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Napoleon Biography

Corsica was an Italian island, but France purchased it in 1768, so

Napoleon was born French, but his parents were Italian
Napoleons brother was also involved in French government / politics

Napoleon was almost guillotined! He was close friends with

Robespierres brother Augustin. When Robespierre was arrested, so were
all of his friends and acquaintances. Napoleon was arrested and tried,
but they could find no evidence that he was against the Revolution or
government, so he was returned to his post
Napoleons Campaign (Egypt)
Battle of the pyramids; a cannonball fired by Napoleons soldiers hit the nose and caused it
to break off. Although this myth has become commonplace folklore, there is evidence to
suggest that this is not, in fact, true. (Sketches of Sphinx done before Napoleons
campaigns without the nose)
Napoleons Campaign in Middle East
His mission in heading to the middle east was to attack Britains trade colonies.
When Napoleon leaves his army behind in Egypt, the reason why he decides to head back
to France is because he received word that French armies on the homefront were losing
battles to the Austrians and that many areas that had been overrun by both Rebels and
Enemy armies. France was also going bankrupt. Napoleon's intentions were to return
and save France.
Napoleon takes over French Government
One of the Directors decides that he wants to kick out all of the other Directors, but
needed military backing; Napoleon saw an opportunity and provided some muscle (military
The three councils decide to make Napoleon commander of all troops in the Paris district.
People of France given a chance of showing whether or not they approve of this new
government, with Napoleon at the helm (title: First Consul). Only 1500 voted against,
another 9 million didnt vote.
Napoleons new role

This painting shows how tired and uncomfortable Napoleons mountain

crossing must have been. He has a guide and a horse most didnt.
Battle of Marengo: Napoleons armys journey was a risky one: His men were
outnumbered and exhausted after a long journey, and the austrians had gotten word of his
maneuvers and are ready for his attack. Luckily, Napoleons troops received help from
reinforcements and ended up winning the battle.

Reforms - Napoleon brings back some practices that existed prior to, but abolished during,
the revolution
If you had a title (duke, prince, count, baron), it did not get passed down to later
generations of your family unless you paid a hefty sum of money. Unlike nobles prior to
the revolution, Napoleon's nobles had no privileges.
When Napoleon named himself Emperor, rather than allow the Pope to place a crown on
his head, Napoleon insisted that he would crown himself.
France goes from being a REPUBLIC to being an EMPIRE
Napoleons Reign

Occupied regions paid Taxes to fund Napoleons armys weapons, food

and lodging, soldiers
Read from p.75 of Revolution in France
Spain: The land Napoleon had conquered was so much that he could not possibly govern
all of the new territory himself. Napoleon decided to give control of different regions of his
newly conquered territory to his family and friends. Napoleon gave control of Spain to his
brother, Joseph Bonaparte. This lead to Spaniards rebelling and staging a war of
independence against France. The war of independence, with help from other countries
defeating some of Napoleons forces as well, helped Spain re secure its independence.
Napoleon & Russia
Napoleon decides to invade Russia largely in part because Russia decides to reopen
trade with Britain.
One of the ways Russia was able to defeat Napoleons Grand Army was because they
made it difficult for his troops to find food and shelter. Russian people ransacked their own
homes and fled. Often homes were left roofless and all the animals either slaughtered or
taken with them.
The winter made things difficult for Napoleons troops: freezing temperatures and making
terrain more difficult to cross
Napoleons Fall
Russia, Sweden, Prussia, and Britain organize a coalition against him, who are later
joined by Germany and Austria. The Coalition sends troops into Paris, occupies the
city, and sets up a new government with Louis XVIII at the helm. WIth nearly every
country in Europe now against him, Napoleon is forced to surrender in April 1814.

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