season. Thats
equal to 158 trillion individual candy corn pieces.
The top selling candy during Halloween is candy corn. Surprising right?
The top selling chocolate are Snickers first, Reeses second, Kit Kats, and then M&Ms.
October 28 takes the lead in highest candy sales. The top 5 highest spending days are all in October.
Every state has a favorite when it comes to Halloween candy. Illinois is Snickers, California is Life
Savers, and Wisconsin is Laffy Taffy, just to name a few.

Scary Myths and Legends

By: Caitlin Nunez
#1 How Halloween started:
Originally Halloween started off as people all around the
world wearing costumes in attempt to hide from monsters
and other scary creatures. People in the 1800 were told
that every October 31, monsters would haunt you if you
couldnt find a way to hide from them.
#2: The Apple:
In Pennsylvania, there was this one guy that never loved
Halloween because everyone would play pranks on him, he
never even liked candy, or pumpkins .The only thing he really
liked were apples.. When the boy died he was seen as a
ghost. Since apples were his favorite food, people left
apples by their doorstep. If people didnt have apples by
their doorstep, the ghost of this boy would haunt them
until next Halloween time.
#3 The Myth of Garlic
If you put garlic on your doorstep its supposed to keep
vampires away, because of the strong smell. This was
formed in 1897 by a book author named Bram Stoker. He
created this myth by using the logic that mosquitoes suck
blood as do vampires. Garlic was known insect repellent
towards vampires..

# 1 Dracula
Dracula is a very famous and well known vampire that was
created in the 18th century. He was based off other
vampires that originated in the 17th and 18th century.
Dracula was known as the best blood-sucking vampire that
was undead.
#2 Frankenstein
This monster was created by Victor Frankenstein with
electricity. This monster was the creation of an unorthodox
science experiment, that is told in the book made by Mary
Shelley. Its alive cried Victor when his experiment came
to life.
#3 Bloody Mary:
Bloody Marys original name was Mary Weatherby. She died
from her husband stabbing her to her death. Now, if you say
her name 3 times in a dark room her mutilated face will
appear in the mirror and chase you around with a bloody
Dont forget that myths and legends are just thatUntrue!

Halloween Maze

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Authors Among us
The Coffee Shop
By Jasmine Green
There was a Lady named Nevada that owned a
Coffee shop, and she was the sweetest person in the
world. She greeted her customers at the door and
smiled no matter how good or bad her day was.
Nevada never looked at things on the bad side. She
was always a positive influence to everyone. On the
other hand, there was a lady named Tina that owned
a coffee shop, as well, and she was the opposite of
Nevada. So one day, Tina came over to Nevadas
coffee shop and she was furious. The reason why she
was furious is because Nevada had a coffee shop that
was full of people and she didnt. She also was just a
trouble-maker. So she walked into the shop and
started talking about how her coffee shop was better
than Nevada. So, they made an arrangement and they
said that they were going to have a competition and
see how many people come to each shop. Well
Done, said Tina.
Then,she ran out of Nevadas coffee shop. Nevada
thought of something clever and called up a friend of
hers named Lavern. She asked Lavern if she her
husband George and their kids Jasmine,Devin,and
Freddie to come also. The next thing she knew, they
were already pulling up

and getting out of their truck. Then Nevada told them

the plan, Ok, Jasmine will make a creative/beautiful
sign so that people will come here and not there. She
pointed towards Tinas coffee shop. Devin will
impress our customers with his dance moves,and
Freddie will tell jokes and do tricks just to get people
laughing, and you guys(Lavern and George) will help
me make coffee. Everyone got to their jobs very
quickly and soon enough, people were drinking down
and stuffing down donuts. Everyone was entertained
with what the three
kids were doing and
how creative the
coffee shop was.
When they all
looked over at
Tinas shop and her
face was as red as
a tomato. Finally,
the day was over
and everyone pitched in to help clean up. Tina
thanked the family for their help. She even gave them
a dozen donuts and free coffee. They also thanked
Nevada for letting them help and that was very fun.

By Brendan Farrell
Bob wasnt your everyday kid he was... different he
did strange things like climb the Eiffel Tower with no
rope, found the lost city of gold and traveled through
time. But when Halloween came, he was like every
other kid dressing up,trick or treating, and bobbing for
apples. He had lots of fun except instead of eating his
candy he would just unwrap it and turn it into
sculptures of chocolate and leave them in his freezer,
so when his friends came they would all just devour it
like chocolate is supposed to be. But Bob never cared

because he thought they were happy because of the

beauty of his sculptures. So it went on like this until he
ran out of space in the freezer his family was
astonished because they thought they had eaten it all,
the family told Bob that the things in the cold cellar
were only wrappers, the family then followed up that
statement with a gag and a barf. There they were all
100,000 wrappers that the family had eaten, it was
insane! However, the statue pieces stayed together
and Bob told the family that the center of the statues
was chocolate not the outside. The family laughed and
went to bed (yeah the ending was pretty bad but I
didnt know where to go with the statue thing).

