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Universidad Latina de Panam

Branch of David
Subject: Panorama of English Literature
Professor: Eric Alejandro Bonilla Snchez




1) Middles English 1066-1500

Group #1

English used by government bureaucracy and for other had.

Contributed in a significant way to the developedment of the
English language as spoken and written today, becaause of the
differents dialects of English spoken and written across the contry
at the time.
wasdeveloped to meet this need.
It had standar ised by about the 1430s.
It was largely based on the London and East Midland dialects.
Dialectical forms where they made meanings more clear; for example, the
northern derived from Scandinavan forms, were used rather than the London.
In the level of influence of the English forms is disputed and a variety of spoken
dialects continued to exist.
CS was used for most official purposes except the Church and some legal
It was disseminated on official business and gained prestige.
CS provide a intelligible form of English for the first English printers

*1066, official doc. being written in French/Latin.

*M.E is a Historical linguists period. it had forms of the E. language spoken
between the Norman invansion.
*before the NQ, doc in Eng. were still in the official Ang-Saxoncpurt dialect.
*1150, doc. to colloquialdialects and the Ag-Saxon court dialect disappears.
printing had been introduced into England in 1474, that's why 1500 is chosen
as the end of the period.

Group #1

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