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Chapter 6 - The Declaration of Independence

The Principles
Choose 2 of the following principles. Answer the question for the
principles you chose.
Principle 1 - All people are created equal.
Turn this principle into your own words: All people have the same rights and should be
treated as one.

Principle 2 - All people have basic rights that cannot be taken away.
Turn this principle into your own words: People have a specific set of rights that will
never change and never expire.

Principle 3 - The government gets its power to make decisions and to protect rights
from the people.
Turn this principle into your own words: The government has most power to do all it
can to protect their people, and help people be treated equal.

Principles: 4 - When the government does not protect the rights of the people, the
people have the right to change or remove the govern
Turn this principle into your own words: ________________
Write 2 paragraphs convincing readers that they should join your cause. In your
persuasive argument, use the above 4 aspects to support your argument.

* Enrichment: You will chose 3 of the 4 principles to write about. You will also
include a counter argument for each principle you are arguing. Your paragraphs do
not have to follow the outline above.
The Declaration of Independence consists of many misinterpreted statements .
Many statements in the declaration of independence have been misread and
interpreted. One phrase is All people are created equal . This statement is very
flawed because when all are treated equal there would be no one of greater power to
solve issues or arguments. However with a king many people will be put in a low class

and/or become a slave. With people of power there are people with little power. Going
along with that flawed statement of equality, many believe that people should have
basic rights that could never be taken away. With a king these rights can be taken away
as a form of punishment. When basic rights are taken away it shows that not all people
are treated equal. A colony with a king can not treat all their people as if they all were
equal because the king has more power therefore is treated with greater respect.
Another statement in The Declaration of Independence that shows the
importance of the king is The government gets its power to make decisions and to
protect rights from the people is very important when discussing a king. A king
could work with the government to find a reasonable, yet effective decisions. Also, the
government has no one of greater power to follow. They can make their own decisions
that can possibly ruin the colony. Government can make mistakes.The king has a
better view of the needs of the colony and colonists.

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