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P: Good morning, everybody this is your favorite TV program PRODUCE, we

have a wonderful Guest today .He is very famous in these days and He is
considered one of the most famous singers of the world. Hi, Rick thanks for
your coming.
R: Hi, Patty and thanks for the invitation to your program
P: youre welcome. But tell us how are you, Rick? I read in the newspaper that
you are acting in a new movie
R: thats right I am participating in a movie called signal, its about two
detectives, who have been accused of a crime which they didnt commit
P: that sounds interesting I think it will be a hit.
R: I hope this, too.
P: This is your first movie?
R: yes, and I feel a little nervous but I know that everything will be fine.
P: Rick, you are a complete artist. You sing, you dance and now, you are acting
in a movie. But we want to know how you started your career.
R: well, I always love the music but in the beginning my parents thought that
the music wasnt a good election.
P: mmm thats sad. Was it difficult in the beginning?
R: yeah, sometimes I thought about giving up my dream but I didnt have any
idea in my mind about other thing
P: so, what did you do?
R: well, one day there was a contest in a radio program called win win
P: I knew that radio program, in which people could sent their songs if you win,
they reproduce your song for all the week. Right?
R: yes it was
P: So, Did you win the contest?
R: actually, no. I got the second place but for my luck, a famous composer
listened my song and He recommend me to LOAN ENTERTAMIENT and I made
my debut in my group SEVENTEEN and two months after We had our first

P: I went to your concert, it was really good. And for me, the best presentation
was when you sang a song of classic music I loved that song
R: thanks you, well after that we appeared in TV, radio, newspapers and we
got more fans.
P: Ahh I have a question about that Have you ever received an unusual call of
R: yeah. One day I got a call of an unknown number and when I answered the
person told me that she was looked me I was very scared.
P: wow that sounds terrible. Oh the time passes very fast I enjoy about your
presence. Thank you for being here. It was great talk with you. I hope that you
can come here again
R: me, too. I enjoy this interview. Thank you
P: well, this was Rick the most famous singer and actor of Peru. I wait you the
next week at this same time. This was PRODUCE Bye, bye

P: Buenos das, a cada uno este es tu programa de TV favorito "PRODUCE" ,
hoy tenemos un increble invitado .El es muy famoso en estos das y es
considerado uno de los cantantes ms famosos del mundo. Hola, Rick, gracias
por venir.
R: Hola, Patty y gracias por la invitacin a tu programa
P: De nada. Pero dinos cmo ests, Rick? He ledo en el peridico que estas
actuando en una nueva pelcula
R: Es verdad, estoy participando en una pelcula llamada "SIGNAL", que trata
acerca de dos detectives, que han sido acusados de un crimen que no
P: suena interesante. Yo creo que va a ser un xito.
R: Eso espero yo tambien.
P: Esta es tu primera pelcula?
R: S, y me siento un poco nervioso, pero s que todo va salir bien.

P: Rick, eres un artista completo. Cantas, bailas y ahora, ests actuando en

una pelcula. Pero nosotros queremos saber cmo iniciaste tu carrera.
R: Bueno, siempre am la msica, pero en un principio mis padres pensaban
que la msica no era una buena eleccin.
P: mmm ... eso es triste. Fue difcil al principio?
R: S, a veces pens en renunciar a mi sueo, pero no tena ninguna idea en mi
mente sobre otra cosa para mi vida.
P: Entonces, qu hiciste?
R: Bueno, un da hubo un concurso en un programa de radio llamado "win-win"
P: Yo conozco ese programa de radio, en el la gente poda enviar sus canciones
si usted ganaba, ellos reproduciran su cancin toda la semana. cierto?
R: s, ese era
P: Entonces, ganaste el concurso?
R: En realidad, no. Me consegu el segundo lugar, pero para mi suerte, un
famoso compositor escuch mi cancin y me recomiendo a LOEN
ENTERTAMIENT y debut en mi grupo "Seventeen" y dos meses despus
tuvimos nuestro primer concierto
P: Yo fui a su concierto, fue muy bueno. Y para m, la mejor presentacin fue
cuando cantaron una cancin de msica clsica, me gusto esa cancin.
R: gracias , bueno ... despus de aparecimos en televisin, radio, peridicos y
conseguimos ms fans.
P: Ahh ... Tengo una pregunta acerca de eso Alguna vez ha recibido una
llamada inusual de alguien?
R: S. Un da recib una llamada de un nmero desconocido y cuando contest
la persona me dijo que me estaba vigilando ... Yo estaba muy asustado.
P: wow eso suena terrible. Oh ... el tiempo pasa muy rpido, disfrute de tu
presencia. Gracias por estar aqu. Fue genial hablar contigo. Espero que puedes
venir aqu de nuevo
R: yo, tambin. Me gust esta entrevista. Gracias
P: Bueno, ese fue Rick el ms famoso cantante y actor de Per. Te espero la
prxima semana a la misma hora. Esto fue "producir" Adis, adis

P: Gud mornin, ebrybady dis is yur feivorit TiVi program PRODUS, wi jaf a
wonderful Guest tuday .Hi is very feimus in thiss deis and Hi is considereid wan
of the most feimus singers of the world. Hai, Rick senks for your coming.
R: Hi, Patty and senks for the inviteichion tu your program
P: youre welcom. Bat tell as jau ar yu, Rick? I red in da niuspaper dat yu ar
acting in a niu muvi
R: das rait ay am participeiting in a muvi colled signal, its abaut tu detectifs,
jiu haf bin acciused of a craim which dey dident commet
P: dat sonds intresting I(ay) sink it will be a hit.
R: I(ay) jop dis, tu.
P: dis is yur first muvi?
R: yes, and I(ay) fil a little nervius bat I(ay) now dat evrytin will bi fain.
P: Rick, yu ar a complit artist. Yu sing, you dans and nauw, yu ar acting in a
muvi. Bat wi want to now jau yu starded yur carier.
R: well, I(ay) olweys lof da miusic bat in the beginning my parents toud dat da
miusic wosent a gud elecchion.
P: mmm dats sad. Wos it difficult in the beginning?
R: yeah, somtaims I toud abaut gifing ap mai drims bat I dident jaf eni aidia in
my maint abaut oder ting for mai laif
P: so, what did yu du?
R: well, wan dei der wos a contest in a redio program coled win win
P: I niuw dat redio program, in wich pipol cud sent deir songs if yu win, dey
reprodus yur song for ol da wik. Ruait?
R: yes it wos
P: So, Did yu win da contest?

R: ac-chualy, no. I got the second pleis bat for my luck, a feimus compouser
lisent mai son and Hi ricomend mi tu LON ENTERTEMENT and I I meid mai
debiut in mai grup SEVENTIN and tu monts after Wi jat awer first concert
P: I went tu yur concert, it wos rily gud. And for me, da best presenteichion wos
wen yu san a son of classic miusic I lofed dat son
R: senk yu, well after dat wi apirid in TiVi, redio, niuwspeipers and wi got mor
P: Ahh I jaf a question abaut dat jaf yu ever ricifd an uniuchual col of
R: yeah. wan dei I got a col of an an-nauwn namber and wen ay(I) anserd da
person tol mi Dat shi wos luked mi I wos very scared.
P: wow dat sounds terribol. Oh da taim pases very fast I (ay) enyoi abaut yur
presens. senk yu for bi-ing jer. It wos greit tok with yu. I jop dat yu can com jer
R: mi, tu. I enyoi dis interviuw. senk yu
P: well, dis wos Rick da most feimus singer and actor of Peru. I wait yu da next
wik at dis seim taim. dis wos PRODUs Bye, bye

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