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Table of Contents

Introduction to the MyLocker Security Software ................................ 2

Before You Get Started ...................................................................... 2

Features ............................................................................................. 2

Public and Secured Partition ............................................................. 3

How to use MyLocker ........................................................................ 4

Setup a Password .................................................................... 4
Main Screen and Button Function ............................................ 6
Login to the Secured Area ........................................................ 7
Logging Out of the Secured Area ............................................. 8
Change Password .................................................................... 9
Password Hint Feature ........................................................... 11
Auto Reset .............................................................................. 12
Configure Size / Resize Partitions .......................................... 14

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1 Introduction to the MyLocker Security Software

The data stored in your USB flash drive may sometimes be highly confidential and you
need to be able to protect those data from un-authorised disclosure. The MyLocker
Security Software is a stand-alone application program, which helps to keep your
data safe.

MyLocker offers a customizable password for the secure partition, for

which, you will be able to protect your data in the secured area with the customized
password, while leaving the non-sensitive data in the public area.
You can also customize/resize the partitions sizes for the secured and non-secured
area. Protecting data has never been easier with MyLocker. Feel safe and keep your
data safe with MyLocker.

2 Before You Get Started

Before using MyLocker with USB 3.0 Secure Drive, please note:

DO NOT plug in two or more USB 3.0 Secure Drives at the same time

MyLocker is only designed for Windows based operating system (XP or later).

Please install USB 3.0 driver first before using your USB 3.0 Secure Drive

It is very important that you dont forget the password youve entered (password
hint feature provided). NO password recovery feature is provided.

Special Note for Windows Vista (or later) Users

Please disable ReadyBoost function first before using the MyLocker software on the
USB 3.0 Secure Drive.

3 Features
(a) Customized Password You can set your own password up to 16 characters.
(b) Password Reminder

Password hint function is available as a password


(c) Password Retry

You have SIX chances of entering the correct password.

A warning will show on the fifth password retry, indicting
that one more incorrect entry, the data stored in the
secured area will be formatted and password removed.

(d) Multi Language









Software automatically detects your Windows language

and show respected language UI.

Default interface is set

to English.

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4 Public and Secured Partition

When you plug in your device to a USB port, your operating system should recognize the
device and show a Removable Disk icon. This is the Public partition and the
security application program - MyLocker will be stored in this partition.


Public Area / Public Partition

When the device is inserted into the USB port, you will only see the public
partition. The public partition is available to all users to read and write data. The
security application software MyLocker will also be stored in this partition.
Password security will only apply to/protects the secure partition and will not
affect this partition.
Secured Area / Secure Partition
This secure area is protected by user password and can only be accessed by setting
up a password (if no password had been set before). If NO password exists, then
you cannot use this partition. When a password had been setup, you will be
required to enter the password first. Once a correct password had been entered,
the public partition will disappear and the secure partition will show.

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How to use MyLocker


Setup a Password
(1) Insert your device to the USB port.
(2) In the removable drive, double-click and run MyLocker.exe file
(3) If you are using MyLocker for the first time, then you will be prompt to set up
a password first.
3-1. Enter a password of your choice (maximum 16 characters, including
3-2. Confirm password by re-enter the password set.
3-3. Enter a password hint as a reminder (maximum 32 characters long,
including spaces).
Please enter a valid password hit. No password recovery feature will
be provided.
3-4. Click on

to save the password set, or click on

to cancel/exit.


Max. 16 characters


Max. 16 characters


Max. 32 characters

Note: You can only type in English letters and numbers

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3-5. If all information had been entered correctly, a message window will
show, and your device is now logged into the secure partition. The
device will be locked automatically (back to public partition) when you
remove it from the USB port. Click

to continue.

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Main Screen and Button Function

From the public partition, double-click and run MyLocker.exe
Main screen will only show up when a password has been setup.


Password Area : for entering your password.

Unlock/lock Device : to lock or unlock your device.

