Uofu - Goals and Objectives

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Kristin Welker



GOAL 1: By August 26 learn to conduct assessments and enter the notes
appropriately with no direct supervision.
OBJECTIVE 1: By August 12 observe my supervisor conducting 2
assessments and take notes on how to enter the information correctly.
OBJECTIVE 2: By August 19 conduct 2 assessments and enter the
information under the supervision of my supervisor.
GOAL 2: By September 9 be able to help prep for rec groups without the assistance
of my supervisor.
OBJECTIVE 1: By September 2 observe another staff member prepping
smokes, meds, and reciting the rules for group 3 times.
OBJECTIVE 2: By September 7 prep smokes, meds, and recite the rules for
group 3 times under the supervision of my supervisor.
GOAL 3: By October 7 create an experiential group plan, implement the plan, and
complete all necessary charting with minimal supervision from my supervisor.
OBJECTIVE 1: By September 30 submit 3 different experiential group plans
to my supervisor and choose 1 to implement.
OBJECTIVE 2: By October 5 review with my supervisor how I will implement
the group, gather necessary supplies, and brainstorm good processing

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