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Text : Vor Yiu

Photo : Vor Yiu

Slash Pine

Pinus elliottii

Chinese Red Pine

Pinus massoniana

Camphor Tree

Cinnamomum camphora

India-charcoal Trema

Trema tomentosa

Opposite-leaved Fig

Ficus hispida

Chinese Banyan

Ficus microcarpa



Large evergreen tree; leaves needle-like, 20-30 cm long, in

twos or threes; bark deeply cracked; cones 6-18 cm long.

Large evergreen tree; leaves needle-like, 12-20 cm long, in

twos; bark deeply cracked; cones 4-7 cm long.

Evergreen tree; leaves simple, leathery, smooth, 3 veins

arising from the base; bark vertically cracked; all parts

Small tree; young shoots densely covered by soft hairs;

leaves simple, alternate, margin densely toothed, lower
surface covered with sparse hairs.

Small tree; whole plant covered with hairs, all parts with
white latex; leaves simple, opposite, margin finely toothed,
texture very rough.

Large evergreen tree, with numerous aerial roots; leaves

simple, alternate, elliptical or obovate, leathery, smooth,
veins inconspicuous.

Fragrant Litsea


Small deciduous tree; whole tree hairless; leaves and

shoots strongly aromatic; leaves simple, alternate, thin,
lanceolate or elliptical.

Moderate sized evergreen tree; leaves simple, alternate,

elliptical, leathery; young branches covered by downy hairs
and marked with lenticels.

Evergreen tree; leaves simple, elliptical, smooth margin entire; bark more or less smooth, greyish, lenticels prominent.

Medium to large deciduous tree; figs yellowish green, borne

on trunk and branches; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,
margin entire.

Medium evergreen tree; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,

margin entire or with rounded teeth, leathery.

Medium evergreen tree; bark smooth, grey in colour, peeling; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical, margin entire or with
small teeth, leathery.

Deciduous tree; resin aromatic; leaves simple, alternate,

trilobed, margin toothed; foliage turns red in winter and
then drops.

Small evergreen tree; leaves simple, alternate, leathery,

elliptical, margin entire; leaf stalks up to 6cm in length.

Large deciduous tree; young shoots densely covered by

soft hairs; leaves simple, alternate, margin broadly toothed,
base unequal .

Large evergreen tree; bark with regularly arranged short

and shallow cracks; leaves simple, alternate, margin entire
or with rounded teeth, leathery.

Small tree; bark yellowish brown, peeling; leaves simple,

opposite, lanceolate, smooth, hairless; young leaves

Small evergreen tree; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,

moderately stiff; leaf stalks swollen at both ends; fruits
bright red.

Litsea cubeba

Sweet Gum

Liquidambar formosana

Pond Spice

Litsea glutinosa

Daphniphyllum calycinum


Machilus sp.

Chinese Hackberry

Celtis sinensis


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Common Red-stem Fig

Ficus variegata

Castanopsis fissa


Schima superba

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Yellow Cow Wood

Cratoxylum cochinchinense

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Hong Kong Gordonia

Gordonia axillaris

Lance-leaved Sterculia

Sterculia lanceolata

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Taiwan Acacia

Acacia confusa

White Popinac

Leucaena leucocephala

Incense Tree

Aquilaria sinensis


Phyllanthus emblica

Mountain Tallow Tree

Sapium discolor

Chinese Tallow Tree

Sapium sebiferum


Large evergreen tree; bark smooth, greyish brown; leaf

blade degenerate; petioles crescent-shaped and perform
the function of leaves.

Small evergreen tree; young stems densely covered with

whitish lenticels; bipinnate compound leaves, 4-9 pairs of
pinnae, 10-20 pairs of leaflets.

Evergreen tree; bark smooth, greyish; leaves simple, leathery, oval or obovate, alternate; fruits broadly oval, woody.

Small deciduous tree; bark flakes off in irregular plates;

young shoot covered with short soft hairs; leaves simple,
oblong in shape, papery.

Partly deciduous tree; bark greyish, smooth; leaves simple,

ovate, papery, alternate.

Deciduous tree; bark greyish, shallowly cracked; leaves

simple, rhomboid to rhomboid oval, papery, alternate.

Melia-leaved Evodia

Swamp Mahogany

Eucalyptus robusta

Lemon-scented Gum

Eucalyptus citriodora

Brisbane Box

Lophostemon confertus


Acronychia pedunculata


Melia azedarach

Tetradium glabrifolium



Large evergreen tree; bark deeply cracked; leaves simple,

lanceolate, leathery, alternate, aromatic when crushed.

