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Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kiss & Tell

Free Novella-lite
Distributed at and by Cherie Noel

This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely
coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.
Kiss & Tell 2011 Cherie Noel.
All rights reserved worldwide. This eBook may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the
author, Cherie Noel. This work may not be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any format without
express written permission from the author.
This work contains graphic language and explicit sexual content between two/three men.
Intended for adult audiences only. Not intended for anyone under the age of 18.
Cover Design 2011 Goodreads M/M Romance Group Hot Summer Days

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Dear Author: Please tell me the story of this pic, who's watching, when does the
threesome begin, where are they, are they strangers??
**A man lays prone on his back atop a zebra striped coverlet. His washboard abs are
thrown into stark tautness by the half-crunch he does to look down toward where his lover lays
between his spread thighs, tenderly kissing his balls. His uncut cock stands at attention, waiting
for a little of the same attention from those sweet pink lips. Behind his close-cut head of
beautifully dark hair there is a sliding glass door, leading to some open spaceanother mans
strong, naked legs are visible at the edge of the frame.**

Dear Heather S.,

Arent you a naughty thing, turning your telephoto lens on all and sundry? I have to say,
you did turn your ill-gotten talent to good use by taking a lovely shot of those three. Well done,
It just so happens that I can tell you all about them. Ill have to ask you for a simple
exchange however I get the negatives and all prints of those rather incriminating pics of the
Dupree triplets and I, while you get the skinny on Tony, Kevin, and their ex, Patrick. Oh, and
their smoking hot cameraman, Neil. Do we have a deal?
Fair enough then, my naughty photographer, heres the info you requested. Ill just tell it
like a story. You know why well call it fiction. I like the invisibility cloak of plausible


Genre: Contemporary; M/M/M mnage

Tags: Cock-docking; mild kink; threesome; HEA; Sweet & Hot: WARNING, this
story deals with elements of domestic abuse; employs wanton use of both lubricant and
several shades of blue paint as well as patently fabricated references to the king of hot lickable-nessMr. Cary Grant. The writers and beta readers of this story advise keeping both
a few pair of asbestos undies and a minimum 50units of insulin on hand while reading. Er,
just in case. If that aint skeerd ya offread on MacDuff.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kiss and Tell

Cherie Noel

This story is for Heather S. because she asked, and for Patric Michael because he is.
Whenever I need a bad guy, all I have to do is add a k and write a guy who is the opposite of
my Balthazar. You truly inspire me, sir. Its also for Taylor, who is always ready to throw me a
line or lend a hand. Thanks T. You rock out loud.


Kevin loathed working the ER. There was always some rancid shit going down. Drunk
drivers causing accidents would roll in with minor lacerations while whatever bright kid full of
potential theyd hit would arrive as a DOA. Case after case of domestic abuse, junkies
overdosingit just sucked.

He pulled a pair of blood spattered gloves off, tossed them in the bio-hazard bin and then
scrubbed his hands before moving on to the next room. The triage notes listed it as a
possible/probable domestic abuse situationthe guy had frequent flyer miles in the ER
evidently. The guy was probably some hapless little twink with a big bruiser of a boyfriend. Just
fucking great. Kevin took a deep breath and dredged up his best professional smile as he walked
into the room. A big, dark haired guy was sitting on the exam table holding a cold pack to one
eye, blood running from an obviously broken nose. He was no hapless twink. He flinched back
from his small, angry companion just as Kevin entered.

Huh. That was weird. The other guy was shorter, but he was stocky, and the muscles of
his upper body were thick and powerful looking. The patients gaze flashed up to where Kevin
was. The one eye Kevin could see was softly brown, like a fawns. The smaller guy swung
around, a patently false smile plastered on his face, his mouth already opening to spew a line of

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

bullshit. They always had a line of bullshit down here, covering their own asses, their partners
assesit was always something.

Kevin was so never going to pick up another shift down here, no matter how much Brian,
Mike or Chevonne begged. Screw that. There was a reason hed transferred up to the ortho-neuro
floor. So he wouldnt have to deal with shit like this. It looked like the little guy was pissed at his
partner for getting in some kind of bar-room dustup that had curtailed their evening of carousing.
Kevin wondered if the other guy had ended up at a different ER, of if he was next on the list of
patients. Mentally rolling his eyes, Kevin glanced back at the triage nurses notes.


This big guy had been here seventeen times in the last fourteen months. What the fuck?
Was the guy a boxer or something? Kevin glanced up, his mouth open to ask just what the guy
did for a living and caught the bigger man flinching back from a gesture the shorter guy was
making. Oh. Damn. That put a different spin on things. Huh. That was not the behavior of a barroom brawler. Hed have to get rid of short and stocky before he could talk to the patient.
Excuse me, Mr.?

Kevin paused, looking expectantly at the burly blond. The guy crowded right into his
personal space pushing his face so close Kevin could almost taste the stale coffee on his breath.
Robert. Robert Kinsey. My partner had an accident, and

Kevin cut him off.

Mr. Kinsey, Im afraid Ill have to ask you to step out while I examine my patient. Ill
be sure to have someone inform you when you can come back again.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

The man shot his partner a loaded glance and then bared his teeth at Kevin. It wasnt a
smile. He pushed forward into Kevins space again. Kevin squared his shoulders and braced
himself. The sneer slipped from the blond mans face.
What are you, the doctor? Or are you a nurse? I bet youre nothing but a little nurse.
Why do you want me to leave? They never asked me to before.

The heavy emphasis Kinsey put on the word nurse, along with the twist of his faceas
though hed smelled something foulgave clear indication the man thought nurses were some
form of sub-species.

Kevin gave the man a thin smile. Fucker.

Im a registered nurse Mr. Kinsey. Again, I have to ask you to leave while I examine my
patient. I cant speak for whomever youve seen before, but hospital policy clearly states that I
need to ask friends and family members to leave the room while I conduct exams unless the
patient is a minor. I can clearly see from the triage notes that Mr. Giuliani is not a minor. Do I
need to have security remove you?
Kevin normally used a much softer touch with patients friends and familiesbut this
guy had the fine hairs at the back of his neck tingling. Kevin wanted him out of the room when
he asked Mr. Giuliani certain questions, and when he gave his big patient the discreet
information card with hotline numbers and the addresses of several local gay friendly shelters.
Kevin had the cards printed up on his own dime back when he still worked the ER as his normal
floor. The ones the hospital provided were inadequate in his opinion, giving only the addresses
of shelters that accepted abused women.

After he read the card the first time, Kevin had realized that any gay man in an abusive
situation would get zero help from the card. He did some research and found a couple of shelters
that were both gay friendly and willing to forbid entrance to abusive partners. It wasnt perfect,
but little in this world was.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Robert Kinsey sneered at him again.

Fine, Nurse. Ill let the administration know youre discriminating against my partner
and I because were gay.
Kevin bit back a laugh. Right. That should give Mike OBrian, the EO guy a real belly
laugh, considering Kevin was the GLBT rep for the whole damn hospital until they could find
someone else to volunteer as well.
You go right ahead and do that Mr. Kinsey. Im sure our EO compliance officer will
find that fascinating. As long as you get out of my exam room, I really dont care where you go.

The big man on the table hunched his shoulders a little, biting down on his already split
lip. The one eye Kevin could see kept jumping back and forth between Kinsey and himself.
Kinsey swung back around, taking two quick strides toward the man on the table. He lifted a
meaty hand to pat Mr. Giulianis cheek forcefully. His other hand hung down by his side.
Dont worry baby. Ill be right out in the waiting room. As soon as they get you fixed up
we can go home and Ill take real good care of you.

Giuliani paled and swayed slightly. Kevin opened his mouth to tell Kinsey to leave again,
but with one last fulminating glare, the man stomped toward the waiting area. As he pushed past,
Kevin glanced down. The knuckles of the hand hed been holding down by his side were scraped
and swollen.
Kevins uncle Leo had been a bare knuckles boxer. His hands often looked exactly the
same before he stopped fighting for money. He called the wounds fight-bites, and had explained
to Kevin how punching someone in the mouth caused them. Crap.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

The tall man on the table turned his amber gaze on Kevin, something lost and haunted in
his look. Kevin reached into the side pocket of his scrubs and pulled out one of the cards hed
had a feeling this man was going to need. He reached forward slowly, pulled Giulianis free hand
off its resting spot and pressed the little rectangle of hope into his hand. Kevin pitched his voice
low and spoke as soothingly as he knew how.
If you wont let me call the police right now, put this in your shoe, under the lining.
They never look there, and that way, the next time he roughs you up, or you think hes going to,
youll have somewhere to go.
Giulianis mouth opened and closed a few times. He shook his head a little, shivered and
bit even harder on his split lip. His voice came out a low rumble, sounding scared as hell and
whisper soft.
I-I never said
Kevin shook his head, turning to the rooms counter before replying. He spoke over his
shoulder as he prepped a suture kit and set up the blood pressure machine. Hed learned that it
was easier for them to keep the card if they could secret it away while he wasnt watching.
No. No, you didnt.
When he turned back around, the little card was gone, and Giulianis right sneaker had a
neat bow where it had been untied before. Well. At least the guy had a lifeline. If he ever got a
chance or the guts to use it was another matter entirely.

