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Through Knowledge
Iqtidar ul Hassan
PADM 7714
Dr. Michael Howell Moroney
University of Memphis

Through Knowledge
I propose to deliver training to public primary school teachers in FATA (Federally
Administered Tribal Areas), Pakistan in content and pedagogy, and the school leaders in
instructional leadership. I will also provide teachers and administrators with additional
supplementary resources. Training would be provided on-site to individual teacher and
administrator through video training model. Videos would include tutoring teachers in the
content of the subject and coaching in a range of instructional strategies. Videos for
school leaders would navigate them through leadership processes while considering the
context. Supplementary resources for teachers and leaders would comprise manuals and a
website. Manual for the teacher would contain resources like samples and templates of
lesson plans and assessment tools. Leaders manual would contain monitoring and
evaluation tools.
The main responsible factor identified for the low quality of education in public
schools in Pakistan in general and FATA, in particular, is the lack of qualified and
competent teachers and school leaders. A lack of formal training and low qualification of
the teachers and school leaders is the cause of the low level of professional
incompetence. On the other side, the government is unable to conduct post-induction
comprehensive and effective training for teachers and school leaders. Considering this
situation I propose on-site training for individual teachers and school leaders. These
training would be cost effective and easily accessible to teachers and school leaders.
Besides, teachers and school leaders can expose themselves to training resources
according to their own convenience. Moreover, teachers and school leaders would have
supplementary resources to help them in performing their professional tasks according to
the standard practices in the field.
Elevating the quality of education through enhancing teachers competency in
content and pedagogy, and of the school leaders in instructional leadership by providing
individual teachers and leaders on-site video training and additional supplementary
teachers and leaders resources.

Value Proposition
Enhancing teachers competency in content and pedagogy and of the school
leaders in instructional leadership.
Beneficiary Segments
The primary beneficiaries would be students for whom the whole venture is
designed. The teacher and the school leaders are the immediate beneficiary segment; the
value proposition of this entrepreneurial enterprise is directly intended for teachers and
school leaders. The school district administration has the responsibility of maintaining the
quality of service in the schools. By enabling school teachers and leaders to perform up to
the standard I assist the school district administration to achieve its prescribed goals.
Thus the school district becomes a beneficiary of this entrepreneurial venture. Parents in
particular and the whole community, in general, are the beneficiaries of this venture
which elevate the quality of education of their children.
Beneficiary Channels
The product would reach the end user, teachers, and the school leaders, through
two kinds of channels, direct and indirect. The product would be directly advertised and
delivered to the teacher by organizations personnel. The product would be available
through the indirect source, like the school district administration office and bookshops.
Beneficiary Relationship
With the school leaders and teachers, my organizations relationship may be best
described as a teacher and mentor. With the school district administration, this
relationship would be a support team, the organization will assist the school district
administration in achieving its goals. To the students, the organization would be an
anonymous benefactor, but with parents and the community, the organization would be
connected as a social mobilizer.
Beneficiary Impact
The value that I intend to create through this product is lifting the quality of
education delivered in the public schools in FATA, Pakistan. The ultimate value created
would be nuanced commensurate to the position of each beneficiary in the configuration
of the beneficiary spectrum. The process employed to create the end value, that is
enhancing the professional competencies of the teachers and school leaders, would create

a subset of values. School leaders would acquire knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an
upscale instructional leadership. Teachers would get a better understanding of the
contents and strategies to deliver them, gain skills in applying various instructional
strategies, and acquire dispositions of an upscale professionalism. As a result of the
application of this innovative venture students learning achievements would improve.
The measurement scale that would be used to measure the value for students and
teachers would be students learning achievements. Teacher evaluation would be used as
another matrix for teachers. Evaluation tools would be available to school leaders as part
of the supplementary for school leaders. Results on these matrices would be the
indicators of leaders performance.
Activities, Partners, and Resources
Key Activities
The main activity can be described as providing schoolteachers and leaders onsite video training. But this broader task is divided into subsets of activities. Activities
around beneficiary channels would start with advertising and branding the product to
them and the end user. Sales and marketing personnel will market and deliver the product
to the end user directly. The product would be made available on bookshops so that it is
can be found from various sources. Using an indirect method of delivering the product to
end user, the school district administration will be taken on board. The product would be
advertised to them and they would be convinced to distribute the product ahead to
Activities around beneficiary relationship would transpire along with the activities
around beneficiary channels. My organization would be a support team to the district
education in promoting its objectives. The organization will create a liaison with the
school district administration office for the achievement of the common goals. To the
teachers and the leaders, the organization would be a mentor and that mentoring would be
materialized through on-site video training and the provision of additional supplementary
Key Resources
Key resources would be video training on each individual lesson, and
instructional leadership for teachers and leaders respectively recorded on a flash drive.

Manuals would be made available to both teachers and leaders. A website would be
created for additional resources and interactive learning activities.
Key Partners
School district administration would provide me a distribution channel. Moreover,
the administrations endorsement of the product will make it mandatory for teachers and
leaders to purchase the product and apply the new skills and knowledge. The community
would be my partner, through expressing high expectations and monitoring of the
schools' performance, the community can assist me in getting compliance from the school
Cost Structure
The preliminary research on the needs of the teachers and leaders would demand
a higher cost. Another costly element of the whole project would be the on-site delivery
of the product. Moreover, the manufacturing of videos and manuals would also need
financial resources.
The whole project was not a non-challenging task. But the most challenging part
was to come up with a creative, innovative, and viable idea for the prototype. One nugget
of wisdom that I got from this whole process is that simple solutions can be discovered
for bigger and complex problem through the method of co-creating. A related lesson that
I learned is that if the target population cannot contribute meaningfully in the process of
co-creation and blend of design-thinking and rational thinking can be used. A third lesson
is more of holistic nature and that is a confidence in ones ability to come up with
innovative and viable solutions for pervasive and endemic problems and a sense of
meaningful contribution into others lives.

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