Large evergreen tree; bark greyish white, peeling; leaves

simple, lanceolate, alternate, releases strong lemon-like
odour when crushed.

Large evergreen tree; bark partly peeling; leaves simple,

elliptical, margin entire, alternate, group in whorls at the
end of branches.

Small evergreen tree; leaves simple, elliptical, waxy,

opposite, margin entire, surface smooth, aromatic when

Deciduous tree; bark shallowly cracked; bipinnate

compound leaves, 3-4 pairs of pinnae, 3-4 pairs of leaflets.

Deciduous tree; bark dark grey; pinnate compound leaves,

up to 13 leaflets, aromatic when crushed.

Pop-gun Seed



Large evergreen tree; bark spongy, papery, peeling; leaves

simple, narrowly elliptical, alternate, aromatic when

Small tree; bark greyish brown, partly peeling; leaves

simple, oblong-lanceolate, alternate, upper surface smooth,
lower surface hairy.

Evergreen tree; crown umbrella-shaped; red sap flows

out from stems when broken; leaves simple rhomboid
oval, alternate.

Partly deciduous tree; bark greyish brown, smooth; palmate

compound leaves, 6-11 leaflets.

Medium evergreen tree; bark smooth; leaves simple, oval,

leathery, opposite, margin usually entire, surface smooth.

Trunk simple and straight; pinnate compound leaves, 77-97

pairs of leaflets, lowest pairs spine-like.

Paper-bark Tree

Melaleuca quinquenervia

Bridelia tomentosa

Elephants Ear

Macaranga tanarius


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Ivy Tree

Schefflera heptaphylla

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Sweet Viburnum

Viburnum odoratissimum

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Spiny Date Palm

Phoenix hanceana

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Text : Sybel Lam

Photo : Vor Yiu


Desmos chinensis


Uvaria macrophylla

Oblong-leaved Litsea

Litsea rotundifolia

Hilo Holly

Ardisia crenata

Twig-hanging Embelia

Embelia laeta

Maesa perlarius

Erect shrub or creeping; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,

leathery texture and thin; yellowish white flowers with longlasting fragrant.

Climbing shrub; stem creeping; leaves simple, alternate,

margin entire, surfaces covered with hairs, aromatic when

Freely-branching shrub; leaves simple, alternate, oval,

margin entire, texture stiff, surfaces smooth, mildly aromatic
when crushed.

Evergreen small shrub; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,

leathery, margin wavy; fruits bright red when ripen.

Climbing shrub; leaves simple, alternate, obovate, margin

entire, surfaces smooth and hairless, veins not obvious.

Small shrub; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical, margin

coarsely toothed, texture thin and papery, with hairs on both
surfaces; young shoots hairy.


Sarcandra glabra

Hairy Fig

Ficus hirta


Boehmeria nivea

Hong Kong Hawthorn

Rhaphiolepis indica

Shrub; leaves compound, alternate, trifoliate, margin entire,

elliptical; leaf stalks and young shoots covered by hairs.

Evergreen erect shrub; leaves simple, alternate, margin entire, lower surface silvery white.

Common Melastoma

Blood-red Melastoma

Semi-shrub; leaves simple, opposite, elliptical, margin

coarsely toothed; fruits spherical, bright red when ripen.

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, opposite, margin toothed,

surfaces hairy; milky latex exudes when leaf stalk cut.

Semi-shrub; leaves simple, alternate, margin toothed, lower

surface densely covered with soft white hairs.

Rose Mallow

Shining Eurya

Narrow-leaved Screwtree

Helicteres angustifolia

Elaeagnus loureirii

Evergreen shrub; leaves simple, alternate, oval, margin

finely toothed, leathery texture, thick and glossy; young
leaves reddish in colour.

Eurya nitida

Beautiful Phyllodium

Phyllodium pulchellum

Urena lobata

Indian Wikstroemia

Wikstroemia indica

Melastoma candidum


Evergreen shrub or small trees; leaves simple, alternate,

oval, margin finely toothed, leathery texture and thick.

Perennial shrub; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical, margin

entire; young shoots covered by greyish hairs; fruit capsules
sesame-liked shape.

Erect semi-shrub; leaves simple, alternate, margin finely

toothed, whole plant covered with soft hairs.

