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Christina Swanson

Notebook 16
Photoelectric Absorption
3 Rules of Photoelectric Absorption
1. The incident x-ray photon energy be greater than the binding energy of the inner
electron shell (k shell) which means If the binding energy is less for example 30
keV x-ray photon It does not have enough binding energy to kick out th eks shell
electron of the atom of iodine.

Photoelectric interactions occur if the x ray photon energy of the electron binding
energy are closer to one another. The x ray photon MUST be greater for example
40kev photon will interact by photoelectric with an atom of Barium that = 37.4
than with a 100kev x ray photon
Photoelectric effect= 1/ { energy}^3)
Increase kVP decrease in photoelectric activities occur
Decrease kVp low techniques shows increase in photoelectric absorption
@ 130 kVp photoelectric absorption , amounts to 24.78% of interactions with

3. Photoelectric interaction occurs more with an electron that is more tightly bound
in its orbit. High atomic number elements have a greater binding energy than numbers in
low atomic numbers.

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