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Galvan 1

Appendix B Forms
Best Piece Reflection Form
Title of Assignment: The Levys Great Escape
Date of Assignment: April 5, 2016
Course in which assignment was completed: AP Language and Composition
Briefly describe the assignment. What steps did you take in order to complete this assignment?
What resources, software, skills were required to complete this assignment?
This assignment was entered into the Campus Start writing competition as a Feature
Article. This article won 2nd place in the competition. This was one of many stories told by my
German grandmother. I spoke to her about these stories so they she could give me more details. I
turned this into a story of my own. This showed the skills of understanding the culture and
hardships of German Jews.
Complete this form with an essay response (1/2 to 1 page; MLA format)
Answer the following questions:
1. Why did you choose this sample as your best piece?
2. What should the reader expect to find?
3. What impressions do you hope the reader gains about you as a learner after viewing this
4. What did you learn as a result of completing this assignment?
5. How will you use this knowledge/experience in the future?

Galvan 2

Juliana Galvan
Senior Portfolio Committee
Senior Portfolio
16 October 2016
Best Piece Reflection Essay
I chose this sample as my best piece because it is an important story from my family
history. I believe that it show my interest in my family history and how important it is to me.
Because this is the European side of my family, the reader should expect to read about details
from World War II and how it affected many German Jews and other Jews living in Germany.
My great-aunt Anna was not born a Jew, but because her husband, William, was, Hitler saw her
as a Jew.
I hope for the reader to learn that I am very passionate and interested in my family
history. World War II was a very big part in history and affected a lot of people. All of my
European family were affected by the war because they were Jewish. There are only a few that
are left because of the damage that Hitler has done. I am very interested in my heritage and hope
others are interested too.
I learned a lot about my family history while gathering information for this assignment. I
realized how hard a Jews life was because they were unwanted. This event truly resembles
desperate times call for desperate measures. My family went through a lot to survive. I have
and will use the knowledge that I gained to become more engaged in history. I will also pass
down this knowledge to my younger generations.

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