Kevin swallowed his sigh of frustration, got a blood pressure reading on the big guy,
swapped out his cold pack, and did a quick set of neuro checks. There didnt seem to be anything
critical, so after he noted that he thought the nose and right cheek needed x-rays Kevin was
pretty much done. He left Mr. Giuliani with the lights dimmed, telling the big man that the
doctor would be with him shortly. It was the end of Kevins shift, and he had paperwork to finish

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up or hed have sat with the man until Doctor Stephens came in. Sometimes, if you just sat with
them, theyd tell you what was really going on. Kevin gave report to the nurse reliving him,
finished up his paperwork, and clocked out.

The whole incident left a bad taste in his mouth. It was exactly why Kevin hated working
the ER. There was never enough time or staff and sometimes, no matter how hard everyone tried,
no matter if everything possible was donesometimes people fell through the cracks.


Two weeks later Kevin rolled into work sporting a huge grin and a brand new tattoo
mostly hidden under his scrubs. Only the edge of one of the dragons tails came high enough on
his neck to be seen. Nancy, his favorite charge nurse was on duty. She wouldnt give him any
grief about it and once it healed a little more hed start wearing a turtleneck to cover it up. For
tonight hed just slap some gauze over it right after he got report.

Hed also gotten there early enough to snag Janice for his side of the hallway. She was
the best aide on duty, and Kevin loved working with her. Though the switch to this shift, the
three to eleven, worried him at first it was turning out to be the best of both worlds. He still had
time to get stuff like going to the bank and the dry cleaner done during the day, without
completely giving up his social life.

Hence the selection of phone numbers hed scored last night while showing off the new
tattoo at his favorite club. A zing of satisfaction shot through Kevins chest. It was good to know
he still had what it took to garner over a dozen offers in an evening. The only one hed seriously
considered hooking up with was the tall Italian who showed up right at the end of the evening.
Kevin could admit he had a bit of a thing for tall Italians.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

The guy at the club had reminded Kevin of the kid hed slipped a rescue ring card to the
last time he worked the ER. For some reason hed had a really hard time getting the young man
out of his head. The Italian from last night had lacked the subtle sweetness Kevin had sensed just
under the surface of what had his name been? Giuliani. Yeah. Tony Giuliani. Kevin hadnt
been able to get the kids deep, sweet voice out of his head. That as much as anything was why
he had ended the night with a pocketful of numbers rather than a hot body. Come to think of it,
he hadnt hooked up at all since he met the kid. It was a shame the guy was letting himself be
abused by that muscle bound snake thatd brought him in.


At least he had the card.

Kevin turned his mind to business, greeted Nancy, and then got his supplies set and his
paperwork in order for shift change. Once he was set, he slid into the room behind the nurses
station where they did shift change. He snagged Janice to work his side, and then tuned into what
Nancy was saying.
Kevin, youll be getting a transfer from ICU right after dinner.

She shook her head, a few bright red curls escaping her braid. Pulling a bobby-pin from
her pocket, she ruthlessly pinned them back into submission before continuing. A new chart lay
open in front of her.
I took the report from Margie about ten minutes ago. They want to hold off sending him
down until thenjust a precaution. Hes stableyou know how Margie is. She likes to dot her
is and cross her ts

Kevin nodded. It was one of the things he loved about accepting transfers from Margie.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

I guess the kid was here a few weeks ago after a domestic, refused to call the cops, and
then left with his partnerended up back in the ER less than five hours later. Margies cousin
Sam was on the ambulance crew that brought him in the second time, and he told her the
admitting nurse said hed just discharged the guy a few hours earlier.
Something dark settled in the pit of Kevins stomach.
Nancy, did Margie say. Uh, whats the patients name?

Nancy gave him a sharp look.

Giuliani. Tony Giuliani, age 22.
Kevin closed his eyes. Nancys voice washed over him.
Oh, Kevin, was that the night you picked up in the ER?

Kevin nodded sickly. Nancy reached over and patted his hand. She spoke briskly.
Sam told Margie the only reason the kid made it at all was that he was on the phone with
one of the shelters when his partner assaulted him the last time. The shelter worker made the 911
call. Do you want me to switch him to Tammis team?

Kevin snapped his eyes back open.

No, Nancy. Tammis a brand new grad. She just came off orientation. Ill take him. It.
Shit, its the least I can do.
Nancy patted his hand again, and waded through the rest of report. She didnt argue.
They were down an aide tonight anyway, so Kevin really wasnt surprised. He knew she had


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monthly tracking reports to get turned, and they were a bitch of a time waster. It wasnt like he
really knew the guy. Hed just treated him once before. Kevin sighed.

The first time Tony spoke, Kevin heard the difference in his voice. Hed been shy and
hesitant before, picking out his words with care as though trying to ensure he said the right thing
every time. Now his words just fell out. Not a lot of rhyme, though there was still a bit of reason
gleaming at the edges of what he said. He waschildlike. No, that wasnt quite right. Just. He
was innocent somehow. Even when hed get upset and swear a blue streak, or throw his meal
tray it didnt seem malicious so much as frustrated. Tony would cry after, and as the weeks
passed the other nurses called Kevin at home sometimes, because word got around that Tony
always calmed at the sound of his voice.
Kevin requested Jean-Paul from Social Work pick up the case during Tonys
staybecause it was clear he couldnt just go home. He tried to maintain a professional distance.
He got too involvedbut he just couldnt seem to help himself. It felt right, and it felt like Tony
had belonged to him since that first moment down in ER.
Jean-Paul had testing done and determined that the guy would need some servicesbut
he was well above what the system would consider competent. What was going to happen to the
guy when he was released from the hospital? His abusive ex-boyfriend might be in the county
lock-up awaiting trial, but Tony would be easy pickings for another asshole just like him if he
was left to his own devices.
Kevin thought about that a lot as Tonys discharge date grew closer and closer.


Tossing and turning , worrying about what was going to happen to the big guy got so bad
Kevin talked to Jean-Paul about what kind of help Tony might need, and what Jean-Paul, as a

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social worker, thought might be unethical, and what was justethically in the grey zone. He did
some thinking. Then he offered Tony a place to stay, and a job as his housekeeper.

He really just meant to help the big guy get back on his feet. Tony got under his skin. He
made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Kevin to take to work, and painted four sketchbooks
full of gorgeous pictures to make sure Kevin didnt miss seeing the sunsetsespecially on days
he had to work.

Kevin came home one day three or four months later to find an old college acquaintance
about to fuck Tony in the living room. Bare. He tossed Sean out and talked to Tony about safe
sex. Tony promised to follow the always use a rubber rule.

Two weeks later Kevin got a call from the local police station. Tony needed bailing out.
Hed finally gotten brave enough to leave the apartment without Kevin. He went shopping, and
walked out of a store without paying for his merchandise. When Kevin got there, Tony explained
that he forgot his wallet at home, and was going to get it. He couldnt understand why the store
clerks got so upset, or why the police arrested him. He was going to get the money to pay for his
things. Kevin decided the new rule would be that Tony needed to call if he was leaving the
house, and anytime he wasnt sure about what was going on where he was.
They went to the cell store the next morning to add a line to Kevins plan. Tony bounced
on his toes as he picked out a glittery pink phone, grinning from ear to ear.
Kevin, look at this one. Its sparkly. And pink. I love pink. Pink is happy, doncha
Kevin couldnt help smiling back at the big goof. They charged the phone as soon as they
got home, and Kevin made up new signs to put by the front door that read, Always call Kevin if
you arent sure. Then he programmed Tonys new phone so that he was #1 on the speed-dial.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

But he still worried. Sometimes Kevin forgot to check in, and sometimes people would
talk him out of doing it. Sometimes hed play games on his phone until the charge was gone and
then leave the apartment without bothering to recharge it.
Kevin helped Tony get enrolled in a local colleges art program. Kids at the art school
talked him into doing their projects, and someone was always talking the big guy into fucking
them in the schools bathrooms. Kevin made sure his room-mate always had plenty of condoms.
He started resenting how many the big guy was using though. He started carrying a bottle of
antacid with him everywhere he went. One day Tony called him at work four separate times to
ask if it was okay to let a guy fuck him raw because hed run out of rubbers and the guy (a
different one for every phone call) promised he was clean. Kevin got written up. It was the last
straw. Tony was officially more than he could handle by himself. And he was fucking well done
giving the big guy condoms to use with other men.

