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Adhitiya Faradila 7101414009
Semarang State University
Indonesia is one of the developing countries predominantly Moslem. As a developing country,
Indonesia began implementing massive development both physically and economically that
began during the reign of the old order until the reign of the post-reform as it is today.
Everything is shown to improve the quality of people's welfare.
In order to achieve a good economic development, the Indonesian government needs to optimize
the potential of their human resources. This is noteworthy because economic development is
good, it must be adapted to the character and potential of a society to achieve success in a
Potential development pekonomian Muslims reflect well on the teachings of Islam both in the
Qur'an and Hadith. Both have great care in building the economic welfare of the people. This is
evident from the Islamic suggestion to help others less fortunate like giving charity to the needy,
the poor, the orphan, and the other fellow human beings in need. It can be used as an evidence of
a potential of the Muslims, the principle of economic development that takes into account the
concern for social conditions.
Islamic economic principles known as sharia-based economic principles which in these
economic principles, Islam is the light of freeing themselves from the things that are usurious. In
the Islamic economic principles, there are several economic instrument to help social interests
such as, the use of zakat, infaq, or alms to finance the welfare of the people. Even in the
economic instrument such as zakat has great potential if it can be managed well by the
government, which at the charity itself is a sum of money or funds that issued the person who
has economic sufficiency and meet certain requirements, distributed to group certain people and
used for the benefit people. It makes great potential when applied in Indonesia considering most

other Indonesian Islamic Bergama and this can be made in the alternative the Government to
implement welfare distribution at every layer of society.
Zakat is a pillar of Islam to 3 (three) of 5 (five) pillars of Islam which the charity itself in
existence has values of faith that must be possessed by every Muslim. As in surah Al-Baqarah,
verse 43 which means "And be steadfast in prayer, pay the poor due, and rukulah along with
people - those who bow". This may indicate that the charity and prayer have a very close
relationship with the worship others such as prayer, as if praying indicates worship which is done
every Muslim as a proof of faith to God, then the charity is worship that is the show of a Muslim
to help to fellow human beings.
Zakat itself is divided into two, namely: zakat fitrah and zakat mall. Zakat fitrah is an expense
that must be performed by every Muslim who has the advantage of natural family living on the
night before Eid. Where the amount is equivalent to 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters of rice. Meanwhile, zakat
mall is part of the assets of a person (legal entity) that is required to be issued for a specific class
of people once possessed over a certain period in a certain minimum amount anyway.
Zakat profession included in the category of zakat mall. According to Yusuf Al-Qaradawi zakat
mall is a Muslim wealth acquired through new forms of business acquired according to religious
laws. In addition to those mentioned above, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi argues that property operating
results include the results of the work of civil servants or private, doctors, nurses, and others who
work on a particular profession. Nishabnya where income in the form of money nishabnya worth
of 520 kg (five hundred and twenty kilos) of rice, if diqiyaskan with agricultural zakat then
nishabnya of 85 g (eighty-five grams), and the levels of zakat amounted to 2.5% (two point five
percent). (Elsi Kartika, 2006: 34).
In Indonesia, zakat management is specifically regulated in Law No. 23 of 2011 on the
Management of Zakat. According to the Act there are two (2) entities entitled to manage zakat
among others, the first Badan Amil Zakat government-run and two-run Institute Amil Zakat
society. In the context of the statehood of 2 (two) zakat management institutions is very
important in managing the zakat fund, both of which are important institutions that will

determine the success of the management of the economic potential of the Indonesian people and
plays an important role to realize the greatness of Islam.
As one example of the potential of zakat good pengelolaaan, Badan Amil Zakat Semarang
through its website explaining the potential of zakat in Semarang each year ranges from Rp
178.5 M (one hundred and seventy-eight point five billion). The data was based on a calculation
with a population of 1.5 jt Semarang (one point five million) people with a Muslim population of
1M (one million) people and conscious assumption of zakat amounting to 20% (twenty percent).
Even for the acceptance phase to charity funds delivered Badan Amil Zakat Semarang through
the website, since 2010 zakat to Semarang increased annually by 2010 charity funds channeled
to Badan Amil Zakat Semarang 1.3 M (one point three billion) and in 2015 increased to 2.5 M
To further raise awareness of the muzzaki to pay their zakat required an innovation in
distribution, it is in order to develop the economy of the community of Semarang and
mensyiarkan Islam. With so much potential zakat which is owned by the city of Semarang and
the management and distribution of good can be achieved optimally by Badan Amil Zakat
The workforce (Muzzaki) with self-awareness without coercion register in advance at Badan
Amil Zakat (BAZ), in addition Muzzaki also confirm to the bank to make automatic payroll
deductions (income they earn each month) of 2.5% to be transferred to the account of BAZ. Then
from the BAZ will give Zakat Card to Muzzaki as ownership registration card which listed No.
ID Card. In addition we can also pay zakat independently, which Zakat ATM Card terlink with
which we have, so we can pay zakat anywhere and anytime. Of zakat which we pay will soon be
distributed to the recipients (Mustahiq) with the Zakat Card program can facilitate the public in
paying zakat. Thus, it is expected the government's efforts in realizing the equitable distribution
of income in the city of Semarang can be done effectively and efficiently.

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