Niloy Introduction of NESTLE

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Brand Name: Nascafe

Parents Company: Nestle

The rich taste of our favourite coffee is reflected in its rich history. The beginning of
NESCAFE can be traced all the way back to 1930, when the Bazilian government first
approached Nestle.
NESCAFE- combination of the words Nestle and caf. Nescafe was first introduced
in Switzerland, on April 1, 1938. In 1965 NESCAFE - continued to bring the worlds
best cup of coffee by introducing freeze-dried soluble coffee with the launch of Gold
Blend. Only two years later they invented a new technology to capture more aroma
and flavor from every single coffee bean. In 1994 the full aroma process was
invented to make the unique and character of NESCAFE even better.
In North India, coffee = Nescafe

While coffee chains such as Caf Coffee Days and Barista target the upper middle class
youth segment, Nestle India through its Cafes is going all out to woo the masses.

Introduction of NESTLE
Nestle S.A: in one of the largest food and nutrition companies in the world, founded and
headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. Nestle originated in a 1905 merger of the Anglo-Swiss
Milk Company, which was established in 1866 by brother George Page and Charies Page,
and the Farine Lactee Henri Nestle.
Switzerland on April 1, 1938 after being developed for seven years by Max Morgernthaler
and Vernon Chapman.
The rich taste of our favourite coffee is reflected in its rich history. The beginning of
NESCAFE can be traced all the way back to 1930, when the Bazilian government first
approached Nestle. Coffee specialist, Max Morgernthaler, and his team set out to find a way
of producing a quality cup of coffee that could be made simply by adding water, yet would
retain the coffees natural flavor. After seven long years of research in their Swiss
laboratories, they found the answer.

Introduction to Product and Competition

Nescafe is a brand of instant coffee owned by Nestle. The name is combination of the words
Nestle and caf in which Nes- means magic and caf means coffee. Nestles flagship
powdered coffee product was introduced in Switzerland on April 1, 1938 after being
developed for 7-8 years by Max Rudolf Morgernthaler, a Swiss food chemist considered to
be inventor of nescafe. In the United States, the Nescafe name was used on its products until
the 1960s.

Nestle has association with India for over 100 years. The Moga manufacturing and
packaging facility in Panjab is dedicated specifically for the production of instant coffee by
Nestle. Coffee Board of India awarded Nestle as leading exporter of coffee from India in
2012-13 Nestle follows a region specific marketing strategy, housing different brands of
instant coffee under the umbrella brand Nescfe.
With already established brand, the competition in coffee market is stiff. The other major
players in this segment are Tata Coffee and BRU. Nestle is the leader with about three
fourths, with Hindustan Unilever Bru at second slot.

Nestle is world largest food Manufacturer with around 480 factories in 87
countries and a portfolio that range from baby food to pet care, from
chocolate to mineral water.
With more than 3,000 cups consumed every second. Nescafe is by far the
worlds leading coffee brand, and also the third most valuable beverage
brand after Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

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