Early Learning Centre Learning Experience: Student Name: Vanessa Uy Date: October 13, 2016 Age Group: Preschool Purpose

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Student Name: Vanessa Uy Date: October 13, 2016

Age Group: Preschool



Reason for developing

Following the room renovation, most of the classroom has been

learning experience. This

set but there are a few housekeeping things we have yet to

could be in response to an

tackle; the smaller things that are done throughout the week.

observation, discussion with

One thing I have noticed while doing my label project was the

the site supervisor, Ontario

childrens cubby labels. They were taped onto their individual

Curriculum Objective, etc.

baskets so I asked my supervisor if it was possible for me to


implement an activity that had the children create their own

- Document what you saw

personalized cubby names.

and heard
- Document non-verbal
communication (i.e.,
body language, facial
expressions and voice
- Document in detail: who,
what, where, and when
- Documentation should be
written in past tense,
objective, and in
anecdotal format
Learning Experience
What are you planning in

This experience will provide an opportunity for the child to

response to your purpose?

create personalized cubby names using different mediums of

- Label your experience (e.g.


Painting with cars).

- What are your 3 objectives

Lets Make Cubby Names


for this experience? (i.e.

1. Child will enhance the skill (2.6) positive attitudes

What interests are you

towards learning by expressing satisfaction and joy

extending? What

when accomplishing the activity (ELECT, p. 41)

2. Child will extend the skill (4.17) understanding two-

strengths and

dimensional and three-dimensional shapes as they

opportunities for growth

recognize and name the shapes of the materials and

are you

stickers provided.
3. Children will use the skill (3.5) using descriptive


language to explain, explore and extend as they use

Describe the experience:

sentences to describe objects and events while also

- Who will be involved in the

spontaneously using language to further develop


inquiry and reasoning during the activity (ELECT, p.

- Where will the experience

take place? (e.g. Indoors
or outdoors? In the
dramatic centre, the
creative table, etc).
- List the materials and
resources you will use
- Describe the
implementation of the
experience, with a step by
step description
- List and describe 2 teaching
strategies. How will you
use them? Why have you
chosen these strategies?


Heart Shapes
Stamp Markers

4. I will set up the creative table with all the art
materials; and place them so that all children are
able to access the materials
5. I will cut the sticker sheet in two (2), in order to
foster co-operation and interaction between the
6. Allow the children to seat themselves and give them
construction paper to start decorating with.
7. Freedom is key, allow children to create what they

would like until they ask for assistance.

8. Remind them that they need to trace their names at
the end of the activity.
I will use these two (2) teaching strategies:
Teaching Strategy #1: Environmental Cues
I will place chairs face-to-face so that the children can exchange
ideas, comments and converse while doing the activity. The
maximum amount of children allowed at a time is four, so I will
set out four papers as well as a fair amount of art materials for
the children
Teaching Strategy #2: Questions
I will observe as the children decorate their name labels.
Throughout the activity, I will ask them questions accordingly:

Which stickers are your favorite?

What are you stamping?
Can you trace your name?

These strategies are relevant to the activity because this is an

activity that doesnt require much teacher direction rather it is
more child-directed as the children decide how they want to
decorate their name labels. Asking questions enhances the
childs learning experience by interacting and exchanging ideas
with both their peers and myself. Questioning will also help me
engage with the children in reference to their creations.

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