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Superhero School
By Aine Hynes
It was the last day of fifth grade for
Rachel, John, and Kenny and they were
dying to get outside to go to their secret
meeting spot, a treehouse in Johns yard, to
celebrate the start of summer and the
transition to middle school. When the bell
finally rang, the trio bolted to Johns yard,
only a couple blocks away, and ripped open
their report cards. They stared at them in
awe. A piece of paper proclaimed them to
be going to a school for superheroes . The
letters said, Congratulations, you
have been accepted to The School
For Superheroes. Here you will
receive your powers and the
heroes you will be a sidekick for.
When you graduate, you will
become a superhero with your own
new student sidekick. Go to your
usual bus stop at 9:45, the bus will
be coming at precisely 10:00.
Sincerely, The Principal.
We should ask our parents before we go
tomorrow, Rachel said.
We will, John and Kenny replied.
I hope we get to design our own suit,
Kenny said.
The kids went home to their houses and
received permission to go to superhero
school. The next morning they woke up,
packed their bags and went to the bus stop.
As promised, 15 minutes later a bus pulled
up and asked for them to climb aboard.
When they pulled up to the school, a boxy
gray building, they found that the boys
would be sharing a dorm room and that
Rachel would be by herself in a room down
the hall. They settled in and unpacked right
away. Then John and Kenny met Rachel to
go down to lunch. When they got to the
cafeteria they saw older kids with suits on
and kids their age looking scared and
anxious. After lunch the kids would decide
their superpowers and receive their hero
assignments based on their powers. Kenny
became Morph Boy, sidekick to
Metamorphosis. Rachel transformed into
Brain, sidekick to Mind Bender. And John
became Zoom, sidekick to...Noone?

Im Done With hiding

By: Olivia OKeefe
I, am deep within a solemn cave
I, a great goddess, in hiding
I, ashamed of myself
How the other gods and goddesses must
A war down below,
The earth shakes this very moment,
The goddess Nike is gone from Olympus.
Within a solemn cave I wait for the
war to be over
Waiting with my friend, Athena, the
goddess of war and battle strategy
Waiting is not my strong suit

Written by: Olivia

Mankowski-6th Grade
Chicken off the grill
Hearing all the thrill
Parades are filling up the streets
Hearing all the drums beats
Parties in the park
Hearing all the dogs barks
Picking up all the candy
Feeling pretty dandy
Fireworks are blowing up
Lots of people looking up
Feeling all the heat from the sun
Eating all the hotdogs and buns
Bonfires are glowing bright
Bright enough to light up the
People saying Happy 4th of July
Fireflies light up the sky
My candy is so sweet
Eating all the juicy meat
Relatives come near and far
Kids are hyper, yes they are.

I, Nike!
The goddess of victory
I have been cursed by Apollo,
I must speak in poetic verse
I must go with Athena
She is my trusted friend
But this decision,
This decision of hiding
I cannot cope with

Did you know?

Pokemon Go
By: Lori Wilson

I, Nike, break free

I can fly once more
I see the stars
I feel the grass

I will storm Olympus!

I will fight in the war
between the gods
Goodbye, Athena
Goodbye, caves
I will go and fight to victory
I fly to war
Chariots are overrated

Did you know that since the

release of Pokemon Go on
July 6, 2016 there has been
more than 50 million
A Texas university opened
their football stadium, and
within 2 hours the stadium
was filled with more than
There is a bus in New York that
people pay money to be taken
to stops, gyms, and to hatch
Two teenagers crossed the
US-Canada border while trying
to catch Pokemon
There are dating services where
people meet at Poke-stops
Have fun and be safe!

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

A Temporal Catastrophe
by Oliver Richmeier
In the peaceful town of Castle
Rock, Maine, a young boy by the name
of Howard rode his bicycle through the
streets as the beautifully colored leaves
fell from the trees. It was the beginning
of Autumn, and so the plain green
neighborhood suddenly became all
sorts of vivid colors. Though it was a bit
chilly, everyone was outside, save for
the working parents or the children who
somehow thought they could enjoy
themselves more indoors. How could
one resist the immense fun of jumping
into a giant pile of leaves or playing a
game like hide and seek or tag with the
entire block to run about?
Howard, while much taller and
stronger than most other kids of his
age, was very well-mannered. Very
rarely would you see him doing a bad
deed. Academically, he was quite
average. Troublemakers and tough
guys made up a good portion of his
school, so making friends was a bit of a
difficult thing for Howard. Most of the
schools students were not good friends
with Howard, and the ones that were
lived on the other side of town, across
unforgiving streets of heavy traffic. For
this reason, you could often spot
Howard biking through the streets
around his block and the ones
surrounding it.
Castle Rock felt more like a
community than just a town. Everyone
knew each other, even the kids, and
crime was a rare occurrence. Most
everyone loved to get outside, and
sadly, this was one of the last weeks
they could. Soon into this month, the
temperature would plummet. This was,
of course, very disappointing, so the
children tried to get out as much as
they could.
The urban legends surrounding
the neighborhood were mostly
developed by the children of the
schools. While nobody really believed
any of them, they were fun to tell
around to scare a friend or something
of the sort. One of the most popular
ones, mostly due to its absurdity, is