So Kevin went home that night with his write-up in his pocket, and his heart pinned right
to his fucking sleeve.
Tony? You here, big guy?
Tonys distinctive rumble echoed down the hall from the study that Kevin had converted
into a studio for him.
Im in the paintin room Kevin.

Kevin followed the velvet over gravel sound of his voice, pausing in the doorway to drink
in the sight before him. Tony was stripped to the waist, his broad chest spattered with shades of
blue to match the canvas in front of him. His already paint stained cargo pants hung low on his
narrow hips, the top edge of the dark curls that surrounded his uncut shaft peeking out. Kevins
cock filled, tenting the front of the scrubs he was wearing. He moaned a low and needy sound
escaping his lips before he could stop it. Tony turned from his painting. His thick black brows
arched toward his hairline as he took in the growing bulge in Kevins sweats.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kevin, I dont got no more condomsyou never told me if it was okay to let you fuck
me without one. Is it okay, Kevin? Cause I been hopin for a while that you might want to fuck
me. I like you a whole lot better than the other guys. Youre my Kevin. Fucking youd be better
than a whole day with nothin to do but paint.
Kevin moaned again, stepping into Tonys little studio.
Yeah, Tony, I want you. I dont wanna fuck you though babe. I wanna make love to

Tony shivered all over.

YouKevin, does that mean you love me?

Kevin was right toe to toe with the big guy at that point. He reached a hand up slowly,
touching Tonys chest first before sliding his fingers up around the back of the taller mans neck.
Applying gentle pressure he pulled until Tonys lips were a hairsbreadth away from his own.
Yeah, babe, it means I love you.
Tonys brows drew together, and a wary light entered his fawn brown eyes. He bit his top
lip, released it, and then bit down again before finally managing to mumble out a question.
Kevins chest constricted until it hurt.
No babe. Not ever.
A tear slipped down Tonys cheek.

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But what if you get real mad and theres nobody to stop you?
The tight feeling in Kevins chest spread to his stomach. He swallowed hard, wishing he
hadnt dropped his work bag by the front door. He could really use a slug of the antacid right
about now.
Oh, baby, Id never hit you.

Tony squeezed his eyes shut, more tears seeping through his long black lashes. He
whispered against Kevins lips.
Thats what Robert said too.
Something in Kevins chest broke unevenly, the jagged edges tearing into his soul. Tony
had lived with him for months now.
Baby, would you feel safe if we had someone else here? Somebody who loved you

Tony opened his eyes, a sparkle of hope shimmering in their depths.

And youse guys could tell each other not to hit when you got mad?

Kevin felt his chest loosen just a little.

Yeah, baby, we could do that.

Tony smiled, the edges of his plush lips curling up. He leaned forward the last millimeter
pressing his lips to Kevins.


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And the rubbers?

A chuckle bubbled up out of Kevins chest.
Sorry, baby, we still gotta use the rubbers. At least for a while, okay?

Tony nodded. Then he shook his head.

Do you mean you and me, or me and the other guywhats his name, Kevin?
No, baby, we dont have to use rubbers for you and menot for right now anyway. And
I dont know the other guys name yet. We have to find him, okay? But once we find him, we
gotta go back to using rubbers til I say different, okay? And until I say somebody is our third
guy, you dont let anybody fuck you.
Tonys eyes got big.
No fuckin?
Kevins chest loosened a little more.
No baby, no fucking.

Tony thought that over for a moment.

Does that include no dockin?

Kevin shook his head, his brows pinching together.

No what?


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Dockin Kevin. Aint you never docked nobody?

Kevin just looked up at Tony in perplexity. He had no idea what the big guy was talking
Robert dint like to dock, but I can show you if you want, cept we cant use rubbers.

Kevin figured the best thing to do would be to have Tony show him.
If you like it Tony, then show me.

Tony flashed a dazzling expanse of white enamel and took a half step back. He dropped
his cargo pants around his ankles, reaching for the ties to Kevins scrub bottoms in the same
motion. Kevin felt his scrubs sliding down his legs, and turned his gaze to Tonys long, thick and
uncut cock. It was beautiful, hanging quiescent against the bigger mans thigh.
We gotta have a little bit of lube Kevin, it slides better that way. Gimmee a sec to get
some okay?
Kevin pulled his eyes up to look at Tonys face. He still had no clue what the big guy
meant by docking, but if it put that happy look on his face it had to be something good.
Sure thing, baby. Take as much time as you need.
Oh, itll jus take a sec, Kevin. I keep some lube in here in case the paintin gets me
excited, ya know?

Kevin nodded a bit like one of those bobble-head dogs in the back of a car, sitting up on
the rear window ledge nod/shaking their heads in a continual yes/no/huh kind of motion. Holy
hell. No. He hadnt known. He might not have lasted this long if hed known Tony was jacking
off in here while he painted. Fuck. That was hot.

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Tony whirled around, a tube of lube in his big hands, a huge grin on his face. He stepped
quickly back in front of Kevin, letting the shorts hed hike back up temporarily drop back around
his ankles. He uncapped the lube and pulled his foreskin up to surround the tip of the tube,
squirting a healthy dollop of the slick into his foreskin before putting more lube into his hand and
reaching out to slick Kevins bare shaft.

You gotta slide your head into my foreskin before I get too excited, its easier that way.

Just when Kevin thought the guy couldnt get any hotter he went and blew that theory all
to hell. Tingles of electricity seemed to spark along every inch of Kevins skin. He reached out,
grasped Tonys half hard cock with one hand and guided his own with the other. Lining them up,
he paused for a second to look into Tonys eyes. They were shining, clear. Free of fear. Kevin
knew he should wait until they could get Tony checked againbut he couldnt bear the idea of
doing anything that would make the big guy lose that happy look. He looked down, and pushed
forward in tightness and heat and heaven.
Kevin had time for one last coherent thought before Tonys big hand closed over their
cocks and began to rub. He thought that this might be almost better than making love, and
definitely better than fucking. Who knew? Then Tony started to rub, and Kevin stopped thinking.
He pulled Tonys head down, kissing the big Italian fiercely; trying to pour every ounce of love
he had into that one act. The last little bit of tightness in his chest unfurled, and Kevin knew he
was so much more than just in love. He was owned.
The tingles on Kevins skin shot down his spine. He pulled his mouth away from Tonys,
screaming out his satisfaction as the whole world went white around him, the only color he could
see the brown of Tonys eyes and the blue of the paint on his chest. Tony shook and trembled in

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his arms, making the tiniest sound at the back of his throat as he came inside his own foreskin,
up against Kevins still throbbing cock. Kevin lowered Tony to the floor when the big guys
knees started to give out.
Stay put, baby. Ill get something to clean us up.

Tony was asleep before he got back from the bathroom with a warm wet washcloth and a
hand towel. Kevin cleaned them both up, pulled an old blanket and a spare pillow out of the linen
closet and got comfortable on the floor with his man.

Patrick came along shortly after that, and he seemed like a god-send. He was as into Tony
as Kevin was, and their work schedules rarely overlapped at first. So there was always someone
to help keep Tony safe. They all had chemistryand Kevin couldnt help but feel relieved to not
be caring for his sweet Tony all alone. His baby felt safer again, and really? That was all Kevin


Two Years Later

Tony snapped his glittery pink cell phone shut. Kevin knew that snap. It didnt even need
the little frown marring Tonys forehead to tell Kevin the story. Kevin clamped his jaw shut,
biting back a curse. Patrick was bailing out of their plans again.

Damn him.

Kevin watched Tony as the bigger man blinked twice, drawing in enough air to lift his
chest, stretching his cobalt blue tee shirt. Kevin winced. The way Tony snapped the cell shut, the
double blink of his eyes, and the cobalt blue of his tee told a story as well. This latest snub by
Patrick had Tonys brows drawing together in the way they only did when he was devastated by

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something. Patrick would know that if he came home to do more than fuck or sleep. Christ.
When was the last time hed just hung out with the two of them? Six months ago? Eight?

Tony looked up. His brown eyes held a hint of extra moisture. The sheen bounced a
reflection of the overhead light into Kevins eyes, causing them to water in sympathy. Tony
cleared his throat.
Hell miss the cake again. I made his favorite.

