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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 30, 2016

What should we do to win the Grace of the Lord? Bhagawan, our Loving God, reminds us today.

Company of the pious (Satsanga) leads you to gradually

withdraw from entangling worldly activities. When a bit of cold
coal is placed in the midst of glowing cinders and when the fire
is fanned, the coal too glows with fire. Fire of Wisdom (Jnana
agni) operates similarly. Individual effort and Divine Grace are
both interdependent. Without effort, there will be no
conferment of grace; without grace there can be no taste in the
effort. To win that precious Grace from the Lord, all you need
is only faith and virtues. You need not praise Him to win His
favour. Praise feeds the fire of egoism and fogs genuine faith.
God does not like mere external verbal praise and offerings of
kind. He is yours and you are His. The entire mankind is Gods
family. Knock with faith: the doors of Grace will open. Open
your door! The Suns rays waiting outside will flow silently in
and flood your room with light.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1966.

An air-conditioner may cool your body. But, Gods Grace alone can cool your
heated brain and troubled heart. Baba

30 nvMbr,2016

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd pRwpq krn leI swnUM,kI krnw cwhIdw hY?swfy
ipAwry Bgvwn,A`j swnUM ,Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: sqsMg swnUM,hOlI-hOlI,sMswrI cIzW dy moh qoN pry-pry krdw hY[jd Coty
ijhy koly dy TMfy tukVy nUM jldy hoey koilAW dy AMigAwirAW au`qy r`K ky hvw Jldy
hW qW auh TMfw kolw vI A`g ivc cmkx lg pYNdw hY[igAwn AgnI vI,ausy qrHW
kMm krdI hY[mnu`K dI AwpxI koiSS Aqy Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd,dovy,iek dUjy qy
inrBr krdy hn[koiSS kIqy ibnw,AwSIrvwd pRwpq nhIN kIqw jw skdw Aqy
AwSIrvwd ibnw,koiSS dw mzw nhIN AwauNdw[Bgvwn dy aus kImqI AwSIrvwd nUM
pRwpq krn leI,quhwnUM kyvl ivSvwS AqY sdguxW dI loV hY[quhwnUM, AwSIrvwd
pRwpq krn leI aunHW dI isPq krn dI loV nhIN huMdI[isPq krn nwl,hMkwr
pYdw huMdw hY Aqy AslI ivSvwS DuMdlw ho jWdw hY[Bgvwn nUM,bwhrlI isPq Aqy
iksy qohPy dI loV nhIN huMdI [ Bgvwn,quhwfy hn Aqy qusIN ,Bgvwn dy ho[swrI
mnu`Kqw,Bgvwn dw pirvwr hY[aunHW au`qy ivSvwS kr ky,aunHW dw drvwzw
KtKtwau[ausy vyly,aunHW dy AwSIrvwd dw drvwzw Kul jwvy gw[Awpxw drvwzw
Kolo[sUrj dIAW ikrxW,ijhVIAW quhwfy AMdr Awaux dw ieMqzwr kr rhIAW hn
cupky nwl,quhwfy AMdr Aw jwx gIAW Aqy quhwfy kmry nUM rOSnI nwl Br dyx
gIAW[(27 mwrc,1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[
iek vwqwkwlUn,quhwfy SrIr nUM hI TMfw krdw hY pr Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd, nw
kyvl quhwfy au`qyjq idmwg nUM,sgoN quhwfy duKI ihrdy nUM vI TMfw krdw hY[(bwbw)[

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