QR Codes With Reading

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

QR Codes with reading

Chloe Fenner
Kindergarten/ Reading

Common Core Standards:

Grade K
Strand: Reading Foundations
Standard: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words,
syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
a. Recognize and produce rhyming words
Grade K
Strand: reading informational
Standard: With prompting and support, ask and answer
questions about key details in a text.
Lesson Summary:
Students will scan QR codes revealing a book in our classroom that they have to find the book, read the book,
then answer questions about the text
Estimated Duration: This lesson will consist of 40-55 minutes a day, continuing over 3 days
Commentary: I anticipate the children trying to resist the urge to do more things on the technology other than
just scan the QR codes for this lesson. To get them away from that distraction and onto the next part of the
lesson I will have the books they have to find to read hidden around the room in different areas to keep them
on the go and make it a fun hunt for the book

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1: Individually I will have the students come up to my desk and tell me all the rhyme words they can think
of that rhyme with cat. This should take about 10 minutes. While the individual student are at my desk I will
instruct the other students to quietly get their ipads out one table at a time.

5-7 minutes-To introduce the activity I will ask if any students know what a QR Code is or what it does. I will
pull up on the smart board a Picture of a QR code and ask the students where they have seen them before. I
will guide the students through pulling up the QR code scanner by themselves on the ipad.The next 5 minutes
will be spent practicing scanning multiple things at their desks with QR codes for them to get the hang of it.
Once everyone has gotten the chance to practice scanning codes I will introduce our lesson and how we are
going to use the QR codes in our classroom the next few days. I will pass out different mystery envelopes for
the children to open up which will have a QR code on it for them to scan and then they will have to find the
book in the classroom- the books will be shared. To practice reading with a friend. Once they have read their
book they will come up to my desk and get a quick paper assisment for them to fill out about the information
in the book.
Day 2 and 3: I will already have the QR code envelopes on their desk when we begin this activity. They will
get their ipads out. Pull up their QR code scanner and scan the codes once instructed. Find the book their QR
code revealed. Read it with their buddy. Put the book away where they found it. Put the ipads away. Come up
and get a final activity overview of what book they read.
Day 4: will start off exactly like days 2 and 3 but when the buddy pairs are done reading their books and doing
their activity overviews. We will go over all the book activity overviews as a class and Trade & grade. As a
class we will talk about what they liked and didnt like about the activities and if it is something they would
want to do again. I will also encourage them to come up with other ways we could use our QR codes in the


I will have handouts with rhyming words, sight words, and colors. That student will fill out on their own and
this will be used to test their abilities and show how they may be better in one section or another. Preassessment will help me know where each student is at and what most students seem to be picking up on and
where students are having more trouble. This is simply to get an idea of where each student is at. It will be are
grade for participation not based on right or wrong answers.
Scoring Guidelines:
For the pre-assessment there wont be scoring but I will tally up the amount of words the child got
correct in hopes that students can identify more sight words, colors, and rhyming words in the postassessment
Post-assessment will be a collaboration of the book activity papers they did after finishing each book, and the
same handout that was done for the pre-assessment I will give out a blank one and have them complete it and

turn it in comparing how many new words they got or they didnt get.
Scoring Guidelines:
For the post-assessment I will also be for participation points but I will tally up the difference from
their pre-assessment and the post-assessment to see where students did benefit

Differentiated Instructional Support

For gifted students they could read the books by themselves instead of with a partner and also have more
books for them to read if they finish through the originals quickly. If they are accelerating in their colors, sight
words, and rhyming words I will create QR codes with more challenging books for them to read. Students that
may need more help than reading along with a buddy may potentially listen to a recording of the book while
reading along that way they can still identify the words.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: Additional activities could be using ABC mouse to help students struggling with the materials.

If children are having trouble with sight words this worksheet is good practice for them to help them identify
If student are having trouble with rhyming words this worksheet can help them identify rhyming words with
their images

Homework Options and Home Connections

Homework wise the students could go home pic out their favorite book and create a QR code for that book
then shar it with the class. Students could also be assigned certain sight words, rhyming words, or colors and
have to create a QR code for whatever they are assigned and create a clue book for their peers to look at before
scanning the QR code they made and have their peers make predictions about what their code might be before
the scan it and reveal it.

Interdisciplinary Connections
With this QR code lesson students can take the QR codes and apply them to any area they want in the
classroom if they have access to make a code for it. Since we are learning about colors they could scan their
QR code revealing a color hen write down as many things they seen in the classroom as their revealed color.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Smart board, White board, envelopes, Laminating machine, a Printer, the books used in
my lesson, Ipad, QR code scanning website

For students

I pads, QR code scanning website, printer

Key Vocabulary: QR Code, colors, sight words, rhyming words, QR code scanner
Additional Notes
This is a good way to introduce technology in the classroom other than the typical smartboard/ computer
applications these kindergarteners might be used to. By using QR codes in a simple way it creates a path way
for students to come up with many more ways we could use these codes in the classroom without
overwhelming them with too many things at once.

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