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Partner Presentation

Name: __________________
Class: __________________
Date: ___________________

In groups of 2 you will create a presentation on about functional written responses. You may
choose the groups however, I caution who you choose because there will be no extensions on this
assignment. No extensions means that if a group member is not doing the work it will be up to
the other members to complete it. Choose wisely.

Group Member: _____________________________________________________________

Content for the presentation should revolve around functional written responses.
Things to think about when choosing your topic:

What elements make a good written response?

What makes a written response bad?
How do you create a thesis statement?
Where do you use a thesis statement?
When do you use a thesis statement?
What is the importance of a properly addressed envelope?

Required elements for this project:

2-5 minute group presentation

Engagement of the audience
Minimum of 2 sources within your research

Do not panic about group marks! You will receive both a group mark and an individual mark.
Group marks will be given for the presentation, information and handout. Individual marks will
be given for speaking and working well with the group. There will also be a group peerassessment where you will have a chance to grade your group member(s).

Due: Tuesday, December 6th 2016

Partner Presentation Rubric

4. Constructs
meaning and

skills and
processes for
inquiry and
Group Mark!

ideas in an
informed and

The student speaks
with the utmost
amount of
Information is
communicated to
the audience.
The group clearly
uses a more than two
different sources in
their research. These
sources are

The student speaks

with the somewhat
with confidence.

The student speaks

with a fair amount
of confidence.

The student speaks

with the without

Information is
communicated to
the audience.

Information is
communicated to
the audience.

Information is
communicated to
the audience.

The group uses two

different sources in
their research. These
sources are

The group uses less

than two different
sources in their
research. These
sources are

The group does not

document their

The information they

found is pertinent
and filled with rich

The information they

found is relevant and
filled with a
thorough amount of

The information they

found is appropriate
and filled with
simplistic details.

The group shows

consistent accuracy
in spelling, grammar
and punctuation.

The group shows

broad accuracy in
spelling, grammar
and punctuation.

The group shows

partial accuracy in
spelling, grammar
and punctuation.

The information they

found is not relevant
and is lacking detail.

The group shows

limited accuracy in
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation.

Grade Your Group Member

4. They helped with the

3. They helped with some of 2. They either helped with

1. They did not help with the

research part of the project.

They helped create the overall
presentation. They listened to
feedback from all group

the research for this project.

They somewhat helped create
the overall presentation. They
somewhat listened to
feedback from group

research part of the project.

They did not help create the
overall presentation. They did
not listen to feedback from all
group members.

Teachers Additional Comments:

the research part of the

project or they helped create
the overall presentation. They
need to work on listening to
feedback from all group

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