Sanctuary Under Siege

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Cj Batta

U.S History & English 11

Sanctuary Under Siege
Recently President-elect Trump has stated that he will be cutting off Federal
Funding to all sanctuary cities. For those that dont know a sanctuary city is a place that
protects all immigrants with no papers to state that they are legal to live in the U.S. This is
something all people feared because as of 2014 42.2 million of the U.S population are
immigrants. This is an issue that are affecting families all over, even some of my own close
friends, but people are making a stand. The Govener of Santa Fe, one of the sanctuary
cities, have said that they will fight back against President-elect Trump and come up with
the money themselves to insure all of their saftey. This issue proves many things about us
as a species or more specific as a country. People around the world see the U.S as a place of
opportunity to start a better life or make themselves a better one. Now some see it as a
place of only internal conflict. Not only that, but some of those people around the globe are
even afraid to enter this country, because of the fear of descrimination or even prejudice of
who they are, but as the Govener of Santa Fe we are willing to make a change, to fight for
This is the other side of the great spectrum that we have seen in our country.
Devotion and loyalty, trying to keep to the idea of equality or even freedom. Many times
people have tried to keep those ideals throughout different forms of protest. One of the
biggest example is Rosa Parks, she stood up for equality, and unfortunatley she also lost her
life, but she made a change. People have lost their lives for that very reason, but it has made

such a difference. This country was built on the idea of freedom at first it wasnt for all
people, but we are going to change that no matter what it takes. As the Govener has showed
us we still have the determination that can drive the change. We are people that have always
wanted to break the shackles that hold us down from greatness. The oppresion from Great
Britain we fought and no we are free, the slaves, they fought and now they are free, the
immigrants if they fight they too might win. They dont have to fight in war but fight in
anyway that will help the most.
The U.S will always find a way to thrive, but we can only thrive with help of the
smaller units. By this I mean that throghout time people have only won because of the
others who gathered and help. In this case Santa Fe is a small unit that cant succeed by its
self it will need others to gain publicity and be heard. That has yet to happen, but there is no
doubt in my mind that will stay the way it is they will be heard because people who live in
this country are loud, we are loud. This country is filled with people that can start and
create something great whether it be setting free slaves to creating a bike that will make its
self stand. We are great thinkers and great leaders we come together and achieve amazing
things. In battle when we come together we are brothers and sisters in arms, only when we
come together can much be achieved. As Abraham Lincoln once wrote That this nation,
under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that Government of the people,by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Government is the one of the main
ideas when he writes this the other the People. The Government shall do what they can to
make this country great for The People, yet today it seems different, its not the same,
because the Government is going against the People of the sanctuary cities. All it takes is a

threat to the smaller units and you have began to raly the people against the Government,
but that is not how it should be.
The Government and the poeple should also be one, they too should be together and
work as one to make this country great. Thats even the slogan from our new Presidentelect, and again that isnt the case. The people are key, but the door is the government and
we have been going into the wrong door. That needs to change that is the change we need.
That is the change this country deserves. Maybe one day we will see this place of
opportunity and of amazingness flourish into what it actually needs to be, maybe one day
we will finally get that change. The sanctuary cities are the start of something new and
possibly a nation born into freedom. I write to all saying this is a country to be free, this is
country to be strong, this is a country of unity, this is a country meant for all those who
think they can make something better. We are a place for all and all are meant to be
welcome here where ever you go to this country. All the way from Los Angeles, California
to New York, New York. This is a country built of the people, by the people, for the people.

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