Kevin swallowed noisily, willing the stinging sensation behind his eyes away. Tony was
talking about cake. That was so not good.
Itll be okay, Tony. Wewell save him some cake, like we did last year.
Tonys frown grew deeper, then crumbled, cracks splitting off from it until his face was a
splintered mask of pain.
It doesnt matter, Kevin. He never makes it home for celebrations now. Its pretty clear,
huh? He doesnt wanthes not interested no more. He liked me better when I had head-aches
more, and he could take care of me and stuff.

It didnt matter that Patrick bought Tony a newer, more expensive, higher tech phone
every couple of months, or that he always apologized for missing these important events. It
<i>mattered</i> that he missed so many of birthdays, the housewarming after they moved into
the new place Kevin bought and Tony graduating with his Bachelors of Arts degree. Tony had
worked so hard to once he went back to school to finish his last four semesters. It mattered that
every couple of months, right after Patrick took off to where-the-fuck-ever; Tony took the fancy
new phone back. He didnt want a new phone, and Patrick never seemed to understand why, or
even to notice right away.

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Kevin knew why Tony clung to the old one so doggedly. Tony, the big, silly queen,
adored the dramatic effect of flipping it shut. He loved the glittery pinkness of it and the way the
pink rhinestones caught the sun. It soothed him. He had a snap specific to every mood, and
Kevin could tell, just by watching him close his phone, how his day had gone.

It gave him a little edge in dealing with his Tony. God knows Kevin needed it now that
he was back to taking care of Tony by himself.
Kevin contemplated kicking Patricks ass again.

No. Hell to the n-o. No. Just no. That would only upset Tony. The last time he and
Patrick got into it, the big goof broke down and cried all over them both because it reminded him
of the way his folks beat on each other when he was a kid. When he let that bit of information
slip it made a lot of things clearer to Kevin. Like how Tony had gotten mixed up with the fucker
who had permanently destroyed his ability to equate actions with consequences.

Kevin was not putting Tony through that shit again, no matter how much he wanted to
plant a boot in Patricks ass. Hed have to come up with something better. Something to get
Tony to realize that while they might need a third to feel all the way fulfilled, it would be okay,
for a while, to be just the two of them. As far as Kevin was concerned, Patrick didnt deserve
even the smallest bit of Tonys love.

It was time to put a stop to these last minute ditch and dive maneuvers. Kevin was
through watching his baby suffer.
Tony, baby, enough is enough. I cant stand to see him hurt you like this anymore.
Kevin, II wish.


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Shh. I know, Tony. I do too. But well find the right guy someday. I promise you hes
out there.
Tonys melted chocolate gaze fastened on Kevin, and his eyes opened up so wide it
looked like they should split at the corners. That painfully hopeful expression sent a zing through
Kevins chest. Sometimes Tony looked at him, just looked, and got Kevin so hot he wanted to
push the gorgeous Italian down on the nearest available flat surface and fuck him so hard the
neighbors were satisfied when he and Tony finished coming.
Hot tendrils of feeling curled down from Kevins chest to invade his groin. He reached
out one hard, callused hand, smoothing it gently along Tonys stubble covered cheek. Tony
pushed his cheek into Kevins caress. Doing most of the work building their new deck had
toughened Kevins hands up, and Tony told him and showed him constantly how much the big
guy loved the feeling of those callused hands on his skin.

Tony sat heavily in the kitchen chair closest to him. He bit down on his top lip. Then he
released it, firmed his chin and squared his shoulders.
I guess Id better tell him to stay wherever hes at then. Iyeah, Id rather have just
you. And then someday well find our third, right, Kevin?
Yeah, baby, someday.

Tony flipped his silly pink phone open with a decisive snap. He hit the call button twice,
and waited for Patrick to pick up.
Hello, Patrick. No, no I dint call to nag. Iwe wanted to ask youse to just drop off the
keyoh. Sure. Mailing itll be fine. Yeah. Well, um, good luck to youse

Tony pulled his ear back sharply. Kevin could hear Patrick yelling. He held his hand out
for the phone. Tony was biting his top lip again. Kevin reached out a little further, plucking the

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phone out of Tonys hands. He let his other hand wander along Tonys back in long sweeping
Kevin here, Patrick. Just shut it, man. You dont want to put the work inand were not
going to be yourwhatever the hell we <i>were</i> to you. Dont bother coming by. Ill pay for
the movers to come get your shit if you give me an address. No, man, I dont have a pen right
now. Email me. Thats what you normally do anyway. No sense fighting out of the pattern now.
That was it. A disinterested fine and they were done with all the drama. Kevin felt like
an ass for not pushing the matter months ago.

Tony opened his eyes after a minute. Looking up at Kevin, he tried to smile. It slipped on
one side, leaving the bleak sadness in his eyes on display. Kevin scrambled in his head, trying to
figure out how to get his lover past this.
If Tony could just see himself, see how fucking beautiful he was

That was it.

Hed find a way to show Tony how utterly perfect he was. Maybe he could send
flowersjust because? No, Tonyd get pissed at Kevin for treating him like a girl if he did that.
Shit. Maybe cooking stuff? God knows the guy loved to cook. While he was thinking about it
Tony surged to his feet, brows drawn together, lips turned down.

Damn Patrick.
Taking a step forward, Kevin wrapped his callused hand around the front of Tonys neck,
pressing lightly against his throat. Tony whimpered, a barely audible noise, and leaned into the
pressure. Kevin smiled up at him, sliding his hand up to cup Tonys jaw.


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Tony, I want some angel hair pasta for lunch, baby. I want your good marinara too, none
of that store bought crap, okay?
Tonys breathing steadied. His eyelids dropped in a slow fall, lashes fluttering against his
cheeks for a moment. A small smile curved his full lips up.
Sure, Kevin, I can do that. Youse know how much I love to cook stuff sos my men
man stays healthy.
The strained feeling in Kevins chest eased. Tony needed so much. Taking care of him
was really a two-man job. Kevin would do it alone, because right now he had to, just like he had
been for the past six monthsbut it was wearing him down. One day, soon, hed be too tired and
make a mistake.
Tony really couldnt afford any more mistakes. He didnt have in him.

The months passed, and Kevin could see Tony curling in on himself. Somehow hed
gotten the idea that he was what was holding up the works, the cause of that fucktard Patrick
leaving, the reason they hadnt found another third yet. Kevin snorted. As if. It was more like
Kevin was a whole fucking lot more picky about who hed trust within a thousand yards of his
Tony now. How could the big goof not see that he was the center everything else swung around?
By the time their sixth month post-Patrick rolled around, Kevin was getting really worried. Tony
hadnt been this down since their early days together when they were still just room-mates.
Hed tried everything he could think of to convince Tony that he was amazing.
Somewhere along the line Tony had become utterly convinced that it was his fault Patrick didnt
want to be with them anymore. He kept making pot roast every Wednesday. Pot roast was
Patricks favorite, and Wednesday was the one day theyd been able to rely on him actually
coming home on time.

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Kevins gut clenched every time he thought about it, and his heart pounded. Tony wanted
Patrick to come back so badly, but Kevin knew Patrick was never going to straighten up and
come back to them. Even if he ever tried, Kevin refused to take Patrick back unless he changed
dramatically. There was no way he was letting Patrick hurt Tony or him again. They could find
someone else.
Strangely enough, the answer to Kevins dilemma was right in his wallet. He reached in
one day at work to find the emergency lunch money he stashed for the days when the lunch
Tony packed him was too tempting and someone stole it out of the employee refrigerator.

A business card fell to floor when he pulled his twenty out to pay the delivery guy. It was
the card Tonys art history professor had given him at the end of term barbeque the Fine Arts
dept had thrown. Tony had done an internship with him forphotography? Film-making? It was
something along those lines. Theyd discussed how beautifully Tony photographed, and what it
would be like to see him on film.
That was it. Hed film Tony going through his day. No, wait. Hed go one better, and hire
someone to film them making love, and show Tony the tapes. The proof of just how loveable he
was would be right there. Tony already knew Neil, and would be comfortable with him. Yeah.

Kevin patted himself on the back. Some days he was a certified fucking genius. He
finished his shift with an ear to ear grin, even though Chevonne had talked him into picking up in
the ER again to cover one of her shifts, even after the kid with appendicitis puked all over him.

As Kevin drove home he remembered the day hed first seen Tony, eye blackened and
nose broken by the sick fuck who dared to call himself Tonys lover back then. It hadnt been the
first time Tony had been in that position. Kevins quick look into his thick medical chart had
made that clear. It had however, been the first time someone had stepped in to help. Everyone

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else had taken one look at Tony, seen his height and those broad, well muscled shoulders and
figured he must like it. He could take care of himself, guy built like that, right?

