Uhon 2850 Project Plan RD Edit

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Jessica Leath
Olivia George
Jocelyn Humphries
Morgan McKenna
Problem Statement:
Existing mentorship programs do not incorporate enough outdoor physical
Goal 1
Establish an existing mentorship program with which to partner.
Research existing mentorship programs in the Chattanooga area, and start
working together with at least one of them.
Olivia: Do an online search - analyze school locations with respect to
UTC and to some popular outdoor activities, school and existing program
policies concerning outside help, and any other factors of note. Due
December 31, 2017
Olivia: Reach out to potential partnerships (email and call), especially
Hunter Huckabee with the Gear Up program, Ryan Keller, and Nikki
Lewis. Due January 6, 2017
Olivia: Arrange an initial meeting with partnership program(s). Discuss
the general goals of this project as well as the goals of the
partnership. Due January 21, 2017
Shape the project to best suite the partnership program.
Olivia: In the initial meeting with the partnership program, determine any
pre-existing issues they may already be working to solve but that might be
positively impacted by this project. Due January 21, 2017
Olivia: Consult the partnership program, either through email, phone, or
in person, at least once a week concerning the project progress. Due
Olivia: Ask what the partnership program would like the final format of
the activity list to be for their best use. Due March 25, 2017
Olivia: Make the final format of the activity list cater to the way the
partnership program would use it. Due April 1, 2017
If possible, help the partnership program begin utilizing the list.
Olivia: Give them the list in its final format. Due April 8, 2017
Olivia: If possible, get involved in the implementation of the list. If this
is not feasible or is unreasonable, continue checking in weekly with the
partnership program to get feedback. Due April 2017
Olivia: Make any necessary modifications to the list, as well as updating
it with new activities. Due May 1, 2017
Goal 2
Devise a list of specific outdoor activities approved by the program with simple and safe
methods of transportation.

Research child-friendly outdoor activities. Are there any in particular that
children get extra gratification from or that are an ideal balance of free, fun, and
safe? Use existing studies as well as a survey to determine any popular outliers.
Olivia: Research existing literature concerning children and the outdoors
and collect information. Use Google Scholar, the meta-analysis link list,
and any books the library has. Due January 31, 2017
Morgan: Conduct a research survey to determine any local favorites
among parents who already encourage outdoor physical activity in their
children (ie, take them to the park, go for walks together, play sports
together, etc.). Due February 14, 2017
Olivia: Use research findings to write up a strong list of
activities. Perhaps categorize the activities based on distance, cost, or
level of thrill. Due February 21, 2017
Olivia: Arrange a meeting with the partnership program to discuss the list
of activities. Edit the list accordingly, then focus on transportation
analysis. Due February 25, 2017
Examine the transportation options associated with each activity. Aim for a
simple solution for each option.
Morgan: In the survey mentioned above, also ask questions about the
transportation parents already use and find most convenient. Ask why
they do not prefer other transportation options. Due February 14, 2017
Olivia: Once activity list is (mostly) complete, consider each activity and
the inherent transportation challenges in each.
Brainstorm solutions without outside input. Due March 7, 2017
Arrange a meeting with the partnership program to discuss the
merits and feasibility of various transportation options. Due March
25, 2017
Olivia: Outline a specific method of transportation for the mentors to
follow in guiding their mentee through each outdoor activity. Make the
directions simple to follow, and use a map if possible/necessary. Due
April 1, 2017
Consolidate the options into one location, be that a physical booklet or an online
Olivia: Throughout the process of researching, collect running ideas on a
notebook page to be transferred to a Word document that gets updated
periodically. Due January 31, 2017
Olivia: Once activity list is finalized, use Word document to brainstorm
various transportation methods for each activity. Due March 7, 2017
Olivia: At the next meeting with the partnership program, discuss the best
format to put the final list in for optimal accessibility. Due March 25,
Olivia: Once the transportations methods are finalized, convert the
Word document to the final format. Due April 1, 2017
Problem Statement:

