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Artifact 7

ETR 531 Program Evaluation in Education: The Sunday School Program: Evaluation Project
Introduction and Reflection
The artifact presents above is the final evaluation proposal for ETR 531 course. This
course was taken at the end of my ERE Masters Program. The course goal is to prepare students
to design program evaluation proposal. Personally, I found this course extremely interesting
because I had the chance to learn about program evaluation strategies, program evaluation
models, and how to conduct evaluation need assessment. Also, I learned that writing program
evaluation proposal is similar to a research project, but program evaluation is slightly different
from research proposal but at the same time totally different.
In this course, I designed a program evaluation proposal which entitled The Sunday
school Program: Evaluation Project. The evaluation project goal is to evaluate the overall
impact of the Sunday School Program offer by DeKalb Islamic Center based on the CIPP
evaluation model. The CIPP evaluation model consists of four core elements. These elements are
Context, Input, Process, and Product. The evaluation proposal poses the following evaluation
1. Context evaluation: How are the objectives/goals of The Sunday school program aligned
with the needs of students?
2. Input evaluation: What are the strategies or activates that could be utilized to improve the
quality of The Sunday school program?
3. Process evaluation: How is the Sunday school program following the activities or
strategies that have been previously determined?

4. Product evaluation: To what extent did the Sunday school program meet objectives or
goals that were stated in its plan?
To answer the evaluation questions presented above, data will be collected via multiple
data sources such as survey, semi-structured interviews, artifacts examination, and classroom
observation. The collected data will be analyzed and triangulated to best answer the given
evaluation questions.
Evidence of Mastery of Objectives 2 and 8

Objective 2, design and/or select appropriate assessment or evaluation tools for a given
educational problem: This objective is met because the artifact of this course
demonstrates my ability to design evaluation proposal that aims to evaluate the program
using the CIPP evaluation model. Also, it shows my ability to create survey instrument as
part of the data collection phase.

Objective 8, engage in research-related activities in diverse settings: This objective is

met because it demonstrates my ability to participate in research-related activities in
diverse contexts. As mentioned in the artifact, the client in the evaluation project is the
Islamic Center DeKalb, which is none-profit organization. I approached this organization
because I am a part of this organization and I felt that it would be a better idea to conduct
an evaluation project to assess the impact of educational program offer by them.

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