Dead. Fucking. Wrong.
Tony wasnt wired like that.
Kevin had seen it, somehow, in the ERs harsh lighting. The little boy lost look in
Tonys eyes.
Tony was screaming in silence, and the wordless plea for help kept getting overlooked.
Kevin almost refused to pick that shift up. Hed wanted to watch the fireworks. Missing
them, and covering that shift for his friend had netted Kevin something better than the holiday
pay that day.
Hed found Tony.

And lost him when he refused to file a police report, instead leaving with his abusive

And then a few weeks later, found him again as a transfer patient. God. Just thinking
about it was almost enough to have Kevin needing antacids again. He was damn glad hed
listened to his heart and offered Tony a place to stay. Things were okay until Kevin told Tony
hed fallen in love with the big goof.
It hadnt taken but a second to see that Tony was scared to death to be alone with anyone
professing to love him without another person there to police them.
So, when Kevin met Patrick through work and Patrick seemed like a good guyKevin
had introduced Tony to Patrick. Hed broached the idea of the three of them all being together.
Hed watched in delight as Tony settled into the threesome with ease, smiling and laughing
again. It had beengood then. It really had. Kevin couldnt put his finger on just when that had

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changed. It had though, and now they were done with himand Tony was back to being scared
that Kevin would get mad and beat him.

It sucked.
Kevin hoped Patrick would find what he was looking forand that hed take care to treat
the next guy he was with better. For now, all Kevin wanted to focus on was six foot two inches
of sweet cream filled Italian.

Tony was making his angel hair pasta again today, because today was Tuesday, and that
was pasta day. Kevin grinned. He needed to hit the gym before work tonight. Tony was gonna
put a tire around his middle if he wasnt careful. He left his big cook happily puttering in the
kitchen, and made his way to their home office, closing the thick oak door firmly behind him. He
picked up the phone, and set in motion his plan to make sure Tonys big brown eyes glowed
again, and this time, stayed that way even if Kevin got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Kevin knew Neil was the perfect guy to make their video. Neil was laid back. He was
easy to get along with. Tony knew him, and Kevin had gotten along great with him the one time
theyd hung out together last year.

Kevin dialed the number on the business card expecting to have to remind Neil of who he
Neil Smith here.
Hello, Neil, this is Kevin, you know, Tony Giulianis partner?
There was a pause, and then Neils voice came back, warmer, less business like.
Kevin, its good to hear from you. Howve you been, and hows sweet Tony doing?


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II didnt think youd remember me. I. Shit. Tonys not doing so good, Neil. Thats
why Im calling. there something I can do to help you then?
Kevin felt the warm tones of Neils voice stroking against his ears, relaxing him. It was
like no time had passed, and they were kicked back on the picnic table again at the end of term
cookout, swapping stories about Tonys goofy brand of brilliance.
As a matter of fact, I could use a good camera man. I want to show Tony howhes just
so. SoFuck man, I want him to see what I see when I look at him. But. Umm. Naked. I. I dont
want to ask too much

Silence spun between them for a moment, so thick Kevin could feel it press against his
Then Neil rumbled across the line, and Kevin nearly lost what he was saying in the
hypnotic tones of that silk and steel voice.
I can be there in an hour. Does that work for you?
Holy shit. An hour. Well, he could talk it over with Tony, and if he didnt want towell,
then theyd just hang out with Neil and call it a day. No harm, no foul.
Ill see you then Neil, and thanks.
Neils voice rang with a sharper, anticipatory edge.
See you then Kevin. Bye.


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An hour later they were sitting down to lunch. Kevin was still trying to figure out how to
ask his baby to make the video without making him mad, or offending him. He still hadnt come
up with anything.

A knock sounded at the door. Tony jumped up, his face alight. He practically tore the
heavy wooden front door off its hinges.

Shit. Not again. Every time there was an unexpected knock, or phone call Tony would
think it was
Patroh, hi, Professor Neil. Um. Geez. Good to see you. Come in. Were just about to
have lunch. You want to join us?

Kevin shook his head, his eyes crinkling up at the corners as he pressed his lips together.
Tonys loping strides came thump-thumping back down the hallway. That was his baby, all long
legs, shoulders, and enthusiasm. He could hear the smile in Neils voice as the man answered.
Itd be a pleasure, Tony. You know I love your cooking. Please call me Neil though. Im
not your professor anymore.
Neils voice ran over Kevin like sun-warmed honey, rich, sweet, and sticky in all the best
places. There was a hint of heat in his voice. Kevin couldnt blame him. Tony was looking
especially sexy today, wearing an old wife-beater that fell off one of his sculpted shoulders no
matter how many times he pushed it back up and an old pair of butter soft blue jeans. The denims
were snug and faded with a rip right across the top of Tonys right thigh. It was a damn good
thing Tony dressed to the left, or there would be no doubt as to whether he was cut or not at
least not in those jeans. Kevin had made a wear at home only rule for those jeans.

Just in case.


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They entered the dining room side by sideand yet Kevin couldnt shake the feeling that
Neil was somehow guiding Tony. The professor was an inch or two taller than Tony, his black
hair silvered at the temples.

Yum. In his double breasted black suit Neil was very Cary Grant in <i>Charade</i>. He
had a heavy looking bag slung over one broad shoulder that Kevin assumed must be full of
camera equipment.
What are you doing in our neighborhood ProfessorI mean Neil?

Neil cast Kevin a rapid, questioning glance. Kevin shook his head slightly, lifting one
shoulder in a half shrug. Neil nodded, turning his attention back to Tony.
Kevin and I had an intriguing conversation last year about how beautiful we thought
youd look on film. We had a chance to speak again recently, and we were hoping youd allow
us totest our theory out.
Tony opened his mouth, his eyes glued to first Neils face and then to Kevins. He
pressed his lips together, and then licked the full bottom one. Damn. He really had no idea how
sexy he was. His phone rang as he opened his mouth again, and he absently flipped it open.
Hiya, Tony here.

His face started to lose color. Kevin jumped up, knowing who was on the phone. He
could hear the fucker yelling at Tony from where he was. Neil took a step forward, his brows
No, Patrick, I told you last week that I didnt have the money to invest in your idea. I
just dont. No. Im not going to take it from the household account. I dont care how much Kevin
inherited. Its not mine, and Im not going to help


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Neil was closer. He snatched the phone out of Tonys hands. Kevin wrapped an arm
around Tony, rubbing his back. There would be time for explanations later.
Ah, this must be Patrick. This is Neil Smith. I heard quite a bit about you when Tony
was my student. I suggest you desist calling Mr. Giuliani and harassing him for money. Or youll
be dealing with me. I believe you work construction, dont you? Ah, I see youre remembering
where youve heard the name before. Goodbye Patrick.

Tony had turned into Kevin, and stood leaning over with his face buried in the shorter
mans neck. Neil moved up behind him, and carefully wrapped his arms around Tonys shaking
Come on Tony. Lets not waste the wonderful lunch you prepared. He wont bother you
anymore, and we can talk about the other over dessert. I stopped by Venieros bakery and got
one of their Tiramisu cakesI remembered how much you like them.

Tony pushed away from Kevin at that, glaring at Neil.

Did you stop to think maybe I wanted him to call againjust
Tony bit off the rest of what hed been about to say. He stormed away; flinging the
basement door open so hard it left a mark on the kitchen wall next to it. Neil watched him go, his
mouth pressed tightly closed. He lifted one long fingered hand, running his fingers through his
hair from brow to nape. It left him looking deliciously rumpled.
Kevins heart beat unsteadily. He didnt know whether to make sure Tony was alright or
find out what the hell Neil knew about the situation, and how hed gotten Patrick to shut it so
quickly. Neil raised his eyes from the floor and caught him staring. A half smile quirked up one
side of his mouth.


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Come on Kevin. Well set another place at the table, and put a pot of coffee on. I
brought some of that too. Tonyll be okay once he lifts for a half an hour or so.

How the hell the professor knew that was a mystery. Kevin cocked an eyebrow at him,
tilting his head to one side to contemplate the tall man. Jay-zus, the guy was huge. He was six
foot four if he was an inch, and looked more like he should be training recruits at some military
instillation than teaching art history. Professor Neil caught Kevin eating him up with his eyes and
Come on. Stop staring holes through me. If youll show me where the plates are, and
point out the coffee pot, Ill explain everything as we work, okay?

That worked. Kevin nodded, gesturing for Neil to precede him into the kitchen.
You already know that Tony was my student.

Kevin nodded and pointed Neil toward the glass fronted cupboard housing the plates. The
silverware was right below it, in the weird Plexiglas looking drawers Tony had fallen in love
with when the designer showed them to him. There was no need to point them out. He waited
for Neil to gather what hed need for lunch, taking slow deep breaths to keep himself from
shouting for answers.
You have a very expressive face Kevin. I can see that youre about to explode with
curiosity over thereand that would be such a waste.