Many citizens of Chattanooga, including children ranging from the ages of five
years to young adults, struggle with obesity. According to Governing.com, in 2010, the
percentage of those obese within the Metro area of Chattanooga was 30.4%. During this
time, 1 in 5 children are diagnosed with obesity, and the ratios for childhood obesity are
substantially increasing.
Goal 1: Improve the physical health of local Chattanoogans and improve the public
relations of local non-profit organizations by helping one another.
Find local non-profit organization(s) (Potentially animal shelters)to partner with.
Contact McKamey Animal Shelter (4500 N Access Rd, Chattanooga,
Tennessee 37415) by business phone number (423) 305-6500. Due
January 6, 2017
Also, McKamey Animal Shelter can be contacted through their
public relations employee via email
kkwilson@mckameyanimalcenter.org Due January 6, 2017
Contact Humane Educational Society (212 N Highland Park Ave,
Chattanooga, TN, 37404) by business phone number (423) 624-5302. Due
January 6, 2017
Contact Margaret Brock Pet Adoption (214 N Highland Park Ave,
Chattanooga, TN 37404) by business phone number (423) 622-3738. Due
January 6, 2017

Create one or more events or activities to implement both the local non-profit
organization and the physical health of the local Chattanoogans together resulting
in mutual benefits.
With granted permission from McKamey, Humane Educational Society,
and/or Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, a possible event/activity to
implement would be a walk/jog/run with a shelter animal (i.e. dog). Due
February 25, 2017
In order to predict the success rate of this activity, walk/jog/run
with a shelter animal, Morgan will be visiting an event,
WALK/RUN a Shelter DOG! hosted by McKamey Animal
Shelter, which will be sponsored by Front Runner Athletics on
Saturday, November 19, 2016 9:00 AM-10:00 AM starting the
walk/jog/run at McKamey Animal Shelter traveling 4 miles to
Greenway Farms near the Outdoor Chattanooga Building.
In McKamey Animal Shelters Event, WALK/RUN a Shelter
DOG! they will be pairing a shelter animal (dog) with each patron
based on their fitness ability.
In McKamey Animal Shelters Event, WALK/RUN a Shelter
DOG! the patrons have the option to either walk, jog, or run with
the shelter animals.
In order to replicate the success of this activity model,
Morgan will prepare a list of questions to interview the

McKamey Animal Shelter director of WALK/RUN a

Shelter DOG! Due November 21, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Humane
Educational Society in order to potentially replicate a previous
model. Due January 6, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Margaret Brock
Pet Adoption in order to potentially replicate a previous model.
Due January 6, 2016

With granted permission from McKamey, Humane Educational Society,

and/or Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, a possible event/activity to
implement would be __________. Due February 25, 2017
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by McKamey
Animal Shelter in order to potentially replicate a previous model.
Due January 6, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Humane
Educational Society in order to potentially replicate a previous
model. Due January 6, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Margaret Brock
Pet Adoption in order to potentially replicate a previous model.
Due January 6, 2016

With granted permission from McKamey, Humane Educational Society,

and/or Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, a possible event/activity to
implement would be __________. Due February 25, 2017
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by McKamey
Animal Shelter in order to potentially replicate a previous model.
Due January 6, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Humane
Educational Society in order to potentially replicate a previous
model. Due January 6, 2016
Morgan will seek out past activities/events held by Margaret Brock
Pet Adoption in order to potentially replicate a previous model.
Due January 6, 2016

Pick the date for one or more events or activities to implement both the local nonprofit organization and the physical health of the local Chattanoogans together
resulting in mutual benefits.
With granted permission from appropriate person/group of public relation
coordinators from McKamey Animal Shelter, we will choose the calendar
date that is suitable for all parties involved. Due March 7, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person/group of public relation
coordinators from Humane Educational Society, we will choose the
calendar date that is suitable for all parties involved. Due March 7, 2017

With granted permission from appropriate person/group of public relation

coordinators from Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, we will choose the
calendar date that is suitable for all parties involved. Due March 7, 2017

