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Chris Maldonado


October 19th, 2016

OBJECTIVE: 8.2 Social Studies

GRADE LEVEL: 8th Grade
Objective/Purpose: (The student expectations must be clearly defined and in line with the district/state standards.
For the students benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson and why these objectives
are important to accomplish

The students will go through a first hand experience and gain knowledge of the New world
exploration. They are assigned a role to experience how it feels to explore the world as a new
settler. Student is expected to use previous knowledge and also learn obstacles many groups of
people experienced in the 14th century. Such as a Crew Man, prisoner, two slaves, and a
navigator within Spain, Portugal, and England.
Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed:

Electronic device, Note cards, PowerPoint, and prizes for winning , big Yellow Paper,
popsicle sticks, flags on a stick, bed sheets.

Instructional delivery (What information is essential for the student to know before beginning and how will this
skill be communicated to students? This is the section where you explicitly delineate how you will present the
lesson. Direct instruction? Small group? Centers? The instruction could include a variety of instructional
delivery methods.)

When the students walk in, they will be assigned groups and roles. The names will be on
the tables with their assigned role. They will be split into 3 groups of 5, and know their
individual roles.
Anticipatory Set (ENGAGE): (Before you dig into the meat of your lessons instruction, set the stage for your
students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a context. What activities will you
use to focus students on the lesson for the day?)

By using the yellow papers on their table students will be evaluated on previous information
they know about the Voyage to the New World in the perspective of Spain, Portugal and
England. They will hang their papers on the wall and we will review what they know and what
they learned at the end of the lesson.
(EXPLORE): students encounter hands-on experiences in which they explore the concept further. They
receive little explanation and few terms at this point, because they are to define the problem or
phenomenon in their own words.

Since we are 3 teachers, we will each be a point; meaning one of us is on a opposite

corner of the class signifying the 3 countries we are reviewing.(Spain, England, Portugal)
The first one is Spain; they will each describe their role to the table reading of a small
index card with 5 responsibilities. The second point is Portugal and we will act out being
on a boat making the slaves row the boat(dragging a bed sheet with someone on it)
while the crewman pretends to drive the boat, prisoner helps row, and the navigator
explores. The last point is England and they will describe the new world, colonizations,
and the start of colonies, such as James Town. 15- 20 mins.
Model (EXPLAIN): (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done and Guided
Practice: (Under your supervision, students are given the chance to practice and apply the skills you
taught them through the instructional delivery). In the same groups as assigned students will

play a jeopardy game with 4 categories; Spain, Portugal, England, Americas. The
questions will be based on what they learned in each group. 10 questions total. 7
Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

Independent Practice (ELABORATE): (List the assignment(s) that will be given to the students to ensure
they have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.) Jeopardy game, asking them questions,

and developing personal thoughts about the subject. 3 mins.

Check for Understanding (EVALUATE): (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have
learned the objective FORMATIVE.)

The group will take down the yellow paper and now write what they learned about the
lesson. One group will present what they learned. 7 Mins.
Closure: (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson? How will you wrap
up the lesson by giving the lesson concepts further meaning for your students?)

Ask a Member of each team to briefly explain how they felt with their life style
role. For example how do you think it would of felt to be a slave in the voyage
of Navigation? 3 mins.

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

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