Setting : allow to change your password or resize partitions.

Password Hint : your password reminder.

Exit : to exit the program.

Device Status : icon information to tell you if the device is currently

locked or unlocked.

When you move your mouse pointer to an icon on the main screen, a text dialog
will automatically appear to tell you the function of that icon.

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Login to the Secured Area

This section will demonstrate how to log into the secured area, assuming a
password has been set up correctly (please refer to setup a password section).

(1) Enter your password in A then click the login button

(2) If you have entered a valid password, the following message window will show,
indicate that you have now entered the secured area. Click

to continue.

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(3) If you have entered an invalid password, the following message window will
show, telling you that you have entered an incorrect password, and the
remaining number of retries you have. If you have forgotten your password,
try the Password Hint, it may help you remember your password.

to continue.

Max. number
of retries.

Number of
incorrect tries.

D. Logging Out of the Secured Area

Method 1 :

To log out from the secured area, simply run the MyLocker software
and click the logout button

Method 2 :

Simply remove your device from the USB port anytime, and the
device will be locked automatically.

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Change Password
(1) Click the Setting button

(2) Click on the Change Password button

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(3) You will be asked to enter your old (current) password and the new password,
and then confirm the new password by retype the new password again.
can also change the password hint as well.
the new password or press

Once ready, click


to apply

to cancel and exit.

Max. 16 characters

Max. 16 characters

Max. 32 characters

(4) If all information were entered correctly, a message window will show and
tell you that the password has been changed.


to continue.

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Password Hint Feature

You may have forgotten your password when you try to log in or change the
password. Fortunately, the Password Hint feature of MyLocker can help remind you
about the password that you have set (if you have entered a valid password hint).

From the MyLocker user interface, click on the Hint button


A message window will appear to show you the password reminder.


to continue.

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G. Auto Reset
If you have entered a wrong password when you try to login, change password or
resize the partitions, upon the second of the last retry, you will be reminded with
the following message, telling you that if you enter a wrong password one more
time, your device will be formatted, all data in the secure area and password will
be deleted.


to continue.

When you entered the wrong password for the last time, the SECURED partition of
your device gets formatted and password gets removed automatically. You will see
the following message window.


to continue.

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During formatting of the device, a warning window will appear, telling you that
you can choose to format the device/partition(s) in NTFS format or FAT32
If you choose to format the device to NTFS format, then only when a partition is
larger than 13GB gets formatted to NTFS format; if the partition is less than 13GB,
it will still be formatted as FAT32 format. Click
NTFS or click on

to convert the partition to

to keep it in FAT32.

When reset process completed, you will see the following message window
indicate that your SECURED partition gets formatted and password gets reset to
default value 1234.


to continue.

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H. Configure Size / Resize Partitions

You can re-configure the capacity size for the public area and secure area.
Please note : all data in both partitions will be erased !
(1) Click on the Setting button

(2) Click the Configure Size button

Current public
area size.

Current secure
area size.

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(3) Move the pointer to the left or to the right to adjust the capacity for both

The public area

size that you
want to adjust to.

The secure area

size that you
want to adjust to.

(4) Enter your password and click

to continue; or click

to cancel at any


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(5) A warning window will appear, telling you that all the data in the device will
be destroyed.



When you click

to continue or press

to exit.

, formatting/resizing will take place.

Do not remove

the device or force close the program before the process is completed.

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During formatting/resizing of the device, a warning window will appear,

telling you that you can choose to format the device/partition(s) in NTFS
format or FAT32 format.
If you choose to format the device to NTFS format, then only when a
partition is larger than 13GB gets formatted to NTFS format; if the partition is
less than 13GB, it will still be formatted as FAT32 format.
convert the partition to NTFS or click on



to keep it in FAT32.

(7) When configuration completes successfully, the following message will show.

to continue.

After configuring your device, we recommend that you remove the device
from USB port and re-insert it again before using.

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