Partner with the local non-profit organization(s) to advertise the one or more
events or activities.
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from
McKamey Animal Shelter, we may publish the project on their social
media pages (i.e. Facebook, Instagram). Due March 25, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from
McKamey Animal Shelter, we may release the information of one or more
events or activities to be emailed out to McKameys contact list of
volunteers, local businesses, Chattanoogan locals, and families. Due
March 25, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from Humane
Educational Society, we may publish the project on their social media
pages (i.e. Facebook, Instagram). Due March 25, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from Humane
Educational Shelter, we may release the information of one or more events
or activities to be emailed out to Humane Educational Societys contact
list of volunteers, local businesses, Chattanoogan locals, and families. Due
March 25, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from
Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, we may publish the project on their social
media pages (i.e. Facebook, Instagram). Due March 25, 2017
With granted permission from appropriate person to contact from
Margaret Brock Pet Adoption, we may release the information of one or
more events or activities. to be emailed out to Margaret Brock Pet
Adoptions contact list of volunteers, local businesses, Chattanoogan
locals, and families. Due March 25, 2017

Morgan will create a waiver in order for the local non-profit organizations to
ensure safety and liability for shelter animals, volunteers, as well as patrons
during the chosen event or activity.
Morgan will send a completed safety waiver to McKamey Animal Shelter.
Due March 28, 2016
Before Morgan attends the McKamey Animal Shelters
WALK/RUN a Shelter DOG! event on Saturday, November 19,
2106, there is a waiver to be filled out before leaving McKamey
with a shelter animal. Morgan will replicate the waiver for one or
more events or activities. Due March 25, 2016
Morgan will send a completed safety waiver to Humane Educational
Society. Due March 28, 2016
Morgan will send a completed safety waiver to Margaret Brock Pet
Adoption. Due March 28, 2016

Problem Statement:
Chattanooga lacks youth oriented group programs that promote physical activity
and healthy lifestyles. Research has proven community-based activities provides better
longevity. Group activities that encourage outdoor physical activity are an effective tool
for improving the overall health of Chattanoogas residents.
Considering that this generation has grown up in a world that relies heavily on
technology, an online community would be the most direct way to link people together,
especially the tech-savvy youth of today. By creating this website, people can
communicate with other individuals within Chattanooga about the topics of healthy living
and outdoors in an easier and more effective way.
Research the formats of other related sites such as Outdoor Afro, The Outbound
Collective, Gociety. JANUARY 20, 2017- Jocelyn
Find the founder(s) of Outdoor Afro and figure out the best way to contact
them to get a primary source on how to make our website successful.
Since Outdoor Afro is such a success, we thought it would be beneficial to
reach out to them and get some of their secrets. We will specifically ask
these questions:
-How did they integrate themselves into Atlanta, which is such a large
-What partners proved to be the most reliable and supportive through the
-What type of programs/activities are well received by your users?
-What keeps people using your website?
Look at the format of websites already created and draft the best way to
present our information in an user friendly manner.

Survey Chattanoogans from all walks of life to see if this program would be
beneficial and something that they would use. FEBRUARY 1, 2017- Jessica
Get out into the neighborhoods of Chattanooga and talk one on one with
these people to understand their wants and needs from such a program.
this will prevent any sort of program that would be made for the
people not with the people.
Make connections so it will be easy to market and present the final
product to the designated group it is created for.
Get their input on transportation and safety issues that may arise with the
meal plan and physical activity plan incorporated in program.
Get feedback on an ambassador program within different neighborhoods
in Chattanooga
picking one or two people to head up the leadership of the program
for their individual areas (more localized)