Evergreen shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire, elliptical or obovate; young shoots reddish brown.

Shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire, oval, 5-7 conspicious veins; both stem and leaves covered by hairs.


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Melastoma sanguineum

Nature shrub; Leaves simple, opposite, deep leaf veins. All

parts covered by reddish hair and tough in texture. Underside vein reddish colour.

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Rose Myrtle

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Rough-leaved Holly

Ilex asprella

Waxy Leaf

Breynia fruticosa


Wax Tree

Box-leaved Atalantia

Rhus hypoleuca

Rhus succedanea

Severinia buxifolia

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire,

oval; leaves with three-branched veins above the base.

Deciduous shrub; leaves simple, alternate, oval, margin

finely toothed; texture soft and papery, surface smooth and

Evergreen shrub; leaves simple, alternate, oval, margin entire; leaves smooth and thick, leathery texture.

Shrub or small tree; compound leaves, alternate; leaflets

margin toothed, lanceolate; lower surface densely covered
by short white hairs.

Hairy-fruited Abacus Plant

Hong Kong Abacus Plant


Small shrub; leaves simple, althernate, oval, margin entire;

leaves papery, both surfaces covered with soft hairs and
conspicious veins.

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical, margin entire; leaf lower surface whitish when dry; whole plant
smooth and hairless.

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, alternate, elliptical,

margin entire; leaf upper surface shining and smooth, lower
surface greyish in colour.

Shrub; branches spiny; leaves simple, oval or elliptical,

margins crenated or wavy, lower surface densely covered
with brown hairs.

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate,

margin entires; leaf stalks covered with short soft hairs.

Shrub; leaves simple, opposite, stem with prickles; leaf surface hairy with toothed margin; strong smell.

White-back Leaf Mallotus

Castor-oil Plant

Cape Jasmine



Perennial evergreen shrub; leaves simple, alternate, deeply

cut into 7 to 9 lobes; whole plant smooth and hairless, the
young parts with a whitish bloom.

Deciduous shrub; leaves opposite, palmately compound,

with 3-5 leaflets, elliptical, margin entire; leaf lower surfaces
covered by greyish soft hairs.

Evergreen shrub; leaves opposite or whorled; dark green

colour, leathery texture, thick and glossy, with deep auxiliary veins.

Erect shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire, waxy;

small juicy fruits red in colour when ripen.

Glochidion eriocarpum

Mallotus apelta

Shrub or small tree; leaves simple, alternate, heart-shaped

shallowly trilobed; margin sparsely toothed; leaf lower surface covered by short white hairs.

Wrights Abacus Plant

Glochidion wrightii


Mallotus paniculatus

Shrub or tree; leaves simple, alternate, oval and trilobed;

leaf lower surface covered by whitish yellow hairs; leaf bases
with conspicuous gland spots.

Glochidion zeylanicum

Ricinus communis


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Solanum torvum

Yellow Bramble

Vitex negundo

Deciduous shrub or small tree; clusters of alternative odd-pinnates,

margin entire; whole plant smooth and hairless; leaves turn to red colour
before falling; latex will induce skin allergic to some peoples.

Gardenia jasminoides

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Mayflower Glorybower

Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum

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Evergreen shrub; leaves oblong oval, thick, leathery texture

and concave at tip; aromatic citrus fragrant when crushed.


Lantana camara

Wild Coffee

Psychotria asiatica

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Herbs and Climbling Plants

Text : Sybel Lam

Photo : Vor Yiu

/ Nodding Clubmoss
Palhinhaea cernua

Dichotomy Forked Fern

Dicranopteris pedata

Scansorial Climbing Fern

Rusty-haired Raspberry

Sensitive Plant

Mimosa pudica

Pueraria phaseoloides

Lygodium scandens

Rubus reflexus

Wild Kudzu Vine

Erect fern; leaves uniform throughout, very small, spirally arranged along the stem, pointed, thin and smooth.

Rhizome creeping, densely covered with hairs, hard; pinnae

deeply crenated, smooth, leathery texture.

Climbing fern; fronds bipinnate, pinnules alternate, triangular, length varies.

Climbing shrub; leaves simple, alternate, palmated, papery;

leaf stalks and stems covered by hairs and spines.

