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How | Got Here Hk que Lay “oF ll / en ye ~ 7 Tee y 4 Ay uleg a A UWA) ae q ee TO ther fe 4 [Py 2 te Aine a7 / peopel Ae Ke Jammie Garcia History 301.01 — Jim Blackwood April 8, 2009 Gareia, Jammie 1 My name is Jammie Garcia and I was born in Paramount California. Although I was born in the Unit od States, the rest of my family comes from all different parts of México. Going, back three generations made me appreciate my family even more and it also gave me the understanding of how I got here. ‘My fathers name is Jaime Enrique Garcia. He was born on September 5", 1959 in Ruiz, Nayarit México, My father’s parents are Julian Garcia and Esperanza Camacho. My grandfather Julian’s parents are Jacinto Garcia and Catalina Amador. My grandmother Esperanza’s parents are Ramon Camacho and Guadalupe Fregoso. My great-grandparents on my grandfather Julian’s side of the family were never married but after they had their first bom they moved in together. They lived in a city named Tenamaxtlan which is in the city of Jalisco in México. ‘That is where my grandfather Julian was born, My great-grandparents on the grandmother Esperanza’s side were married on January 29", 1936. After being married for two years they decided to move to Ruiz whi a town in the state of Nayarit in México. That is where my grandmother Esperanza was born. My grandparents Julian and Esperanza meft when my grandfather Julian was working, He would drive around small towns selling fruits and vegetables and one day he met my grandmother. Although they were still young they decided to get married a few months later. In order for my grandmother to be allowed to get married she was told by her parents that she couldn't move she had to stay in Ruiz. So my grandfather moved. My grandparents still live there, in the little town of Ruiz, They have ten children, Most of their kids have migrated to the United States which is good because it allows by grandparents to take trips over here to visit their amily, Recently my grandfather has become very illnd~hich makes ial she, to travel that is why we try to take a least one family trip to go visit them. Gareja, Jammie 2 My mothers name is Julieta Bohon. She was bom on July 30", 1962 in San Luis Rio Colorado which is a very small city in the state of Jalisco in México. My mother's parents are Juan de Dios Bohon and Agueda Jauregui, My grandfather Juan’s parents are Ramon Bohon and Emestina Mendoza. My grandmother's parents are Anasatcio Jauregui and Juana Soltero. My ‘great-grandparents on my grandfather Juan’s side of the family were both born and raised in the town of El Dorado which is in the state of Sinaloa, México. They married very young and they had fourteen children. My grandfather Juan was the third born, My great-grandparents on my grandmother Agueda’s side of the family megt each other because their parents set them up. In a way, my great-grandparents Anastacio and Juana were forced to get married. My great- ‘grandfather was twenty-six years older than my great-grandmother. After being married for six years and having three children my great-grandfather passed away and my great-grandmother got remarried five months later. My grandmother was already born by the time her father passed away but she doesn’t really have any memories of him. Before my great-grandfather passed away, they settled in a small pueblo called La rida in Jalisco, Mexico. This is where my grandmother was born My grandparents Juan and Agueda meft each other when my grandmother was working in a bar as a dancer and my grandfather stopped by for a drink and he noticed her and she noticed him, K then went out a few times and then they got married. My grandparents lived in La Florida for a few months and then decided to move Mexicali. Although they lived in Mexicali my mother was not born there. My grandmother tells me that they were going to go visit some friends in Sonora and my grandmother went into labor which lead to my mom being born in Sonora but in reality my mother always lived in Mexicali. My grandparents had four children together. They lived in Mexicali for about twenty years until they came to the United States. Gareia, Jammie 3 The decision to migrate to the United States was a very quick and crucial decision because my grandfather was kidnapped. When he was released they decided to move as soon as possible. My grandfather Juan had many businesses and he was a very wealthy man in the then small town of Mexicali, which is located in Baja California México. ‘That is why he was targeted to get kidnapped. My grandparents had a small shopping center in Mexicali which led them to have many nice things such as three houses and a few cars. As my mom says, they were the only family around who had a poo! in their backyard. My mom says that my grandfather would travel 1 lot because he would sell and trade animal goods in El Monte in California which meant he was away from the family a lot. Although my grandparents were married my grandfather had another family that lived in Arizona. He had four other children with Sofia Mendoza, which are the ones that lived in Arizona, My grandmother was aware of the other family my grandfather had but she never left him because she loved him so much. My grandfather also had another wiffe before he meet my grandmother, who he had another four children with. So in total my grandfather has twelve children. Having that many children meant that he had to work hard and make a lot of money. When my grandfather says that when he was kidnapped he was on his way back to Mexicali from Sinaloa and he was carjacked. Three days after his initial arrival date my grandmother received a phone call and she was told that she had to give them twenty thousand dollars if she wanted to see my grandfather again. My grandmother tells me that they weren’t so stupid because they knew to ask for dollars instead of pesos. My grandmother informed the Mexican police about the incident but the thing about Mexican police is that you never know if they are good cops are bad cops. They pretended that they were looking into the matter but after four days of no answers my grandmother decided to pay the ransom, One of my grandmothers’ brother gave the kidnappers the money and they in retum gave up my grandfather. Garcia, Jammie 4 As soon as my grandparents got back to Mexicali from Sinaloa they packed up what they could and imgediaey moved to the United States. As I mentioned before, they settled in conn{ A Si is where they now live, When they arrived here my mother was enrolled at Lynwood High School. She graduated in 1980 and started working so she could go to college. My father migrated to the United States to find a better job and more opportunities. He started working at a meat market in Lynwood. One day my mom was asked to go to her uncle"s store to get some food and that’s where she met my dad. ‘They liked each other as soon as they saw each other but since the meat market belonged to my moms’ uncle my dad decided not to pursue anything because he was afraid of getting fired. In the summer of 1982 one of my ‘mother’s cousins was getting married and she was going o come oun the wedding My dad was assigned as her partner and then after that they became a couple. ‘They got married on February 23, 1985. Eight months later I was born and then, two years after my brother was born, My parents bought a house near my grandparent’s house in Compton. | was bom here, in California but all of my family comes from México. Going back three generations gave me so mich SE ho 1 am and where I come from. Learning about all the struggles and hard times my family went through helped me appreciate them even more. Garcia, Jammie 5 Work Cited Bohon, Agueda. Personal interview. 2 April 2009. Bohon, Juan, Personal interview. 2 April 2009. Bohon, Julieta, Personal interview. 5 April 2009. Garcia, Jaime. Personal interview. 29 March 2009. 10-10 Sor 6007" 1 ey, Biodey ores The way | got here ...

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