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CEO Essay

If i were a CEO of a monkey exportation company i would have a fund so that if i needed
to be shut down for a period of time that it would hurt my business less. I would also
capture monkeys from areas that have not been affected by an ebola outbreak. I would
have all the monkeys caught be held in solitude for 22 days after being caught and
examined by a licensed professionals. If the monkeys were infected and showed
symptoms they would be humanely euthanized and their bodies burned. After this period
is over have each monkey documented and file where they monkeys were exported to. I
would have routine and surprise checks at each of my exportation areas for infected
monkeys and if there were any visibly infected, the people who were in charge of those
monkeys would be replaced. I would have a zero tolerance policy with my employees.
Any employees working with the monkeys initially would have gloves, masks, goggles,
and, aprons. Employees working with infected monkeys would have PPPS (Positive
pressure Personnel Suit). This would include employees cremating the bodies. If any
employees show symptoms of the disease they will be put in isolation and will be
observed for 21 days. If they show extensive symptoms (such as vomiting and bloody
eyes etc..)they will be moved in isolation to a hospital with the appropriate equipment to
deal with Ebola.

If an outbreak did occur I would check the exportation files and see if my business was the cause
of the outbreak. If my business was I would make a formal apology to the family and the country
which had been infected. I would then stop the exportation of monkeys and use the fund I set up
to keep my business afloat. I would then not export until i could safely transport uninfected
monkeys to their destinations. Then i would go back to the ways of prevention and if there was a
need to be changed due to modern ties or expense then that change would be made

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