Perennial woody herb; leaves compound, alternate, thorns

along the stems and leaf stalks; the leaflets close when

Climbing herb; leaves trifoliate, leaflets oval or diamond

shaped; leaves and stems surfaces covered by brown

Fan-leaved Maidenhair

Twelve-stamened Melastoma

Garden Spurge
Euphorbia hirta

Melastoma dodecandrum

Erect fern; stipes densely covered with reddish brown hairs,

pinnules more or less rhomboid.

Stipes densely covered with brown scales, fronds tetrapinnate, leathery.

Stipes arising as cluster; bipinnatifid, pinnae margin with one

side deeply pinnatifid, another side entire.

Herb or semi-shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire,

oval shaped; creeping on ground.

Annual herb; leaves simple, opposite, oval, margins toothed,

upper surface often with purplish blotches; leaf stalks very

Perennial herb; trifoliate, leaflets invertd heart-shaped;

whole plant covered by short hairs; tiny yellow funnel-shaped
simple flowers.


Cassytha filiformis

Lavender Sorrel

Macrothelypteris torresiana

Rhizome creeping, stipes covered with soft hairs, fronds bipinnatifid, papery, both surfaces covered with soft hairs.

Adiantum flabellulatum

Fairy Fern

Sphenomeris chinensis


Semi-pinnated Brake

Pteris semipinnata

Cherokee Rose


Rosa laevigata

Oxalis corymbosa

Twining herb; no leaf and no root; thread-like stem; usually

in golden green colour.

Evergreen climbing shrub; branches with flat thorns; trifoliate, leaflets margin toothed; petals white in colour.

Perennial herb; trifoliate, leaflets invertd heart-shaped;

whole plant covered by short hairs; tiny purple funnel-shaped
simple flowers.

Prostrate herb; leaves simple, alternate, round kidneyshaped, margin usually with broad blunt teeth.


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Centella asiatica

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Oxalis corniculata

Goat Horns

Strophanthus divaricatus

Woody climber or erect shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin

entire, shiny leathery texture; stem creeping, poisonous milky latex
exudes when branch is cut. Fruits like a pair of goats horn.

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Herbs and Climbling Plants

Cairo Morning Glory



Erect and bushy herb; leaves simple, alternate or almost opposite, oval, margins variable; fruits shiny black berry.

Perennial twining herb; stems covered with nodules; leaves

usually penta-lobed; purple funnel-shaped flowers.

Annual twining parasitic herb; thread-likes vine, shiny golden, many-branched; haustoria penetrate the host tissue to
absorb nutrients and water.

Erect herb; leaves simple, opposite, triangular; whole plant

covered by long soft hairs; bluish purple inflorescene terminal.

Semi-shrub; leaves simple, alternate, margin entire, narrowly elliptical, texture stiff; lower surface densely covered
by soft white hairs.

Twining herb; leaves simple, opposite, heart or arrow-head

shaped, light green color, margin toothed.


Creeping Psychotria

Mussaenda pubescens

Psychotria serpens

Climbing shrub; leaves simple, margin toothed, stiff, leaf

surfaces extremely rough.

Climber shrub; leaves simple, alternate, oval, margin entire,

lower surface covered with dense short soft hairs; sepals
white in colour.

Perennial creeping herb; leaves simple, opposite, thick,

smooth; tiny leaves and short leaf stalks; clusters of fruits
in white colour.

Herb; leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate elliptical, tri-lobed;

leaves and stems surfaces covered by short soft hairs.

Biennial herb; leaves all springing from the stem base, narrowly oval and widest at the tip, margin toothed.


Hairy Bur-marigold

Bidens pilosa

Lophatherum gracile



Annual herb; leaves tri-lobed, margin toothed, hairy; inflorescene capitate, yellow in colour.

Perennial herb; clums erect, hairless, with 5-6 nodes; leaves

alternate, lanceolate.

Perennial herb; lower part of clums creeping and branched;

leaves narrow lanceolate, surfaces covered with hairs,
margin rough.

Climbing shrub; leaves simple, alternate, margin entire, stiff,

upper surface shiny; 3 conspicuous leaf veins arise from
leaf base.

Black Nightshade

Solanum nigrum

Ipomoea cairica

Queens Wreath

Petrea volubilis

Ageratum conyzoides

Erect perennial herb; leaves simple, opposite, triangular oval

shaped, margin coarsely toothed; leaves and stems surfaces
covered by long soft hairs.

Bidens alba

Annual herb; leaves tri-lobed to penta-lobed, margin toothed,

petal white in colour.

Cuscuta sp.