that one day, a nocturnal beast will take

a random childs parents. This is
supposed to be a warning sign that the
beast will return very soon to terrorize
the town.
After a brilliantly fun weekend,
Howard was ready to go back to
school. Howard didnt exactly like
school, but neither did anyone else.
Instead of looking at it as six cruel and
torturous hours of non-stop pain and
suffering, he looked at it as an
opportunity to prepare himself for the
real world. This real world was not the
most friendly of places, and Howard
knew this, as any mature child of his
age would, so he looked at school as
way of making sure he is ready for it.
Howard woke up to a strange
sight. His family usually all woke up at
the same time, so he was quite
surprised to see no one in the kitchen.
He considered the possibility that his
parents overslept. He poured himself a
nice bowl of Corn Chex and milk, trying
to get this anomaly off his mind. Before
he went off to school, Howard made
sure to check if his parents were still
sleeping. He opened the door, and saw
a large empty bed.
Howard walked to school, like
most kids did. Crime was quite seldom
in this town, so most parents felt safe
letting their children play outside alone.
Normally the walk to school is quite a
happy time for Howard. He got to walk
through his whole side of the town,
admiring its beauty. It was indeed a
beautiful town, especially after the
leaves have turned to bright colors.
But this time, all Howard had
on his mind were his parents. They
hadnt overslept, so maybe they had to
leave for something early in the
morning? Then again, youd think they
would have left a note or something to
tell him that. Maybe they went
somewhere late at night and had to
stay overnight? That means they could
be coming home soon. Yes, that had to
be it. Howards parents would be back

Central Panther Press

by the time he gets back. Still, it was

hard to think about anything else.
Jack was one of Howards only
good friends. Jack, like Howard, didnt
have many other friends, and, like
Howard, was quite saddened by the
fact that he lived on the opposite side of
town. So, during lunch, they always sat
Jack, what was that one
story? Something about a beast?
A beast?
Yeah, its a story that some
kids made up. About this town.
Oh! Yeah. The story was that
the beast would come and take a
childs parents.
Howard gulped.
Then the beast will return to
do even more terrible things.
It well, its not true, right?
Well, obviously its not true.
Anybody crazy enough to believe that
wouldnt be going to this school.
Right, right, obviously. Its just
that, um well, uh
Of course its not true, Howard
thought to himself. My parents will be
waiting for me there, and theyll be
happy to see me, and Ill be happy,
and the whole thing will be all over.
Hey, Jack?
I know you probably dont, but
do you know where that story came
from? Like, why people started saying
I mean, it was probably just
made up by some idiot who just wanted
attention, but I heard that some kid
came out of nowhere and just started
saying it, and that kid was never seen
That thats not true either,
Ha! It was probably made up
by the same ol idiot that made up the
Yeah yeah, youre right, its
not true.

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

A Temporal Catastrophe (continued)

by Oliver Richmeier
Something wrong?
Excuse me?
Is there something wrong?
The way youre talking, its just a little
too too
I dont know, it just sounds like
theres something wrong.
Does it? I mean, no, theres
nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all.
Of course, there was
something wrong. Howard knew it very
well, and so did Jack. On his way
home, Howard kept telling himself that
his parents would be waiting for him
there, and they will be happy to see
him, and he will be happy, and the
whole thing will be all over.
When he finally got home, he
excitedly ran to the door and rang the
doorbell. No response. OK, maybe they
just didnt hear it. Its alright, he has a
key with him, so he uses it to get into
the house.
Mom? Dad? Im home!
No reply. He looked around the
house, hoping that maybe theyd be
waiting somewhere to surprise him, but
to no avail.
He even went into the
basement, as creepy as it was down
Is anyone there?
He kept searching, even in
places he had searched before.
Is anyone there?!
He went outside to look around
in back. Nobody. He tried to search the
garage, but only his parents could open
it. He tried to tell himself that maybe
they are still driving home, but both of
their cars are right in front of his home.
Maybe they had to walk somewhere
early in the morning, but they would
have left him a note. Maybe, maybe,
No. He simply couldnt believe
it. He had run out of explanations. They
werent home. They werent anywhere
else. They hadnt ever left home after

night. They hadnt left home in the

Theyre gone.
The thought struck him like a
baseball bat, and it hurt like one, too.
He felt confusion, anger, and sadness
stronger than he had ever felt them
before. His mind was full of questions:
Where do I go first? What happened to
them? Why did it happen to them? Is it
all just a dream? Am I going insane?
This was one of those rare
occasions when you wouldnt see
Howard riding his bike. Outside, the
neighborhood was as alive as it ever
was, with children playing games block
after block after block. The town was
filled with happiness. There was a
pleasant breeze that added to the
coolness, though it was strangely warm
that day.
Howard walked over to the
local police station and explained his
situation. Two missing person reports
were filed, and one lollipop was given to
Howard, which he threw away
immediately. Normally, as he wasnt a
big fan of sweets, hed give it to Jack
the next day, but the mood was just not
As Howard got into bed, he
noticed a picture of him and his parents
together. His eyes suddenly filled with
tears, and he fell asleep filled with grief
and sorrow.
When Howard opened the door
to go outside the next morning, he was
greeted by a cool, cloudy day. He
slowly dragged his feet across the
ground. He was filled with sadness, and
he felt, in a way, guilty.
When he got to school, Howard
received terrible news. Four students
parents had disappeared! This struck
fear into Howards heart, and he finally
decided to admit what had happened to
him. More people heard this than he
had wished, and soon, the entire school
was talking about it.

