J. Quizz Questions

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JSQ questions

Short answer

1. Which sub-atomic particle has no charge? Newton

2. What term is used to describe the even mixing of the particles of two substances
without stirring? Diffusion
3. What is the zigzag motion of particles that are bombarded by the particles of
another substance called? Brownian motion
4. Name the group to which the elements beryllium, magnesium and calcium
belong? Group 2
5. Name the elements present in carbohydrates. Carbon, hydrogen & oxygen
6. Which has the largest radius, hydrogen or lithium? Lithium
7. In which state of matter do particles have the most energy? Gas
8. Short-sightedness can be corrected by what type of lens? Concave lens
9. A mixture in which its components are evenly mixed is called a ____? Solution
10.Solutions which have exceeded their saturation point can create what type of
solid? Crystals
11.Identify the stage in the water treatment process where alum is added to remove
large suspended impurities? Coagulation
12.What substance found in the liver helps to break down fats in the small
intestine? Bile\
13.True or false, digestion takes place in the oesophagus? False
14.Minerals such as magnesium nitrate enters a tree though what part of the plant?
Its roots
15.Name the pollutant which can cause rapid growth of algae in water. Fertilisers
16.Name the cycle of nature that involves the combustion of fossil fuels? Carbon
17.What process is used to separate a mixture of chalk & water? Filtration
18.What type of solution has the maximum amount of dissolved solute in a given
volume of solvent at a particular temperature? Saturated solution
19.Name the salt produced when zinc is combined with dilute HCl? Zinc chloride
20.What is the pH value of vinegar? 3
21.What substance is broken down in the stomach and small intestines? Protein
22.Where in the body is fat broken down? Small intestines
23.What is the function of oesophagus? Too push food from the mouth into the
24.The contraction and relaxation of the alimentary canal is called? Peristalsis
25.What is the name given to broken down food and saliva swallowed in the mouth?
26.Name the two enzymes produced in the stomach to digest protein? Pepsin and
27.What is the collective name for the sepals? Corolla
28.Group seven of the periodic table is called the ___? Halogens
29.Name the material used for making the filament in a bulb? Tungsten
30.Name the compound in photographic films that darkens on content to light.
Silver bromide

JSQ questions
31.What instrument is used to measure the diameter of a steel rod? Vernier
32.Name the deficiency disease where there is a swelling of the thyroid glad?
33.What type of lens is found in the eye? Convex
34.Name the material used to transport telephone signals instead of copper wires?
Optical fibres
35.Name the salt formed when sodium reacts with hydrochloric acid. Sodium
36.How many centimetres are there in 120 mm? 12
37.Which polysaccharide is formed in potato skin? Starch
38.What are the building blocks of protein? Amino acids
39.Eggs, fish & beans are rich sounds of what nutrient? Protein
40.What inorganic substances are needed for to growth & development? Minerals

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