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Eupatorium catarium

Wedelia trilobata

Common Lophatherum

Inula cappa

Ciliate Microstegium

Microstegium ciliatum

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Hawks Beard

Youngia japonica

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Mile-a-minute Weed

Mikania micrantha

Duck-beak Grass

Ischaemum aristatum

Herb; leaves long and narrow, both sides covered with dense
short soft hairs.

Smilax china

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Terrestrial Animals
Text : Vor Yiu

Photo : Vor Yiu

Domestic Water Buffalo

Bubalus bubalis

Tree Sparrow
Passer montanus

Domestic Ox
Bos taurus

Rhesus Macaque
Macaca mulatta

Large Woodland Spider

Nephila pilipes

Giant African Snail

Achatina fulica

Asian trampsnail
Bradybaena similaris

Oriental Magpie Robin

Red-whiskered Bulbul


Oriental Cockroach

Black-banded Gossamerwing

Changeable Lizard

Reeves Smooth skink

Asian Common Toad

Green Skimmer

Marsh Skimmer

Indigo Dropwing

Gunthers Frog

Giant Centipede

Round Millipede

Large Green Mantid


Hierodula patellifera

Odontotermes formosanus

Bush Katydid

Flat Millipede



Band-winged Grasshopper

Pygmy Grasshopper

Calotes versicolor

Rana guentheri

Polydesmus sp.

Copsychus saularis

Scincella reevesii

Scolopendra multidens

Cubaris murina

Pycnonotus jocosus

Bufo melanostictus

Julus sp.

Gagrella sp.


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Orthetrum sabina

Trilophidia annulata

Opisthoplatia orientalis

Orthetrum luzonicum

Eucriotettix oculatus

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Euphaea decorata

Trithemis festiva

Phaneroptera nigroantennata

Stick Insect
Entoria sp.

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Terrestrial Animals

Spotted Black Cicada

Gaeana maculata

Fulgora candelaria

Black-tipped Leafhopper
Eucriotettix oculatus

Bamboo Wolly Aphid

Pseudoregma bambusicola

Ricanid Planthopper
Ricania sp.

False Tiger Moth

Dysphania militaris

Contiguous Swift
Polytremis lubricans

Shield Bug

Common Bluebottle

Indian Cabbage White

Megacopta cribraria

Graphium sarpedon

Pieris canidia

Common Mormon
Papilio polytes

Pale Grass Blue

Zizeeria maha

Lychee Stink Bug

Cotton Red Bug

Blue Spotted Tiger Beetle

Dysdercus cingulatus

Cicindela aurulenta

Plum Judy


Common Five-ring

Ladybird Beetle

Long-horned Beetle

Flea Beetle

Ceylon Blue Tiger

Spiny Ant

Weaver Ant

Tortoise Beetle

Black-banded Hover Fly

Black-veined Burnet Moth

Paper Wasp

Chinese Honey Bee

Tessaratoma papillosa

Menochilus sexmaculatus

Taiwania circumdata

Anoplophora chinensis

Episyrphus balteata

Altica cyanea

Cyclosia papilionaris


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Abisara echerius

Ideopsis similis

Parapolybia indica

Cupha erymanthis

Polyrhachis dives

Apis cerana

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Ypthima baldus

Oecophylla smaragdina

Carpenter Bee
Xylocopa sp.

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Stream Plants
Text : Vor Yiu

Photo : Vor Yiu



Frail Horsetail


Asiatic Pennywort

Water Hyssop

Water Shamrock

Water Spangles

Mosquito Fern

Chinese Lobelia

Sweet Flag

Chinese Taro

Marchantia emarginata

Marsilea quadrifolia

West-India Chickweed

Drymaria diandra

Equisetum debile

Salvinia natans

Azolla imbricata

Impatiens chinensis

Lobelia chinensis

Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides

Acorus sp.

Bacopa monnieri

Alocasia cucullata

Hairy Knotweed

Chinese Knotweed

Giant Alocasia


Water Lettuce

Water Smartweed

Water Cress

Lesser Duckweed

Diffuse Dayflower

Climber Floscopa

Wood Gossip Caesalpinia

Indian Rotala

Lidded Cleistocalyx

Ciliate Microstegium

Ginger Lily

Water Hyacinth

Polygonum hydropiper

Caesalpinia crista

Polygonum barbatum

Saurauia tristyla

Rotala indica

Polygonum chinense

Nasturtium officinale

Cleistocalyx operculatus


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Alocasia odora

Lemna minor

Microstegium ciliatum

Colocasia esculenta

Commelina diffusa

Hedychium coronarium

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Pistia stratiotes

Floscopa scandens

Eichhornia crassipes

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Stream Animals
Text : Vor Yiu

Photo : Vor Yiu

Hong Kong Cascade Frog

Amolops hongkongensis

Paramesotriton hongkongensis

Chinese Waterside Skink

Chinese Bard

Tropidophorus sinicus

() Hong Kong Newt (Adult)

Puntius semifasciolatus

() Hong Kong Newt (Larva)

Paramesotriton hongkongensis

Rhinogobius sp.

