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Ways to Help Your Child at Home

q 8-10 hours of sleep

q Nutritious breakfast
before school
q Eat dinner as a family
q Check agenda/folder/
backpack daily
q Read a minimum of 20
minutes every day.
q Ask your child
comprehension questions
about the books you read
q Check/Sign behavior log
q Complete daily homework
as assigned
q Review for the spelling
test with your child

q Practice math facts

q Find fun ways to write
with your child (make
grocery list, e-mail friend,
letter to Grandma, etc.)
q Check out books from
the public library
q Take family field trips to
the museum, book store,
garden, zoo, aquarium,
discovery center, etc.
q Work on math skills by
counting money, skip
counting, adding &
subtracting while eating
snack, make up story
q Cook or bake together
q Play board games, dice,
playing cards together
q Use tools such as
measuring tape, scale,
calculator, ruler, etc.
q Explore sports scores and
statistics in the
newspaper or online

Use the Rule of Thumb to see if a book is on your childs reading level.
Have them read a page of the book aloud. Have them hold up one finger
for each word they dont know. If they hold up four fingers and a
thumb before the end of the page, the book is probably too hard. This
would make a great book for Mom/Dad to read aloud.

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