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Qingli Wang

41 keefer Rd, Throrld, ON, L2V 4W5


Education Background
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology (Sept 2012-2016)
Major: Accounting

Degree: Bachelor of Management

Brock University(2016-present)
Major: Professional Master Preparation Certificate-Business

Mar 2014

Acquired Certificate of Accountant Professional

Dec 2013

Acquired Certificate VI in English Examination (CET-6)

Dec 2012

Acquired Certificate IV in English Examination (CET-4)

Student Clubs & Social Activities

1Public Relations Department of Student Union
Period: Sept 2012-2016
Position: Director-General
Responsibility: Mainly responsible for fund raising for the Student Union and school activities.
The position requires strong communication ability and social ability. It is an excellent training
platform to involve into society. I have stick to my position, and trained the communication
skills. I learnt how to deal with superior-subordinate relationships.
2Social Activity of Visiting Elderly People
Period: Sept 2014-Dec 2014
Position: Organizer
Responsibility: Organized the class activity of visiting homes for elderly people by chatting
with and giving performance to them. The issue of aging has become increasingly prominent in
China. Young people have to face the issue while showing love care for these elderly people.

Internship Experience
1Beijing Xindake Technology Development Co., Ltd (Jan 2015 - Feb 2015)
I helped my aunt, whom is an accountant at the company, to provide tax declaration and tax
paying service to customers. My ability of applying accounting knowledge into real practice
was enhanced. Through the work, I realized the difference between school knowledge and
actual practice. It drove me to study harder on major courses.

2University Provided Internships (Sept 2014 - 2016)

There were short-term internships provided by our university, for instance, Basic Accounting
Practice, ERP Software Practice, Auditing Practice, Tax Practitioner, and Financial
Management Sand Table Simulation Practice. In fourth year, there will be an internship to
practice auditing with CPA at accounting firms. Accomplishing these internships allow me to
practice skills to better understand course subjects.
3Seller at MO&CO (Jan 2013 - Feb 2013)
I worked as a seller for MO&CO by selling womens clothes. This precious experience
practiced my communication and selling skills. When my sales volume went up quickly, I was
offered the chance to do account checking as well.

Personal Strengths
Strong calculation and logic ability
Management skills
Communication and society skills

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