Sucker-belly Loach Broken-band Hillstream Loach Flat-headed Laoch

Pseudogastromyzon myersi
Liniparhomaloptera disparis
Oreonectes platycephalus

() Predaceous Chub (Adult)

() Predaceous Chub (Juvenile)

Parazacco spilurus

Parazacco spilurus

() Guppy (Male)

Poecilia reticulata

() Mosquito Fish (Male)

Gambusia affinis

() Guppy (Female)

() Freshwater Minnow (Adult)

() Freshwater Minnow (Juvenile)

Zacco platypus

Paradise Fish

Macropodus opercularis


Freshwater Clam

Zacco platypus

Large Stream Snail

Brotia hainanensis

Viviparous Snail

Variable Platyfish

Xiphophorus variatus

Reservoir Snail

Melanoides tuberculata

Apple Snail

Corbicula fluminea

Sinotaia quadrata

Pond Snail

Small Stream Leech

Ramshorn Snail

Pomacea lineata

Large Pond Leech

Poecilia reticulata

() Mosquito Fish (Female)

Buffalo Leech

Small Stream Leech

Gambusia affinis


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Stream Animals

Freshwater Planarian

Macrobrachium hainanense

Canton Bee Shrimp

Caridina cantonensis

Small Long-armed Shrimp

Japanese Mitten Crab

Eriocheir japonicus

Dragonfly Nymph

Stonefly Nymph

Common Freshwater Crab

Cryptopotamon anacoluthon

Toothed Bee Shrimp

Mayfly Nymph

Caridina serrata

HK Freshwater crab


Nanhaipotamon hongkongensis

Small Water Bug

Diplonychus sp.

Dragonfly Nymph

Dragonfly Nymph

Damselfly Nymph

Damselfly Nymph

/ Mosquito Larva

Mayfly Nymph

Water Skater

Metrocoris lituratus

Mayfly Nymph


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Water Penny



Eulichas sp.

Caddisfly Larva


Water Skater

Water Bettle

Cybister sp.


Chironomous sp. (Larva)

Fishfly Larva

Caddisfly Larva

Caddisfly Larva

Caddisfly Larva

Neochauliodes sp.

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Stream Micro-organisms
Text : Vor Yiu

Photo : Vor Yiu


Zygnema sp.

Oscillatoria sp.

Hydrodictyon sp.

Scenedesmus sp.

Spirogyra sp.

Pediastrum sp.

Synedra sp.

Paramecium sp.

Fragilaria sp.

Stylonychia sp.

Polychaos sp.

Stentor sp.

Netrium sp.

Chlamydomonous sp.

Euglena sp.

Pandorina sp.

Cosmarium sp.

Navicula sp.

Closterium sp.

Cymbella sp.


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Vorticella sp.

Peranema sp.

Chaetonotus sp.

Tokophrya sp.

Philodina sp.

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Wildlife Pictorial Guide

Sphaerophrya soliformis

Brachionus sp.

Stylaria sp.

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Seashore Plants
Text : Dickson Wong

Photo : Dickson Wong


Sesuvium portulacastrum

South Sea-blite


Suaeda australis

Limonium sinense


Perennial herb, creeping growth form; leaves simple,

opposite, fleshy, oblanceolate; flowers green outside,
pink inside.

Small shrub; leaves simple, linear, adaxially plane, abaxially

convex; 1-5 flowers inflorescence glomerulus, axillary.

Perennial herb; basal leaves with lily formed; leaf blades

obovate-oblong; dense and inflorescence flowers, pale
yellow in colour.

Cuban Bast

Hibiscus tiliaceus

Portia Tree

Thespesia populnea

Gray Nickers

Caesalpinia bonduc

Perennial creeping herb; leaves simple, alternate, ovate,

apex deeply 2-lobed; reddish pink or purple flowers,

Erect shrub; leaves simple, opposite, margin entire,

glabrous; white flowers, tubular; stamens purple in colour.

