Organizational Turnaround

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Organizational Turnaround

Module One
What is your first impression of the circumstances presented in this e-case?
After the merger, Literacy Mid- South faced multiple issues, which needed multi-pronged
approach. The organization was in financial crises, it was loosing the trust of the donors
and volunteers, expenses of the organization had increased after merger, new workforce,
including volunteers needed training and the whole culture and climate of the
organization needed to be reformed. The organization needed reinvigoration. Though
there were challenges due to merger, but most of the problems were inherited from the
merging organizations, which seemingly developed through time. This situation needed a
leader with vision and commitment.
Do you think the circumstances the Executive Director faced after coming on board
are unique to this organization?
Every leader of non-profit has to look after the finance, personnel, culture of the
organization, planning and problem solving. Their nature for Dean is not different per
say, but the contingency and intensity of these issues in the Literacy Mid South make
them unique. These circumstances needed a leader not manager.
What are the challenges that the organization seems to have?

The organization had financial troubles.

There was no plan to incorporate the mission and vision both the organization in

the vision, mission and planning of the new organization.

The board of directors was disinterested and disengaged.
After the merger, staff was not reduced. $45000 were going each month into

Building needed repair.
There was no backup money.

Volunteers were disengaged and they needed help and training.

Since volunteers were donors too, the organization had lost that source of

Organizations programs were ineffective, and a national survey had indicated that
fact. Due to this the organization was loosing the trust of the donors and

What would you have done if you had walked into this situation?

Indulging the board.

o Sharing the gravity of the problem and creating a shared vision for
their solution.
o Launching a vigorous contingency effort to raise funding.
Creating a vision and mission statement which will incorporate the vision and
mission of the merging organization.
Strategic planning for the reinvigoration of the organization.
o For financial stability and
o Personnel development.
Professional training and
Indulging the volunteers and obtaining their trust.
o Training and
o Sharing the new vision and vigor of the leadership.
Strategic planning for the enhanced effectiveness of the organizational
o Motivating the workforce.
o Personnel training.
o Using new and more effective evaluation and monitoring tools.
Changing the culture and climate of the organization.
o New and good building.
o Increasing motivation and commitment of personnel.
o Promoting the culture of visionary and transformational leadership at
all levels.

If you were funder for Literacy Mid South, would you have continued to fund the
organization? Why or why not?

I would see if the organization were serious in enhancing the program effectiveness and
in bringing about the required reforms, I would continue funding it. In the other case I
would gradually withdraw.

Module Two
What leadership theories does the Executive Director personify in this case?
The Executive Director adopted a participatory leadership. He brought all the role-players
on board. He shared the gravity of the problems with his staff and the Board of Directors.
He not only intimated them with the problems but also wanted them to share the
responsibility of identifying the alternatives for the solution. At the same time the
Executive Director adopted a task and performance based leadership style. He wanted the
staff and the board to own the problems and come up with solution, and he let them go
who did not comply with his leadership style.
Of the decisions the Executive Director had to make, which ones do you think would
have been the toughest. Why?
The decision, which required the staff and the board to own the problems and come up
with solutions, and in other case, leave the organization. In this time of multiple crises,
he was taking the risk of adding personnel problem. Moreover, compromising
relationship in favor of task might have led to reaction from the staff and clandestine noncompliance might have occurred.
What leadership skills were needed to lead Literacy Mid South through its merger and
leading to sustainability?
o Decision making
o Communication skills

o Collaboration and cooperation

o Conflict resolution

How did the Executive Director work with the people to implement these changes
(staff, volunteers, and funders)?
o He got the staff and the board to own the problems and let them go who did not

comply with this.

He identified those in his staff who had various expertise and utilized their skills.
He obtained the participation of the staff in problem solving.
He refined the board and got it meet monthly.
A volunteer council was created and arrangements were made for volunteers

Module Three
What has been done to turn the status of LMS and impact did these changes have?
Environment. He changed the outdated building in order to provide better environment
to the staff and a climate where people good.
Finance. Spending was reduced and revenue was increased. It was done through moving
to low cost building and effective use of the available space; support from previous
foundation was obtained by presenting a new action plan; and special events were held to
attract new donors.
Communication. Awareness about the existence of LMS was created
o Through institutional marketing and
o Online presence
Program. New innovative programs were launched
o One on one tutorial
o Small group tutorial

o Classes moved to more than twenty libraries

Partnership. Reestablishing of Smart Memphis Coalition to train other nonprofits to
operate their own tutoring program at their own sites.
People. With the new style of leadership relationship were compromised but performance
was ensured through retaining only those who could perform.

Which of the changes do you think was the most important and why?
Changing the leadership style which let the staff downsized. It was risking of a reaction
from the remaining staff in the form of non-cooperation in a clandestine way in order to
get rid of the boss.
How did the Executive Director build support to implement these changes?
He adopted a leadership style which wanted the staff and the board members to own the
problems and come up with solutions. He let them go who did not comply with his
leadership style, only those were retained who were ready to give support to the
implementation of the change.
How did these changes help LMS better meet its mission?
The organization was ineffective on its programs. A national survey had also indicated
this. It was because of the disinterest of the board, financial crises, less motivated staff
and the absence of committed leadership. Dean gave a vigorous leadership to LMS,
removed these problems and made the organization able to be effective on its programs in
the pursuance of it mission.
What other changes do you think should be made, why?
A culture of transformational leadership should be created at all levels. So that in times of

crises these individuals are able to take initiatives and give support to the organization.
The other change should be in the configuration of the board of directors; it should
consist of miscellaneous members. Having various professionals and community leaders,
the board will be in better position to lead the organization. The diversity would render
relationship among board members being more formal and professional.

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