Kevin found his breath coming shorter despite his best attempts to keep it slow and
steady. Holy crow. Neils voice dipped over the last sentence, coming out closer to a growl than
a normal speaking tone. A flush rose up Kevins neck.
Ah. Is that so, Neil? Well, put me out of my misery then. How did you know that Tony
was going to lift weights?

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Neil let one of those lazy smiles drift across his face again. His smile was ridiculously
white and even. Kevin noted that at least it looked like his nose had been broken a time or two,
saving his face from chiseled perfection.
I think you may have forgotten he interned for the department for two semesters? No?
Most of the second semester, he reported directly to me. Hesometimes I noticed he needed a
little special handling to succeed in his projects.

Kevin blinked. A shiver chased down his spine. He wavered between wanting to plant his
fist in Neils face and climbing him like a jungle gym. If hed taken advantage of TonyKevins
hands curled up at his sides.
What do you mean by special handling?

Neil gave him a speaking look from beneath heavy lidded eyes, and snorted. Kevin felt
like hed just gotten caught picking his nose in the principals office. He bristled. Neil held both
hands up in a conciliatory gesture.
I only meantthat I saw pretty early on during the first semester how easy it was for
him to take on too much. He didnt seem very good at telling his classmates and the other interns
no, and they would dump all the really tricky or time consuming tasks on him. I told the chair I
wanted him for my own, and they shifted him to be solely in my charge during the second
Kevins hands uncurled. He readjusted his thinking. Tony had been much happier during
the second semester. He told Kevin that it had gotten easier. Kevin shook his head. He should
have looked into it more closely.
I. Thank you. He does need special care. I try.


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Neil pinned him with those cobalt eyes once more. This time it feltequal. A knowledge
shared between them.
I imagine you do. I did what I could while he was my internbut he needs more doesnt

Kevin sighed.
Yeah. We had a partner
Neils gaze hardened.
Yeah. Patrick. It wasgood at first. Tony was happy, slept at night. He doesnt sleep
well when Im at work. I put in for the night shift when Patrick was stillhe was supposed to be
here at night with Tony. He. Shit. I. Hes not some fainting flower. He just has nightmares still.
Neil put a hand on Kevins shoulder. The heat of it sank through his light cotton shirt. He
felt some of the tension easing from his neck, and blew out a big breath.
Kevin, have you tried to get him to go to counseling? From the little I learnedwell, it
wouldnt be a bad idea for him.
A jolt of heat burned through Kevins stomach. He swallowed reflexively.
I did try. After he first moved in, and then again when Patrick joined us. He went for a
little while. Itworked when he had both of us go with him, but
Neils face turned stony.


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Let me guess. It was too much work for Patrick, and he stopped goingand then Tony
started finding excuses not to go.
Kevins eyes started to burn. He scrubbed at them with one hand, clearing his throat.
Shit. Im sorry, man. Give me a minute here.

Sucking in several deep breaths steadied him. Kevin tilted his head back to look up at
Neil, who suddenly seemed much closer.
Yeah, you nailed it, Neil. Patrick stopped going, and then after a while I couldnt get
Tony to go anymore. Hed been doing so well. Its hard to see him sliding backwards.

Neil opened his mouth, and then paused. He shook his head sharply. Smiling down at
Kevin, he gripped the shorter mans shoulder tighter for a second, and then released it.

Kevin was burning with curiosity still.

How did you get himPatrickto shut the hell up so fast?

Neil laughed outright, gradually settling into a sharp grin before he quirked a brow at the
smaller man.
Kevin, do you know who the biggest developer in the whole area is?

Kevin shook his head, completely perplexed.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?


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The biggest developer in the whole area is Thomas Neil Smith Sr. My grandfather
happens to dote on me, and if I asked him to make sure a certain contractor never worked on any
of his projectswell.

Kevin blinked up at Neil in astonishment.

Oh, my grandfather just had an article about him in the local rag a few weeks ago, and
they mentioned my father and I in it. I knew from something Tony said once that Patrick was a
contractor, and that he was always looking for ways to weasel his way into befriending whoever
he thought could get him more work.

Kevin knew he was doing a good impression of a guppy. Neil had the decency to not
mention it.
Lets get this on the table, Kevin, and get the coffee started while you explain to me why
you think making a video of the two of you making love is going to help Tony.
Well, hell. The guy didnt pull any punches. Kevin grinned. He liked that. No guessing
games. Kevin took the silverware from Neil, his hand brushing against the older mans callused
finger tips. What did he do besides teach? There was no way his hands had gained that
delightfully rough surface sitting at a desk grading term papers. No wonder Tony liked his hands
better when he worked on stuff around the house.


Kevin watched light reflecting off the silverware as he placed it around the round table.
He ran his fingers along the edges of the table as he did so, unconsciously counting off the raised

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metal rivets that ran along the sides of the table. The sensation of the cool metal bumps passing
under his fingers shot tendrils of calm through him.
He. Tony doesnt hear me when I tell him thingsbut you know how he is with his art.
If I can just get him to see how perfect he is right now, and how much I love himthen maybe
hell believe we can find a real third again. Hes so wounded right now Neil. Ive tried every

Neil spoke across him.

I think youre right. Tony really does do better when he can learn things in a visual or
tactile medium.

He paused.
He has no idea why Im here today beyond what I told him earlier, does he?
Kevin looked up from the battered wood of the table hed bought in a flea market with
Tony, meeting the hot blue gaze Neil pinned him with. Sparks flared to life inside him. Heat
rushed into his cheeks. Neil arched a brow at him.
No. I. Didnt know how to ask him.
How to ask me what, Kevin?
Kevin looked over his shoulder to the kitchen door. Tonys deep tones rumbling over him
sent a shock running through his system. Chest gleaming with a glistening sheen of sweat,
muscles pumped from his brief stint in their home gym, Tony stood with a perplexed frown
wrinkling his forehead. He lifted a big hand to scrub at the back of his neck.


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Did I do something bad again? Im sorry about getting mad so quick earlier. Youse
know, sometimes I cant find the words I want, and theres no paint or clay and everybody else
figures out stuff quicker, andI get mad. So I go to the gym.

Kevin turned completely around, and blinked up at Tony. Sheesh. And the big goof
thought he wasnt good with words. He glanced over at Neil, completely lost. Neil grinned wryly
at him.
We were talking about it earlier Tony. Before your ex called. Kevin wants me to take
some pictures and maybe shoot a video of you, Tony. He wants to show you how he sees you.

Tony shook his head.

No, Kevin dont know how. Hes not arty like us.

He waved his broad hand in the air between himself and Neil. Kevin bit back a smile. He
didnt want to risk Tony thinking he was laughing at him.
Thats why he asked me to help him, Tony. Cause hes not arty like us.
Tony smiled then, his white teeth glowing against his olive skin. Kevins breath caught in
his chest. Christ. It was like a sunrise. He pointed at Tony, turning his head to catch Neils eyes
as he spoke.
I want you to catch that on film.

Tony turned puzzled brown eyes his way. Neil nodded briskly, turning and striding past
Tony. Kevin heard Neils footsteps go down the hallway toward the bedroom. He guessed the
older man must be checking out the lighting in there. Tony was still rubbing the back of his neck.
Kevin stepped closer to him, breathing in his ripe masculine scent. Longing washed through him,
but he repressed it for now.

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Come sit down Tony. Ill rub your shoulders for you.

Tony grinned as freely as a child upon hearing the offer, practically leaping into the
nearest chair. Kevin chuckled.
Yeah, Kevinyour goof.

Tony caught his hand, pulling it up to his mouth to press a kiss into the palm. Kevin
caught his breath and let his head drop back and his eyes slide shut.


His eyes flew open to find Neil in the doorway, a fearsome looking camera welded to his
hand. The way the older man was holding the piece of equipment it seemed like an extension of
his own flesh. He flowed along the edge of the room, circling them for a moment. Kevin tensed
up. He didnt photograph well. Neil dropped the camera down a bit and winked at him.
Its all about Tony, Kevin. Stop thinking about how you look. Start thinking about how
Tony looks. I cant capture it through your eyes if youre not feeling it.
Tony pulled Kevin closer, pushing his cheek into his lovers stomach. Kevin ran his
fingers over the curve of the bigger mans scalp. Concentrate on Tony. Yeah, he could do that.
He rubbed his palm across Tonys closely buzzed cut. He missed the sweet curls Tony had
before Patrick left, but cutting the curls helped the big guy get over their ex. Anything that did
that was fine by Kevin. He smiled down at the bigger man, sliding his palm over the soft stubble
on Tonys head. When he got to Tonys hairline, he kept going until he was cupping Tonys jaw
again, one thumb brushing back and forth on the resilient plush of Tonys full bottom lip.