If the survey receives positive results, we will then develop/design a site that will
serve an effective medium for our target audience. Jocelyn & Jessica
Research healthy tips and meal plans to provide to exclusive members of
the website. FEBRUARY 16, 2017 Jessica
Figure out the exact prices for making a specific meal with certain
items from a sponsored grocery store. (Options for single adults,
couples, big and small families, etc.)
Find easy workouts that can be done in the backyard/in home.
FEBRUARY 16, 2017 Jessica
Create a master list of outdoor activities that could be used as suggestions
for participants of the site. Provide information on how to make it happen,
too (directions, specific places, transportation ideas, etc.) FEBRUARY 24,
2017 Jessica
ex: rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding, dog parks,
outdoor Chattanooga sponsored events (Head of the Hooch, River
Rocks, IronMan), biking, trail running.. etc.
Make a portion of the site dedicated for users to create their own events
for others to say that they are attending. FEBRUARY 28, 2017. Jocelyn
Develop interactive aspects of the site that are positive reinforcements for
other users, such as a virtual high five. Jocelyn
Create a friend network, sort of like Facebook, so others can see progress
and keep members accountable. Try out Socialgo.com as a free trial for 28
days to scope it out, then see if companies would be on board to
sponsoring us for 10 dollars a month. Jocelyn
Through having friends and ways to interact on the website users can
easily share recipes and articles about activities happening in Chattanooga
as a way to energize the users and keep them updated.
Create a name, logo, and overall design for the site. HAVE FINALIZED
BY MARCH 5, 2017 Jocelyn
make the website user friendly and simple.
format it like social media account, so people are already
accustomed to the layout and overall idea.

Contact local businesses to figure out if they are willing to partner/sponsor the
site. This may entail donating money to jumpstart our plan or even creating events
for people of the community to participate in. Jocelyn and Jessica
Look at the Chattanooga business directory and highlight anyone who
might be remotely linked to our mission. JANUARY 22, 2017 Jessica
Some preconceived ideas of partners include: Rock Creek, Publix,
WholeFoods, Front Runner, High Pointe, UTC, Hamilton County
School System, CARTA, Outdoor Chattanooga, Jump Park, Super
Fly etc.
Reach out to these businesses, pitch the idea and sell them on it.
JANUARY 30, 2017 Jocelyn and Jessica

In regards to specific ideas of help: we thought Publix could offer
discounts on produce to participants of our website along with
CARTA offering discounts for bus users going to buy groceries.
Have these companies market our website through the different mediums
they employ (blogs, websites, Instagrams, email lists, twitters and
Facebook). Easy way to spread our name and increase credibility through
these larger more rooted companies in Chattanooga. Tell them that our
deadline is MARCH 1, 2017
Gather some capital from donations from companies that believe in the
concept and what we pitched to them.
Get out in the Chattanooga neighborhoods that need this sort of program
the most and pitch the incentives and what it can do for them and their
families through the many partners we collect. FEBRUARY 20, 2017
Jocelyn and Jessica
Once the website is in full swing (two months after launch), gather feedback from
the active users. MAY 1, 2017 Jessica
Use this negative feedback to improve the website and fine-tune any
aspects of the website that proved to be unsuccessful for the user.
Use positive feedback as an indicator of activities, meals, and events that
can keep the users engaged and active in the program.
Consider adding members to the team who are active and believe in the
mission of the website. Try to take action as soon as possible in order to
make the experience the best it can be for the users.
Ambassadors and interns who will work for the benefit of the
program not necessarily the money involved.

Work on creating incentives and goals in order to retain active members. MAY 5,
2017 Jocelyn and Jessica
Use the relationships built with future partners to explore incentive options
through their specific business Jessica
Merchandise, apparel, gear, free visit to the rock wall or jump
park, free bus pass to go to a park, discounts on healthy food
options, free tickets to sporting events, etc.
Research other businesses willing to offer incentives for the program,
these companies do not have to invest in the website just give our
discounts or free merchandise to members when the reach goals Jessica
Have badges that can be collected on the website by logging certain
activities, being on the website for a length of time, creating a network of
friends, and referring others to join the website. The list could go on and
on with ways users could win these badges. Jocelyn
Refer to apps such as Fitbit, MapMyRun, MyFitnessPal, NikeRun,
and Kayla Itsiness Sweat.
Look into making it an option to connect an Apple Watch or Fitbit.

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