The legend was true! The

students could hardly believe it.
Everyone was scared and excited, but
the victims were hurt. Nobody else
could understand the pain of not having
anyone to come home to. Naturally,
there was gossip about things like what
would the beast do next, who would be
the next victim, or if there would even
be a next victim.
Nobody played outside that
night. Everyone was terrified. Even the
tough guys were in their houses,
where they felt safe. Howard couldnt
sleep. He was scared for himself. He
was scared for the town. And most of
all, he was scared for the people who
were taken.
He woke up, not remembering
falling asleep. In fact, he couldnt
remember anything that had happened
the night before. He remembered
walking home from school, walking into
his house, and then nothing. What he
did remember, though, was a vision.
This vision consisted of the back of a
strange building with the letters CRRF
written on the walls. Howard had no
idea what this meant, and he tried not
to think about it much either, as he
believed that he involuntarily made this
place up in his mind. But why CRRF?
The letters didnt sound familiar to him,
and even if they did, he was convinced
that the place only existed in his head.
Of course, that didnt stop him from
thinking about it the entire walk to
When he got to school, he
received more news: the beast had
struck again, this time taking the
parents of seven students, one of them
being Howards best friend, Jack. This
was the topic of discussion at the lunch
Jack, do you remember
anything that happened that night?
Just think, Jack.
I dont, actually. I remember
walking home from school, but thats
about it.

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

A Temporal Catastrophe (continued)

by Oliver Richmeier
Are you sure thats all you
Yes. No. Yes- I dont know. I
think I remember some kind of building,
with some letters on the back of it, but I
cant quite-
Were the letters CRRF?
They yes, yes they were.
How did you know?
I had that same vision.
But how? I thought I was
Maybe we should ask if
anyone else saw it.
They did exactly that. After all,
this was a very mysterious situation,
and everyone was hungry for answers.
They asked everybody they knew, and
the only people who had this vision
were the people whose parents
disappeared. This, made the walk
home much more interesting.
Howards thoughts had
changed. Maybe this place was real.
Maybe this CRRF was where the
childrens parents were. If that was so,
why were they brought there? What
even goes on there? Or maybe the
place wasnt real. Maybe it was only
Howard who had this vision, and the
other kids just wanted attention. Nothat couldnt be it. With Jack, he already
said he had the vision of the building.
No, it had to be real. But why did they
see it? What made it so important?
Where was it?
Howard slept very well that
night. He usually doesnt remember his
dreams, but this one was different. In
this dream, he walked out of his house.
He started walking to school, but
instead, he walked right past it. This
was strange, as he had never seen the
other side of town in such detail, though
he had been over there in the past. In
the dream, there was no traffic at all, so
he freely walked throughout the town.
Instead of walking to Jacks house, he
took a turn somewhere in the middle,
and ended up climbing over some
fences that said no trespassing. This
was all very strange and

unsettling, as he had never

seen this part of town before. But what
was even more unsettling is where he
ended up: the back of a building, with
the letters CRRF on the wall. He
walked over to the front of the building,
his heart pounding, and just as he
opened the door, he heard the sound of
his alarm clock.
He remembered the path in
great detail. Instead of eating breakfast
that morning, he printed out a map of
his town and attempted to mark where
the building was, but in the place of the
building, there was a huge patch of
trees. In his dream, there were no trees
near the building, and on the map, the
trees looked quite out of place. He
decided that he would venture there
after school.
Howard talked with Jack at the
lunch table, and they discovered that
they both had that same dream last
night. And of everyone else they asked
about it, the only students who had that
dream were the students who had their
parents disappear. So they decided to
go there as a group after school.
This night, again, Howard had
another interesting dream. This one
started where the last one ended, with
Howard entering the facility. He saw the
same thing he saw when he entered
the facility in real life. This time,
however, there was no need to hurry.
So he entered the room labelled time.
In this room was a strange
machine. It had an oval shape, with
buttons on the sides, and it seemed to
have some sort of portal in the center.
Was it true? Had we finally found the
secret to time travel? Before he could
think about it too much, he involuntarily
walked up to the portal and pushed one
of its many buttons. Suddenly, the lost
parents came running into the room
through the portal. Just a Howard ran
up to hug his mother and father, he
heard the sound of his alarm clock.
There was not as much
discussion at the lunch table that day.

