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(Vital source of energy )

Types of Pranayama (breathing exercises)
Different different book there are different different pranayama is mentioned. But we
mention the most common practiced breathing exercises according to Patanjali yog sutra.

Kapalbhati Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama
Bahya Pranayama
Ujjaye Pranayama
Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama
Udgeeth (chanting the word Om)
Pranav Pranayama
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Sheetkari Pranayama {Hissing Breath}-Steps And Benefits
Sheetali Pranayama {Cooling Breath}-Steps And Benefits
Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)-Steps And
Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Left Nostril Breathing)-Steps And
Breathing exercises comprises of breathing exercise which provide oxygenated blood to our
entire body and its organs. We get 54% energy from Air therefore it is very important to
understand the value of Pranayam for healthy existences.

We are trying our level best, to briefly discuss the concept of pranayam (breathing
exercises).You can easily understand the concept of pranayam by the diagram which shown
under below:-

The Concept of Pranayama

The word Pranayama (breathing exercises) is made from the combination of two words:
Prana and ayama.
Prana means vital energy or life force The meaning of ayama is extension or expansion.
Thus, the word pranayam means extension or expansion of the dimension of prana. The
techniques of pranayam provide the method where by the life force can be activated and
regulated in order to go beyond ones normal boundaries or limitations and attain a higher
state of vibratory energy and awareness.

Prana is the vital link between the body and mind. Breath is the important vehicle for Prana.
Breath is the bridge between body and emotions. By regulating the breath, you can shift from
the state of being upset, fearful and angry to calm, centered and balanced state.

Four Aspects of Pranayama

In Pranayama there are four main important aspects of breathing. These are:

Poorak or inhalation.

Rechak or exhalation.

Antar kumbhak or internal breath retention.

Bahir kumbhak or external breath retention.

Important: If you really wants get the benefit of breathing exercises is easily and
simply, this can happen only when your body has sufficient iron to absorb oxygen, to
absorb iron body needs vitamin C, Vitamin C is water soluble. If you dont use it you
loose it, for this it is important to include vitamin C into your daily diet.
NOTE:- Do yoga (breathing exercises) under the supervision of yoga instructor.

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