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DRIVING KILLS & JAMMIE GARCIA BIOLoGy 11 NOVEMBER 1, 2005 Ecological Ecologically the problem with all the pollution in the air comes from cars and the different types of fumes they exhaust. There are many organizations like Air Quality For Kids, that have fought and are fighting to try to improve the quality of the air so that it's a better place to live. ‘Another organization that is involved with the ecological problem with car pollution is, The World Environmental Organization._This organization concentrates on “helping you put an end to the environmental destruction that is taking place every day, both in our own neighborhoods and elsewhere in the world.” There are many more organizations that concentrate on helping the environment in any way possible Economical Economically the problem of air pollution that comes from cars is huge because according to the article found in the Los Angeles Times, even Tokyo, which is one of the worlds top car manufactures, have decided to concentrate on making “concept cars.” This article explains the importance of hybrid cars compared to the old fashion gas engines. Economically itis better for the country economy if more people use hybrid cars instead of gas fueled cars because that means that the us does not have to buy as much oil from other countries as they do now. It will not only improve our economy but if other countries started selling only hybrid can improve the worlds economy and therefore save the money that would have been used for oil and use that for more efficient things. Social Socially the United States has to make its country more aware of what is happening to the quality of the air and how to improve it. Most people are not aware of the danger it can cause to inhale so much pollution into ones lungs and a lot of that pollution that is put out into the air is form the cars. In the article that was written in the Air Quality For Kids website titled “Reducing Car Pollution,” it states that people should “think about walking or riding your bike when you are taking very short trips and don't have to carry much luggage.” Little things as that can help improve the air pollution because that leads to less cars being used on the road and less pollution being spread around the air, Political Politically the United States has always tried not to concentrate on environmental issues. Recently, the Bush administration was asked about all the environmental problems that the United States has, and there response to everything always is that “we are working on it and it takes time to configure out certain issues.” In the article found in the CQ Researcher titled “Jobs Vs. Environment," it states that president Bush was “self appointed ‘environmental president,’ has done little to enhance U.S. leadership in environmental affairs.” This is very disappointing because if the president of a country like the United States does not care about the environment what kind of example is he showing for the rest or the country. Ethical Issues Ethically the issue of air pollution has been a reason for debate for many years. There are people who morally think that cars are wrong and should not be used in excess. There are also those who believe that air pollution is inevitable, and it's going to happen no matter what. Personally | think that if there are ways to cut down the air pollution in anyway then we should try to improve it because the problem is only going to get worse Literature Cites Associated Press. “Tokyo Turns The Clock To Near Future.” Los Angeles Times. 2005 October. 26. http://www latimes,com/classified/automotive/highway I/la-hy- tokyo26oct26, 1.535017 L story Cooper, Mary H. "Jobs Vs. Environment." The CQ Researcher Journal 2.18 (1992). | November 2005 . Document ID: cqresrre1 992051500. EPA Victoria. “Reducing Car Pollution.” Air Quality For Kids. 2004, March. 15. www.epa. Format/Composition: [15 points Originality/Content [25 points Points Points _ possible] (5) possibte} pS Originality ( Tile pase 2) 2 Coverage of 5 issues (10) Cae! Factual Content (10) Literature ited (2) a Length of paper (5) ae Grammer! Spelling (4)

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