Everyone knew what they had

to do. After school, the 12 of them met
at the park, and without hesitation, took
out the documents found in the time
room. All had the same general idea:
Time travel had been achieved, and the
first experiment was to go to the past.
There was one paper, though, that was
different. This paper had the results of
the experiment, and was the last
document ever made on the
experiment. This is what it said:
Our experiment has proven to
be a catastrophic failure. The
experiment involved a camera which
we could track being sent into the
past. The machine was designed so
that, regardless of what time the
camera was in, we would be able to
control its course remotely from our
computers. However, this was not the
case. Once the machine started its
journey through time, any attempt to
stop it failed. It eventually did come to
a stop in a time we had never seen
before. In this time, previously fabled
beasts roamed the Earth. These
beasts, while very vicious, were quite
intelligent and had created a
civilization of their own. We have used
the camera to observe these
creatures. Our fear is that, if they
happen to find the portal, they will be
able to walk through it and come into
our time. These creatures are
gargantuan. We would have no
chance against even one of them if
they were to come through. We will be
working 24/7 to locate the portal in
time and shut it down.
This paper was written over a
year ago, and the time room was
vacant when they visited. The children
thought about this for a while, and they
eventually came to the conclusion that
the beasts had come back to our time.
This provided an explanation for the
disappearance for the childrens
parents. The only problem was that the
dream from the night before didnt
make any sense. Why would the
parents come out of the portal? So far,
every dream has perfectly depicted

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

A Temporal Catastrophe (continued)

by Oliver Richmeier
reality. Could this one be false? There
was only one way to find out.
Later that night, they ventured
to the building once more. This time,
strangely enough, they heard no sirens.
As they entered the building, they
entered the time room, where they saw
the portal that was in the dream. Just
like with every previous dream, they
remembered every little detail, and they
knew exactly which button to press.
What was unexpected though,
was what came out of the portal; it was
not the lost parents, but instead,

an army of beasts came rushing

through. They crashed through the
building and into the village. The
children hid behind some boxes in the
room. The beasts didnt seem to notice
them; they were so excited and fast,
and they kept coming through for what
seemed like forever.
The children knew very well
that they were witnessing the end of the
world. These beasts were far too big
and strong to be dealt with, and their
must have been hundreds of thousands
- maybe even millions - of

them. There was no way to fix

this unless they could - start over. That
was it. The portal was right there; it led
to a whole uninhabited world. It was the
only way.
The 12 children stepped
through the portal. Once the entered
the old world, they pushed every button
on the machine until the portal closed.
They looked around. The sky was a
bright blue, and the beautiful plains
seemed to stretch forever. These would
be the plains where the old world
became the new world and society
would start again.

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Hatsukoi Monster ( My First Love
Monster )
By: Marion Isaac
What if all your life you
lived a sheltered life, and wanted to
be free? Meet people outside the
home you were raised in? Go to
School instead of homeschooled
with tutors who were only after your
parents money? Then when your
parents allow you to be free, you
move into a house full of people to
connect to, and you meet a
mysterious stranger. Follow 9th
Grade Kaho Nikaido as she falls in
love with the mysterious strange
boy. Kaho has a lot of surprises in
store for her when she discovers
her knight-in-shining armor-- is in
fifth grade.
I give this anime 5 stars. It
was extremely funny and gets you
on the edge of your seat with its
amazing endings. It explains so
much from two different standpoints
on love, which is a childs point of
view to a high schoolers or middle
schoolers. Kaho and Kanade have
many bumps and bruises from their
relationship, (mostly Kaho) but they
always try to make things work.
Even in the roughest situations
there is always an outcome that the
watcher/reader will enjoy.

A Wrinkle In Time
By: Ryan OMalley
A Wrinkle In Time is about a
young girl named Meg. Her father
is a government scientist, and has
gone missing. He was working on
a mysterious project called a
tesseract before he disappeared.
Meg goes to find her dad and
meets many new friends along the
way who help her. Meg has to go
on adventures to different planets
including the dark planet of
Camazotz and has to battle the
powerful IT. A
Wrinkle In Time is
a very good book, and I highly
recommend it.

Samhainophobia is the fear of

Halloween has variously been
called All Hallows Eve, Witches
Night, Snap-Apple Night,
Samhaim, and Summers End.
According to tradition, if a
person wears his or her clothes
inside out and then walks
backwards on Halloween, he or
she will see a witch at midnight.

Q. What are a
favorite rides
at the fair?
A. The
Q. Whats
worse than
being a
five-ton witch
on Halloween?
A. Being her
Q. What do
you get if you
cross Bambi
with a ghost?

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Splatoon Game Review
By Noah Flores
Have you ever heard of this
game called Splatoon? Probably
not! But dont worry, if you
havent ever heard of the game,
are planning on getting the
game, or just plain out want it, I
will explain it to you right here,
right now! Stay tuned!
Splatoon is a third-person
shooter video game developed
and published by Nintendo for
the Wii U, and released
worldwide in May 2015. The
game centers around characters
known as Inklings-beings that
can transform between
humanoid and squid forms, and
hide or swim through colored ink
sprayed on surfaces using gun
or brush-based weaponry.
Splatoon features several game
modes, including 4-on-4 online
multiplayer and a single player
campaign. The 4-on-4
multiplayer modes include Turf
War, Splat Zones, Tower
Control, and Rainmaker.
Turf War is one of the 4-on-4
game-modes of the online
multiplayer game Splatoon. In
Turf War, you have 3 minutes to
cover the
whole map with your teams
color ink. However, doing this is
nearly impossible, because there
is another team who is

