Homerwork 2 Geoffrey Chaucer

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Universidad Latina de Panam

Branch of David
Subject: Panorama of English Literature
Professor: Eric
Bonilla Snchez

Amilcar A. Contreras C.
ID: 4-782-2452

He is considered Father of English Literature and the greatest English poet of

the Middle Ages. He is best known today for The Canterbury Tales.
He was born on c.1343 in London, England. He was an Author, poet,
philosopher, bureaucrat, and diplomat. He died on 25 October 1400 (aged 5657). For me, the most important works are:



The Book of the


Which was written probably between 1368 and 1372; it was about a poem to
commemorate the death of Blanche of Lancaster, wife of John of Gaunt.

The House of

It was a book probably written between 1379 and 1380, it was one of his
earlier works. It was most likely written after The Book of the Duchess, Upon
falling asleep the poet finds himself in a glass temple adorned with images of
the famous and their deeds. With an eagle as a guide, he meditates on the
nature of fame and the trustworthiness of recorded renown.
It was a poem too and it was possibly the first significant work in English. It
would become a significant part of English literature no doubt inspired by
Chaucer. The book describes how Chaucer is reprimanded by the god of love
and his queen.

The Legend of
Good Women.

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