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She fell asleep in April ...

and woke up in June


We all
know the phrase sleeping beauty
from Walt Disney, but not everyone
knows about the "Sleeping Beauty
Syndrome. This syndrome, also
known as Kleine Levin Syndrome, is
a rare neurological disorder
suffered by approximately 1000
people worldwide. Patients
diagnosed with the disease may
sometimes sleep for days, weeks,
and even months at a time.
Stacey Comerford, a 15-year-old
English girl, was recently diagnosed
with the disorder and says her latest
episode lasted two months, during
which she missed many school
exams and her birthday.
Her mother Bernie Richards says:
Theres never a warning. Ive even
found her asleep on the kitchen
floor. When she's in an episode, she
might get up to go to the toilet or
drink water but she's not awake.
Her mother feeds

her when she's in this state. "When

Stacey wakes, she thinks it's the
following day. She doesn't remember
anything, says Bernie.
Before being diagnosed, Stacey
went to different doctors because she
felt tired all the time and couldnt
concentrate at school. But doctors
said that she was just a typical
teenager. However, since she didnt
get better, they assumed she could
have a brain tumor. Finally, a
neurologist at Birmingham diagnosed
Stacey with Kleine Levin Syndrome.
This condition changed Staceys life
completely. She used to be an active
teenager, full of energy, but now
shes always tired and all she does is
sleep. She cant plan anything
because she might fall asleep. She
could go to sleep tonight and wake
up next week. It is a very hard
condition for a teenager.

1- Write the number of the paragraph where you can find the following information.
a. Staceys life before and after the disease
b. How Stacey was diagnosed
c. Introduction of Staceys story
d. The number of people who suffer the disease
e. Staceys mother explanation of the situation
2- Find the words that mean the same in the article.
a. An alert, advise (paragraph 3)
b. All over the world (paragraph 1)
c. To improve (paragraph 4)
d. Illness (paragraph 1)
e. Give food (paragraph 3)
3. Write True (T) or False (F) according to the article
a. Sleeping beauty syndrome and Kleine Levin Syndrome are different disorders.

b. During her last episode, Stacey slept for sixty days.

c. Stacey usually shows signs before her episodes.
d. Stacey doesnt drink or eat during her episodes.
e. Stacey is a different person now because of the disorder.

4. What do you think of the story? Would you go out with someone suffering that
condition? Why?

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