out to do the same. After the 3 minutes

are over, the idol judge, Judd the Cat,
judges how well your team did and
how much turf your team covered.
Splat Zones is another one of the
game-modes. There are still 2 teams of
4, but unlike Turf War, you only have to
ink a specific amount of turf. There are
2 outlined zones (sometimes only 1),
called Splat Zones. You have to ink
them and keep them inked until the
tracker (the thing at the top of the
screen that records how long youve
had it) reaches 0. But its also hard,
because the other team is also trying
to do the same thing. Judd the Cat
judges how well your team does and
shows who won the battle.
In Tower Control, there is a small
tower riding a trail that goes around the
whole map. There is also a little tracker
at the top. Your job is to keep the
tower inked until the tracker reaches 0.
You also have your teammates helping
you out. But, like the other game
modes, the other team is trying to do
the same. Judd the Cat judges how
well your team does and shows who
won the battle.
Rainmaker, the last gamemode, is a
capture the flag-like mode, in which
players must capture the totem-like
figure, the Rainmaker, and bring it
towards a target at the opponent's end
of the map, and keep it at that end of

the map until the tracker reaches

0. The holder of the Rainmaker
cannot super jump (teleport to
teammates), but has access to a
chargeable attack. Judd the Cat
judges how well your team and
shows who won the battle.
Splatoon is also compatible
with amiibo! Amiibos are small
trophy-like figures that you can
place on your Wii U gamepad.
These amiibos can unlock secret
weapons, items, and gear!
Also, there is a story mode to
Splatoon, that reveals a lot of lore
to the world of Inkopolis. You are
guided through 30 levels by Capn
Cuttlefish, your helper through the
levels! When you are finished with
these levels, there is a boss battle
between the player and DJ
Octavio. This is a very hard boss
battle, so if you ever have to do it,
I wish you luck! Also, you can get
gear, weapons, and secret items
after completing all these levels.
But, sadly, Splatoon is only
supported the Nintendo Wii U.
But, I think its really worth the
money! I hope this article taught
you more about the game.
Thanks for reading!

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Black Butler Book of Circus Review

By Ivanna Vidal
If you havent heard of Black Butler(aka
Kuroshitsuji), first of all, you should check it
out. While it definitely comes with some heavy
trigger warnings, its a awesome story about the
shenanigans of a young noble and his demon
butler in the heyday of the Victorian era, and
the manga art is basically just gloriously pretty.
It also has multiple characters of color as well
as queer and trans characters.
WARNING!!!:(If you are interested in
checking it out, actually, Id skip this article ,
as it does play fast and loose with spoilers for
the first two seasons.)
Now, the
anime has always
had a casual relationship with its manga. While the
still-ongoing manga has gone through half a dozen
or so long-running plot arcs, the original anime was
a closed arc. The climactic battle was a with a filler
character created for the single season, and the
final episode closed on the main character, Ciel,
finally completing his mission of avenging his
parents and ceding his soul to his demon butler as
payment for completing his contract. Pretty final,
right? I thought it was a satisfying ending, at least.
But then came
Season 2. Season 2
was downright confusing, and entirely filler from
the mangas perspective. When I first saw the
promos, I thought that maybe they were just going
to do another story about a totally different kid and
their demon butler. What an eminently
sustainable idea! I thought. They can just keep
making new shows with the same basic premise
forever and Ill totally keep watching! However,
Season 2 ended up tying heavily into Season 1,
retconning it's satisfying ending and replacing it

with the biggest anti climax of all time, and turning

Ciel into the anime equivalent of Bella Swan.
(Apparently his soul was just so special and
perfect that all the demons wanted a piece of
it, even ones who were contracted elsewhere.)
It left a bad taste in my mouth, and I generally
pretend it doesnt exist.
Then, this summer, promos appeared for a new
arcthe fan-favorite
manga arc
follows Ciel and his butler Sebastian as they
infiltrate a circus whose members are suspected of
kidnapping urchin children. Its an awesome arc, as
it taps into the trauma Ciel himself experienced
when he was kidnapped by child-trafficking
cultists (the situation, no less, in which he first
summoned and contracted Sebastian).
Although I was as excited as any other fan about
the animes revival, my distaste of Season 2 left me
nervous. Something that bugged the hell out of me
when I was still watching it was that,
after a long filler arc concluded, they carried some
of the filler characters over into the real
manga-based arcs, and we had to deal with them in
places where they should rightfully not exist. I was
terrified that they would try to make
compliant with the mess that was Season 2.
Thankfully, however, someone out there seemed to
think that was a downright terrible idea.
is totally manga-compliantin fact, its
more canon-compliant than the first season of the
anime even was. Its less of a return to the manga
story than it is the first time a
adaptation has ever been faithful to it.