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Heh. Tony had three ridiculously sensitive erogenous zones. The small hollow just
behind his right ear, the soft bit of inner thigh right where his left leg joined his bodyand his
bottom lip. Kevin knew he could bring Tony right to the brink with nothing more than a finger
on any one of those spots.


Kevin ignored the sound, keeping his focus on Tony, and the hectic flush beginning to
rise in his cheeks. He ran his thumb over Tonys lip again, this time dipping inside to pull a little
moisture out. That was one of his personal kinks. Itdid it for him to see Tonys lips all swollen
and shiny. Oh, yeah.

Tony whimpered. His big chocolate eyes pleaded as he closed his lips tight around
Kevins thumb and began to suck.
Damn, baby, you know what that does to me.

Tony moaned and kept sucking.

Kevin ran his free hand along the side of Tonys neck.
Let go for a minute, baby. We need to talk, okay Tony?

Tony let go, but his mouth was set in a mutinous pout. Kevin forced himself to maintain a
serious expression despite how much he wanted to crack a smile. Tony needed to know he was
serious, and that this was important. Kevin knew if he let himself smile he would start to
chuckle, and as soon as he was distracted, Tony would pounce.


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The younger man was well aware of how pliable Kevin became once his dick was inside
any part of Tony, and he used that knowledge to great effect at times. It was the reason he and
Kevin had spent three consecutive weeks at Disney World one year. Kevin never wanted to hear
the theme to Its A Small World again in his lifebut he had no doubt Tony could convince
him to go again

Kevin took a half step back.

Baby, before we go any farther I have to ask if its okay with you for Neil to be here,
taking pictures while we do this. I want you to see yourself the way I see you, butif youre not
okay with it well stop.

Tony blinked up at him slowly. Kevin could see the wheels turning as Tony figured out
what that meant to him, and how he felt about it. A couple of long moments creaked by,
everything else in the house still and silent, only the up and down sweep of Tonys impossibly
long lashes marking the time. Finally, something seemed to click into place, and a big grin broke
across Tonys leanly handsome face like a sunrise.
Sure. Id like that. I always wanted to fuck Professor Neil, but I didnt on account of you
and Patrick being my guys. Him watching is almost as good as him touching.

A choked off moan came from the side of the room. Kevin cut his eyes over to find Neil
biting the back of one of his wrists. He held the camera in the same hand. The other hand was
pressed against the base of the massive erection he was sporting.

A flash of heat rushed through Kevin.

Holy. Mother. Of. God.

Tony wanted to fuck Neil. Neil wanted to fuck them both, if the hot looks hed given
Kevin earlier and the downright smoldering gaze he had Tony pinned with right now were any

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

indication. Kevin? He wanted Neils mouthwateringly thick cock pounding his ass while he
practiced his number one Tony specific kink.
Oh fuck, yeah. The idea of docking his cock with Tonys while Neil was balls deep in his
ass almost had Kevin shooting right then.

Kevin bit his lip and looked back at Tony, who was starting to look concerned. He tried
to speak, only managing an embarrassing squeaky noise. An amused sounding snort came from
Neils general position. Kevin flew him a bird while clearing his throat.
Dont frown up, baby. I like that idea a lot. What do you say we move this to the
bedroom, and let whatever happenshappen.

Tony gave that glorious sunrise smile again.


Kevin paused.
Neil, I have to ask you to use condomsTony and I are clean, probably, but were
being careful still. We dont know who or what Patrick was doing before he left. Weve tested
clean every timebut just to be on the safe side, you gotta glove up when you fuck us. Thats

Neil snapped another picture, and then lowered the camera. As the equipment dropped
away from his face Kevin could see the clearly approving gleam in his brilliant blue eyes. His
deep voice caused a shiver to wind down Kevins spine.
I wouldnt have it any other waynot for now.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kevin felt the heat that was already burning away his ability to function rationally crank
up another notch. He swallowed, hoping to pull some moisture into his suddenly dry mouth. He
settled for nodding in response, turned and pulled Tony up out of the chair he was sitting in, and
somehow managed to get them both headed in the direction of the bedroom.

He wasnt worried about Neil following. Neil never got more than a few steps behind
them. Kevin could tell by the soft *snick* *snick* sound of him capturing the beauty of Tonys
uninhibited responses. *snick* *snick* It drifted between the three of thembinding them to
each other in unexpected ways. *snick* *snick*


Having Neil with them, all three of them with cocks straining at the zippers of their
respective pants, made Kevin look at the bedroom with fresh eyes. He snorted. Tony looked over
at him, one eyebrow raised.
What youse thinkin, Kevin?
Kevin smiled and tempered his words for Tony, being sure he stuck to the truthbut still
being careful of the big guys feelings.
I just remember what a surprise this room was the first time I saw it after you decorated

Kevin could hear the Ba-aaown chica baaown baaown, chi-chica baaown baaown music
playing in the back of his head. There was no way he was sharing that thought with Tony though.
It would just hurt his feelings.

Neil spoke behind them.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Wow. Inspirational. I can almost hear a sound track for this room. Tony, what influences
where you portraying?

Tony grinned mischievously this time, the corners of his wide, expressive mouth quirking
up an teensy extra bit.

I saw a movie that had a room like this. The people in the movie didnt talk too much,
but they sure were having fun.
Kevin cracked up as he realized, after months of trying to place where hed seen this
room before, just where hed seen it.
Tony. Did you pattern it on the bed-room from Beach-House-Boyz?
Tonys grin stretched over his whole face.
Yep. I liked that movie a lot. Do you think we could find another copy, since Patrick
took it with him?

Kevin felt his mouth gape open, and carefully closed it. A jolt of triumph raced along his
veins. That was the first time since Patricks abrupt departure from their lives that Tony had
spoken of him in such a matter of fact manner.
Sure, Tony. I know where he used to buy all his moviesIm sure we can find another
copy of that one.
Tonys smile went mega-watt.


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Tonys gaze sharpened, his amber eyes rising from Kevins face. He stared intently over
his smaller lovers shoulder. He leaned down to whisper conspiratorially.
My favorite part was where the big dark haired older guy and the sort of blondyish
onelike you Kevinare both making love to the young Italian guy. It wasum, not that I
woulda back then ya know, but it was like they was, me and youse guys.

Tony waved his hands at Neil and Kevin.

It was like they was really making love. The other parts of the movie was kinda just
fucking, ya know? But that was real pretty. It was like hearin a poem, or lookin at a Matisse.

Kevin felt the vice grips squeezing his heart again. And to think Patrick had called Tony
stupid. Tony just didnt think like other people. It took him a while to see badness in a person,
and sometimes, he just never saw it. Kevin reached up and pulled Tonys head down, sucking his
sensitive bottom lip like it was a lollipop he was trying to find the center of.
Mmmm. Sweeter than candy.

Tony chuckled.

That sound was starting to feel like Neils big hands touching Kevins back. He let Tony
take a step back toward the bed, looking over his shoulder at Neil. It sure felt like he was
wearing his fuck-me-now face, and something must have become unbearable for Neil, because


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

he growled, real low in his throat, and Kevin saw that his hands were turning white at the
That couldnt be good for the equipment.


Neil growled more deeply, a sub-vocal rumble that Kevin felt rather than heard. It caused
the hairs at the base of his neck to stand straight out, and the skin where his shoulder joined the
base of his neck to tingle. It almost felt like Neil was already biting him there, drawing up a dark
mark of possession.

Kevin shook himself minutely and tried to focus solely on Tony. It was difficult when
what he wanted to do most was beg Neil to slide deep in his ass as he slid the tip of his cock into
Tonys foreskin.

God, Kevin, whatever youre thinking about, keep thinking it. Jesus, the two of you are
going to set my camera on fire.
Neils voice was a low rasp of sound, like silk against a coarse wooden door. Kevin
closed his eyes in a desperate bid for control. When he opened them again Tony had stripped off
his shirt and was busily unbuttoning his fly.
When did you do that, baby?

Tony had been busy with the clippers. His chest was now a marvel of manscaping and
pumped muscles. Kevin could no more stop the moan that rolled out of his throat than he could
stop the pounding of blood in his achingly hard cock.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Tony ran a hand teasingly up his chest, pausing to pinch his nipple lightly. Kevin dropped
to his knees to pull Tonys pants down and off. When they slid below Tonys hips Kevins
second favorite part of his lovers body came into view.