Prostrating shrub; leaves simple, opposite, obovate, lower

surfaces covered with grey white hairs; purplish blue
flowers; globose drupes.

Beach Morning-glory

Ipomoea pes-caprae

Beach Naupaka

Scaevola taccada

Clerodendrum inerme

Marsh Fleabane

Pluchea indica

Vitex rotundifolia

Wollastonia biflora

Evergreen shrub; leaves broad-ovate, lower surface grayish

white; capsules ovoid, 5-lobed, woody.

Evergreen shrub; leaves heart-shaped, glabrous adaxially,

obvious veins than H. tiliaceus; capsules pyriform, closed.

Vine, spiny stems; leaves compound, alternate, even-bipinnate; spiny, leathery legumes.

Erect or prostate shrub; leaves lightly fleshy, spirally arranged at the apical part of the branches; corollas white and
purple; drupes change from green to white in colour.

Shrub; leaves simple, alternate, obovate, base cuneate,

margin sometimes toothed; tubular florets; achene
creasted, change to brown when dry.

Erect herb; rooting at nodes; leaves obovate-lanceolate,

margin toothed, veins conspicusous; one layer of ligular

Smooth Crotalaria

Crotalaria pallida

Shrub-like herb; compound leaves with 3 leaflets, smaller

leaflets on sides, obovate; cylindrical legumes, group

Thorny Wingnut

Paliurus ramosissimus

Shrub; branchlets brown covered with short hairs; leaves
simple, alternate, 3-veined from base, stipule spinous;
drupes cup-shaped.


Cerbera manghas

Oval Halophila

Halophila ovalis

Dwarf Eel Grass

Zostera japonica

Screw Pine

Pandanus tectorius

Tree; leaves simple, narrowly ovate, leathery, aggregate at

the branch apex; drupes ovate, woody, from green to red.
Highly poisonous.

Perennial herb, creeping stems; oblong-elliptic, membranous leaves, margin entire with conspicuous midvein;
intertidal and sub-tidal flowering plant.

Perennial herb, creeping stems; leaves linear, 3 veins in

parallel; growth in intertidal sandflat and mudflat.

Perennial shrub; leaves linear, leathery texture and spiny

margin; druplets form a multiple fruit, change from green to
reddish orange in colour.


Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)


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Field Study Handbook


Wildlife Pictorial Guide

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Seashore Plants

Soft Shore Animals

Text : Dickson Wong

Photo : Dickson Wong

False Cockle

Bloody Cockle



Anomalocardia flexuosa

Leather Fern

Acrostichum aureum

Coastal Heritiera

Heritiera littoralis

Aegiceras corniculatum

Herbal fern; fronds lanceolate, leathery; sporangia covering

all over abaxial surface of fertile pinnae.

Tall tree with well-developed buttress roots; leaves oblong,

lower surface silvery; fruits keeled longitudinal, floats on
water for dispersal.

Branch blackish brown with white lenticels; leaves elliptic,

apex rounded and emarginated spreads with white crystals;
cyclindrical dropper, apiculate apex.

Marcia sp.


Lumnitzera racemosa

Many-petaled Mangrove

Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

Leaves simple, alternate, fleshy, spoon-shaped, grow in

vertical form, similar in both sides; mostly found in the
backshore region of the mangrove stand.

Leaves simple, opposite, leathery, long elliptic; petioles

reddish; bright red flowers and droppers cigar-shaped.

The most commonly seen mangrove; reddish brown main

stems with stilt root; leaves sent out at the same position on
the branch; droppers long like a pen.

Tapes sp.

Black Mangrove

Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic with glands at the base;

capsules spherical; white latex produced when parts are
broken off (beware of poisonous).

Leaf upper surface shiny and lower surface grayish white;

capsules nearly ovoid, pale grayish yellow; many neumatophores surrounding the tree.

Leaves margin entire or spinous, opposite, rigid; pale purple

flowers, inflorescence spike, terminal.


Avicennia marina


Cyclina sinensis

Large Mangrove Clam

Geloina erosa

Soletellina sp.

/ Rock Oyster

Tree Oyster

Moon Shell

Isognomon sp.

Natica sp.

Sand Snail


Saccostrea cucullata

Excoecaria agallocha

Asiatic Hard Clam

Meretrix meretrix


Kandelia obovata

Small Mangrove Clam

Grafrarium sp.