One downside to this was that, because the

original anime is relatively old in television years,
often did info-dump flashbacks
when it introduced us to a character whose
backstory we might not remember or which was
changed for the Seasons 1 and 2 plots. While I
understand this is just good form, being
considerate toward new viewers, I found it kind of
tedious.Also, although I mentioned at the
beginning that this story features a variety of
diverse characters, this is not an arc that
particularly showcases them. The Indian prince
Soma and his butler Agni appear a few times, but
without a solid plot arc relating to them, they just
end up being sorta filler characters. While this is
an admittedly small step up from previous seasons
where her entire flamboyant personality is treated
as a joke, it definitely doesnt showcase the full
breadth of her character as portrayed in the manga.
If the manga does continue to get these bite-sized
arc adaptations, we will see her more developed in
later arcs, but who knows if that will happen?
In general, though, this was a lovely adaptation and
I hope that its the start of a trend for the series. I
know that the next arc,
, is getting
an OAV in the next few months, and I look forward
to seeing later arcs as well. Whether youre a newb
to the series or a veteran fan of the manga, I
definitely recommend you check out
at only ten episodes, you dont really have
an excuse not to. Thanks for reading this article of
the Panther Press.

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Advice Column
By Caroline Witowski and Kaitlin OMalley
Kaitlin and Caroline,
I can't seem to bring the right
folders with me to class. I get my
morning classes and my afternoon
classes mixed up, and none of my
teachers will let me go to my
locker. What can I do to keep it all

Mixed Up,
Forgetting things to class is
usually the result of a messy
locker. You should consider
coming up with a way to keep
your books and folders for the
morning and afternoon separate.
Maybe the left half of the shelf
in your locker can be for your
morning books, and the right
half can be for your afternoon
books. If an unorganized locker
isnt the problem, then maybe its
just hard for you to keep your
folders together. I highly
recommend that you get a
portfolio or binder. With a
portfolio, you can keep all of your
papers in the same place. If you
dont want to waste your folders,
than I suggest using a binder.
Binders keep everything together
including your folders, notebooks,
planner, and pencil case! Its
really up to you.
Have fun organizing!
Kaitlin ;)

Kaitlin and Caroline,

People say that I kiss up to
teachers but I really don't I just try
to be nice. How do I get people to
stop saying that?

Kaitlin and Caroline,

I'm getting really behind in all of my
classes. What should I do to catch
up? The average advice hasn't
helped me at all.

Teachers Pet,
I completely understand this
feeling. The truth is, youre
probably a very nice person
naturally and others cant
say the same. Remember
that your peers could just be
jealous of your courtesy and
manners(not everyone has
them). If you want to be
brave, I would explain to your
peers what youre feeling
when they say that youre a
teachers pet, and tell them
that it hurts you. Its worth a
try! If you dont want to walk
up to someone you barely
know and tell them that they
hurt you(I also understand),
then you can just keep being
good, mannerly person. In the
long run, youll be satisfied
with the respect you receive
from your teachers. Also,
dont care what people think!
You are you, and no one can
be as special as yourself.
Sometimes, you have to travel
the road less traveled, even if
that means treating teachers
with lots of respect.
Good luck!

Falling Behind,
I think that you just need to take
a step back for a second. Find out
exactly what assignments you
are missing, and what it is that
you dont understand. You can
ask your teachers to explain
something that confused you in
class. Take a Saturday to
reorganize all of your homework.
Make flashcards or other study
tools. Then, when you are ready,
ask your teachers if you can
retake tests/quizzes you didnt do
well on. If you cant, just try your
best to get your grade back up.
Dont forget to take advantage of
any extra credit opportunities!
You can do it!

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Advice Column (continued)
By Caroline Witowski and Kaitlin OMalley
Kaitlin and Caroline,
I feel like I do not fit in with the other students.
What should I do?

I understand how it feels to not be exactly the
same as everyone else. We all feel like that
sometimes! Think about it: if everyone was the
same, the world would be boring! People like you
will inspire your classmates to be themselves too!
You dont have to change yourself for other people.
Be unique!
Kaitlin ;)

Cubbies in The Playoffs?

By Tadhg Scanlon

Just as Kaitlin said, I definitely get this feeling.
In fact, everyone around you is probably
feeling the same way! I used to have short
blue hair, and was obsessed with kinds of
music other people in my grade didnt like. I
stayed strong, and was weird with a passion,
and I still had friends that really cared about
me. Dont change for others no matter what,
because itll be good for you in the long run,
and there will always be someone in the
world who understands you.


As hard as it may seem to believe the Cubs

have a pretty good year so far. I am a die-hard Sox
fan and do not look forward to what the
post-season might bring forward. With that being
said, there is no denying the success the Cubbies
have had. Lets just look at the team they have put
together. If you follow baseball, then you know who
Jake Arrieta is. As a 30-year old pitcher he has
accomplished more than some pitchers will do in
their lifetime. Last year he won the Cy Young
Award, and I believe he definitely deserved. He is
definitely in the running for it this year. An
outstanding 22 wins and only 6 losses last year
landed him as the Cubs number one pitcher. This
year he has already had a 17-5 record ( as of the
time this is written ).

Kris Bryant is a whole other story.