Tonys thick, uncut shaft was one of the most beautiful things in the world to Kevin. He
dropped to his knees, pushing Tonys legs apart to get closer. Out of the corner of his eye he
could see Neils legs getting closer.

Take your shirt off too, Kevin. Let me see the copulating male dragons Tony was
forever trying to draw in class. He told me he could never get it really right. I want to see if he
was right, or if my best student was just being overly humble again.
The tip of Kevins dick was leaking now, and he knew it was going to show through his
pants in just another moment. He couldnt bring himself to care about his blatant show of
neediness. The authoritative sound of Neils voice directing him was nearly enough to bring him
off right then without a hand on him. He reached back and pulled up on the back of his shirt,
drawing it up over his head before throwing it to the side. After a minute pause, Neil spoke
Ah. No, he was right. He didnt draw what was there. What he drew was better.

There was a metallic clatter. Kevin turned his head to see Neil in the process of setting up
some sort of tripod.
Is that for the video, Neil?


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Tony grabbed for his own cock, fisting it tightly and beginning to pump, throaty moans
pouring from him as he sank down on the zebra striped bed. Kevin brushed his hands aside,
leaning in to kiss Tonys recently waxed balls. Tony shivered, raising his head and holding it in
his hands to maintain the posture. A clicking noise, and then*snick*but Neil had come
around to stand right in Kevins line of sight when he raised his head. The sexy photographer had
one foot propped on the bed.


He grinned a lopsided, whimsical grin at Kevin and continued to roll a condom down
over his long, almost frighteningly thick cock. Holding the base of the condom, he slathered lube
over his shaft as he spoke.
Do it now, while I can watch.
Kevin peered up at Neil from the juncture of Tonys thighs, his confusion evident in his
wrinkled brow. Tony chuckled at him. Kevin nipped at the apex of his inner thigh, and Tony
subsided back onto the tiger-striped bed with a hungry moan. He cocked an eyebrow at Neil.
Tony told me oncehow you put the head of your penis inside his foreskinthat
sounded so fucking hot. Show me. Now, Kevin.
White hot heat clawed its way up Kevins spine.

Fucking hell.

The man was trying to kill him.

Stop talking Neil, or Ill come before I ever get it in.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Neil laughed, low and dirty. Oh fuck, it was worse when he did that. Kevin pinched the
base of his shaft and thought of Mrs. Peterson, his seventh grade English teacher. She had buggy
eyes, andoh thank Christ it still workedshe was his go to girl for staving off early orgasm.
Kevin stood, shimmied out of his pants, and straddled Tony on the bed. He pulled the bigger man
up into a seated position, lined their cocks up and then looked up at Neil.
You want to give us a little lube? Just to ease the way? We do this pretty often, but I like
to keep Tony safe. I know Im a little hyper about it

Neil waved away the rest of his words.

Theres nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution Kevin. Especially when youre
trying to protect someone you love.
A warm feeling settled into Kevins chest. Neils next words turned it lava hot.
I want to watch you cum inside his foreskin, and then I want to fuck you right through
this mattress.


Kevin was pretty sure the last shot caught him in the middle of a whimper. He eased
Tonys foreskin back, hooked the head of his cock under the head of his sweet boys, and then
pulled the foreskin back up.

Tony tried to rock forward, but Neil was all the way on the bed now, big hands holding
Tonys lean hips still. The sight of Neils long, pale fingers biting into the olive toned skin
stretched taut over Tonys hipbone combined with the power in his voice as he softly told Tony
to hold steady.


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kevin managed a few erratic rubs before he cried out helplessly, emptying stream after
stream of ejaculate into Tony. He shuddered a final time, and then collapsed down onto Tony.

Tony caught his arm, guiding him sideways onto the bed.
Steady there, Kevin. Youse dont wanna bang your head and then wed hafta stop all
the fun ta go to the hospital.
Neil licked a line up the side of Tonys throat. He bit softly down on one earlobe before
placing his mouth beside the big Italians ear to ask his question.
What do you want to see Tony?
Tony ran a hand over Kevins flushed cheek before turning his stunning amber eyes on
I want to see youse two makin love. You in him.


Kevin had regained enough presence of mind to ask about the new sound.
What was that?

Neil kissed Tony lightly on the lips, and then made his way across the bed to Kevins
That was the end of the still photos Kevin. Give me just a minute to get the video


Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

Kevin barely had time to register his absence before Neils fingers were sliding into his
ass one and then another and another until there were four plunging in and out. They put a rapid
halt to any sort of sense coming out of him.
Vaguely, he heard Tonys voice asking Neil a very important question.
Neil, can youse maybe becando youse think ya could help me take care of Kevin
maybe? Its hard to keep him okay all by myselfso maybe youse could date us?
Neil answered and Kevin didnt hear what he said because he was pulling his fingers out
and pushing his cock in and Kevin couldnt make sense of anything but his steady rhythm and
the feeling of being fuller than hed ever beenand through it all he could hear Neil murmuring
to Tony, feel Neil caressing his back, and the beautiful slow and steady rhythm of Neil fucking
him right into the mattress just like hed promised.
Tony leaned forward and kissed him, sucking on his tongue for a moment. When Tonys
mouth left his Kevin opened his eyes to see Neil and Tony exploring one anothers mouths
slowly. The sight combined with Neils slow, thorough assault on his prostate. Every time Neil
slammed home the tip of his cock would nail Kevin right there, and then hed slow and roll his
hips, sliding the whole thick length in still pressing down Kevins joy button.

Kevin was pretty sure someone had let an animal of some sort in the room, because no
way in hell was he making those desperate howling noises.

Except he was.
He decided Neil was the best fuck hed ever had.

Right up until he shot, screaming incoherently he believed that. And then Neil pulled
gently out of him, rolled over on his back and pulled his knees to his chest, and smiled at Tony.


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I seem to remember you saying you wanted to fuck me. Is that right, Tony?
The sight of Tonys incredulous smile changed Kevins mind. Neil was a prince among
men, and he wasnt fucking them, he was making love with them.
Yeah, ProfessI mean Neil. I wanna do youse. If thats okay.

Neil just nodded, pulling one knee higher while he released one to reach down and pull a
thick black plug from his ass.
Dont forget the condom, Tony.

Tony nodded solemnly.

I know. Thats rule number one. No fuckin or makin love without rubbers til Kevin
says the tests are good and he trusts the guy.

Neil smiled at Kevin as he wiggled his body around on the bed, ending with his head next
to Kevins and his ass pointed at Tony. The big guy gloved up, eased his way between Neils
powerful thighs and then paused. Neil let go of one leg again to smooth a long fingered hand
along Tonys stubble covered cheek.
Its just like in class Tony, but this time, the sculpture youre making is you, me, and
Kevin. Make us a masterpiece.
Kevin watched the tension slip from Tonys shoulders as he slid into Neil. Tony caught
the bigger mans legs in crooks of his arms as Neil released them. Neil reached over, twinning
his fingers with Kevins. He kissed Tony slow and deep, and then broke away to stroke his
tongue into Kevins mouth. It tasted like dark coffee, and tiramisu, bitter and sweet, both flavors
strongand under them the wild, heady flavors that were unique to Tony and Neil.


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Kevin was addicted. If he hadnt been so spent, hed have screwed them both right into
the mattress, because Christ, watching the two of them moving sinuously on and in one another
was the hottest fucking thing ever.
Especially when Tony started to copy the slam/roll/prostate powerhouse hed watched
Neil using on Kevin. Exchanging kisses with Neil got harder when Tony started really
hammering into him, so Kevin just held Neils hand and slow stoked his own cock as he thought
about how next time, or at least later, when he had some more energy he wanted Neil to dock
with Tony while he did his damndest to suck them both off at once.
Yeah, so it couldnt really work like that. He knew that. It would be a lot of fun trying
Then Tonys hips really started snapping, and he started making the hot as fuck little
whimper/growl that always preceded his climax. Neil gripped Kevins hand tighter, growled,
threw his head back and shot so hard it arched up to hit Tony in the throat.

Tony pushed as deep as he could one last time, and froze, trembling all over. Neil opened
his eyes, pinned Kevin with a molten gaze, and then swung his attention to Tony. They both
watched him until the last aftershock released him.

Neil got up and went to the bathroom, bringing back wet and dry cloths for everyone, got
Kevin and Tony situated under the covers and began to put his clothes on.
Where are you going?

Kevin realized he and Tony both blurted out the same question, with the same slightly
panicked air. He grasped Tonys hand and squeezed it lightly. They spoke in unison again,
shifting apart on the bed until there was a Neil sized spot between them.

Kiss & Tell/Cherie Noel

The Beginning.


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