Scapharca cornea

Spiny Bears Breech

Acanthus ilicifolius

Terebralia sulcata

Batillaria sp.


Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

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Cerithidea sp.

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Soft Shore Animals


Rough Periwinkle

Black-mouth Littorine

Acorn Barnacle

Pistol Shrimp

Mud Shrimp



Hermit Crab

Pebble Crab


Mud Whelk

Seashore Slug

Sea hare

Sentinel Crab

Sand Bubbler Crab

Buddhist Crab

Clithon sp.

Nerita sp.

Nassarius festivus

Inn Keeper Worm

Ochetostoma erythrogrammon

Sea Squirt
Styela plicata

Littoraria articulata

Nerita lineata

Onchidium sp.

Sipunculid Worm
Sipunculus sp.


Periophthalmus cantonensis

Littoraria melanostoma

Monodonta sp.

Bursatella leachii

Balanus sp.

Clibanarius sp.

Macrophthalmus sp.

Alpheus sp.

Philyra carinata

Scopimera globosa

Upogebia sp.

Mictyris longicarpus

Tmethypocoelis creatophora


Sesarmine Crab

Long-legged Crab

Grapsid Crab




Swimming Crab

Lingula lingua

Archaster typicus


Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)


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Perisesarma bidens

Uca borealis

Metaplax longipes

Uca crassipes

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Metapograpsus frontalis

Thalamita crenata

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Rocky Shore Animals

Text : Dickson Wong

Photo : Dickson Wong



False Limpet

Turban Shell


Acanthopleura japonica

Patelloida sp.

Siphonaria sp.

Turban Shell

Lunella coronata

Ribbed Clusterwink
Planaxis sulcatus

Conus ebraeus


Onithochiton hirasei

Turbo chinensis


Nodilittorina spp.

Dog Whelk
Thais clavigera


Oliva Shell

Pyramid Shell

Purplish Mussel

Sea Slater

Stalked Barnacle

Acorn Barnacle



Astralium haematragum

Cellana sp.

Silver-mouthed Monodont

Chlorostoma argyrostoma

Nerita albicilla

Septifer virgatus

Tetraclita sp.

Oliva sp.

Ligia exotica

Megabalanus volcano

Trochus pyramis

Capitulum mitella

Chthamalus malayensis

Giant Arabian Cowrie

Porcelain Crab

Grapsid Crab

Sea Urchin

Sea Cucumber

Sea Anemone

Cypraea arabica

Dog Whelk

Cronia margariticola


Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)


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Petrolisthes japonicus

Anthocidaris crassispina

Grapsus albolineatus

Holothuria leucospilota

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Wildlife Pictorial Guide

Grapsid Crab

Gaetice depressus

Spheractis sp.

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Text : Dickson Wong


Photo : enry Lui

Text : Dickson Wong

Photo : Dickson Wong

Arthonia sp.

Dark brown circular patches, central often dies, leaving a

characteristic halo pattern especially in summer.

Dark purple-red patch, irregular in outline. Often found

in the sheltered boulders and semi-exposed to exposed

Bright green thread-like filaments, usually tangled together

forming clumps. Found in different exposed shores.

Ralfsia sp.

Hildenbrandia sp.

Bright green to olive-green sheets, sometimes can grow

to large size. When out of water, it collapses into a
crumpled mass.

Brown sheets ear-liked form, leathery and strong texture.

Circular growing pattern can be seen.

Padina sp.

Sargassum sp.

Cladonia sp.

Brown to olive-green colour, irregularly shaped with hollow

inside. Can be found at the low intertidal shores in single
or in groups.

Red-brown thin sheet, no definite shape. Dense population

can cover the whole rock in winter.

Pink alga with segmented, pale-tipped. Dwarf turfs grow

extensively in the intertidal to subtidal zones in the rocky

Colpomenia sp.

Porphyra sp.

Caloplaca sp.

Leptogium sp.

Chrysothrix candelaris

Lecanora sp.

Huge seaweed. Olive brown with stipe and leaf-like blades.

Air bladders for floating. Blooms in the late winter.

Lecidea sp.

Graphis sp.

Enteromorpha sp.

Buellia sp.

Ulva sp.

Graphina cleistoblephara

Parmotrema sp.

Dirinaria picta

Corallina sp.

Pyxine cocoes

Ramalina sp.


Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

Field Study Handbook


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Wildlife Pictorial Guide

Trentepohlia sp.

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