Winning Rookie of the Year last year, he cemented
himself as a fan favorite through the north side of
Chicago. Already hes hit 39 home runs and has a
.295 batting average. This year he made All-Stars
and has the potential to win a lot more. He
definitely has the s
kill to be a huge player on any

team he is on. Although there are a vast number

of power players to talk about, one recent trade
really sticks out. Aroldis Chapman has 358 pitches
over the speed of 100 miles per hour. As a closer he
is one of the most feared in the league. On top of
all this they also have rising stars such as Jon
Lester. He is the Cubs new number one pitcher. As
of the time this is written they are 3-1 in the NLDS
against the Giants. To end this article, I would like
to express that I am a Sox fan and this is written
from my point of view. As much as it pains me to
say this, the Cubs did have a better year than the
Sox. The Cubbies are already well off in the

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1

Chicago Sports
By: Leo Cassidy

Hi, Evergreen Park. I will be

writing about sports in
Cubs: Right now The Chicago
Cubs have a 14 game lead
against their rivals.
Cardinals, Pirates lead close
behind. Cubs record is 83-47.
They are destined to make
the playoffs.
Soxs:Right now The Chicago
White Soxs are in fourth
place, trying to build their way
back up to the top. They have
ways to go to make the
playoffs. They are 11 games
behind the leaders, the
Bears: The Chicago Bears are
starting off their season with
the Texas Texans. Training
camp is over, and I hope for
the best.
Blackhawks: Start off the
season with the St.Louis Blues,
trading,signing,and releasing
players it will be an
interesting year.
Bulls: Picked Denzel Valentine
from the Spartans of Michigan
State and are getting Dwyane
Wade, and Rajon Rondo. It will
be an interesting year.

basketball season is starting

October 25, 2016. The first
game is the New York Knicks
facing off the reigning
champions, the Cleveland
Cavaliers. The U.S.A
Basketball team won gold as
Right now the magic number
for the Chicago Cubs is ten.
The Bears are also cutting the
kicker, Robbie Gould, who has
been on the team for a
decade. Now on the team is
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
kicker Connor Barth.

Then in the west the wild

card teams are San Francisco
and the Mets.
The Bears took a sad lost
against The Philadelphia
Eagles, 29-14. Jay Cutler the
quarterback, got hit really
hard a few times. There is only
a 12% chance that the Bears
will bounce back and make
the playoffs, but it is still early.
The Cubs clinched the division
and are almost done with

Fred Hoiberg will try his

second year after losing
Derrick Rose and Joakim

The Bears look like they are a

high school team. Half the
team is injured, other half is
rookies. They are 0-3, losing
to Texans, Eagles, and

The Chicago Fire is in 9th

place out of 10 teams. It is not
a good season for this
Chicago Fire team.

The Cubs have now won 100

games with a crushing win
12-2. Javier Baez hit a grand

The Chicago White Soxs are 6

games behind The Kansas
City Royals in fourth place.
They are 4.5 games behind
first in their division and ten
games behind the wild card.

The Cubs are now in the

playoffs playing against The
San Francisco Giants. Then, if
they win they would go
against the Washington
Nationals or The Los Angeles
Dodgers. Two sweeps for The
American league, so right now
for the division is The
Cleveland Indians facing The
Toronto Blue Jays.

The Bears sadly lost against

The Houston Texans. They lost
by 9.
The final game of baseball
will be on September 21st. The

Baseball is ending on October

2, 2016. Then the playoffs. The

wild card teams in the east

are Toronto and Baltimore.

Central Panther Press

October 2016 Volume 4, Issue 1
Newspaper article:
Boys softball
Boys softball started on the 24 and 25 of
August. Tryouts were held at Southwest. Here is the
roster for the boys softball team.
Tommy Gleason
Matt Walsh
Dominic Amedio
Zack Block
Jack Morge
Ryan Ewert
Danny Mcquillan
Paul Lieske
Sean Higgins
Sammy Rodgers
Danny Fleck
Gabe Lofquist
Connor Normoyle
Leo Lesauskis
Luke Rosso
Luis Sanchez
Matt Summers
T he boys softball team went on to have a final
record of 4-7. They were knocked of the playoffs first
round by century. It was close game but the final out
marked the end to their season. Throughout the
season there were many amazing players but with the
most most R.B.I was Matt Summers. With the most
Home runs tied at 2 was Sammy Rogers, Matt
Summers, and Dominic Amedeo.
I interviewed one person on the team. I also got to talk
to both of the coaches, Coach Glackin and Coach
Portala. From 7th grade I interviewed Ryan Ewert.
I first interviewed the coaches and here are some of
the questions I asked them and their responses.

outside. Coach Glacin response was he likes

that it's a team sport.
2. How long have you been coaching softball?
Coach Portalas response was 3 years, but he
has been coaching other sports for 11 years.
Since Coach Glacin is a student teacher this is
the only year he coached.
Last, but not least I interviewed Ryan Ewert.
1. What is your favorite and least favorite part
about softball? His favorite part was playing in
games and his least favorite part was all the
running if we lost.
2. Were you on the team last year if so why did
you try out again? He said, yes, I was on the
team last year and I tried out again because
it's a fun sport and the jerseys are really cool.
3. What position do you play? He said he starts at
2nd base.
4. The last question I asked him was what was
the easiest thing about softball and the
hardest part of softball? He said the easiest
part was fielding the ball. He said the hardest
part was hitting the ball where the other team
is not.

1. What do you like about coaching softball?

Coach Portalas response was It is a quick
exciting sport and gives me a chance to be

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