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1st SEMESTER S.Y. 2016 - 2017






OCTOBER 13, 2016

Free vibration: Free vibration takes place when a system oscillates
under the action of forces inherent in the system itself due to initial
disturbance, and when the externally applied forces are absent. The
system will oscillates about one of its static-equilibrium positions.
Basically there are two types of systems. They are the discrete and
continuous systems. In the case of discrete systems, the physical
properties are discrete quantities and the system behavior is described
by ordinary differential equations. The system has finite number of
degrees-of-freedom whereas in the case of continuous system the
physical properties are function of spatial co-ordinates and the system
behavior is described by partial differential equations and has infinite
number of degrees-of-freedom. In other words, a system can be
considered as discrete in which the whole mass of the system is lumped
at some points and in case of continuous system the mass is distributed
over the entire length of the system. An n-degrees-of-freedom system is
governed by n coupled differential equations and has n natural
frequencies. So the discrete system has finite number of natural
frequencies and the continuous system has infinite number of natural
frequencies. The system under free vibration will vibrate at one or more
of its natural frequencies, which are properties of the dynamical system,
established by its mass and stiffness distribution.
Frequency: The number of oscillations completed per unit time is known
as frequency of the system.
Natural Frequency: The frequency of free vibration of a system is
called Natural Frequency of that particular system.
Damping: The resistance to the motion of a vibrating body is called
Damping. In actual practice there is always some damping (e.g., the
internal molecular friction, viscous damping, aero dynamical damping,
etc.) present in the system which causes the gradual dissipation of
vibration energy and results in gradual decay of amplitude of the free
vibration. Damping has very little effect on natural frequency of the
system, and hence, the calculations for natural frequencies are generally
made on the basis of no damping. Damping is of great importance in
limiting the amplitude of oscillation at resonance
Free vibration takes place when a system oscillates under the
action of forces inherent in the system itself due to initial disturbance,
and when the externally applied forces are absent. The system under
free vibration will vibrate at one or more of its natural frequencies, which
are properties of the dynamical system, established by its mass and
stiffness distribution.

In actual practice, there is always some damping (e.g., the

internal molecular friction, viscous damping, aero-dynamical damping,
etc.) present in the system which causes the gradual dissipation of
vibration energy, and it results gradual decay of amplitude of the free
vibration. Damping has very little effect on natural frequency of the
system, and hence, the calculations of natural frequencies are generally
made on the basis of no damping. Damping is of great importance in
limiting the amplitude of oscillation at resonance.

The relative displacement configuration of the vibrating system

for a particular natural frequency is known as the mode shape (or eigen
function in continuous system). The mode shape corresponding to lowest
natural frequency (i.e. the fundamental natural frequency) is called as
the fundamental (or the first) mode. The displacements at some points
may be zero. These points are known as nodes. Generally nth mode has
(n-1) nodes (excluding end points). Mode shape changes for different
boundary conditions of a beam.
Free vibration takes place when a system oscillates under the
action of forces inherent in the system itself due to initial disturbance,
and when the externally applied forces are absent. The system under
free vibration will vibrate at one or more of its natural frequencies, which
are properties of the dynamical system, established by its mass and
stiffness distribution.
In case of continuous system the properties of the system are the
function of spatial coordinates. The system has infinite number of
degrees of freedom and infinite number of natural frequencies.
In actual practice there is always some damping (e.g., the internal
molecular friction, viscous damping, aerodynamical damping, etc.)
present in the system which causes the gradual dissipation of vibration
energy, and it results gradual decay of amplitude of the free vibration.
Damping has very little effect on natural frequency of the system, and
hence, the calculations for natural frequencies are generally made on
the basis of no damping. Damping is of great importance in limiting the
amplitude of oscillation at resonance.
The relative displacement configuration of the vibrating system for
a particular natural frequency is known as the eigen function in
continuous system. The mode shape corresponding to lowest natural
frequency (i.e. the fundamental natural frequency) is called as the
fundamental (or the first) mode. The displacements at some points may
be zero. These points are known as nodes. Generally nth mode has (n-1)
nodes (excluding end points). The mode shape changes for different
boundary conditions of a beam.

A. Free Vibration of Spring-Mass System
Differential Equation for a spring-mass system
Let us consider a spring-mass system as shown in Fig. 1.1. The
system is constrained to move in the vertical direction only along the
axis of the spring. Let k and m be the stiffness of the spring and the
mass of the block, respectively.

Let x be the position of the mass at any instant from the

equilibrium position of the mass and it is assumed that x is positive in
the downward direction and negative in the upward direction. In the
spring-mass system only one coordinate is enough to describe the
position of the mass at any time, and hence, it is single degree-offreedom system. Here the coordinate is x.

Fig.1.1: Spring-mass system

Fig. 1.2: Free Body diagram of the mass

The free-body diagram of the mass is shown in Fig.1.2. Applying

DAlemberts principle, the equation of motion of the mass can be
obtained as,
The natural frequency of the system,




be the solution for this differential equation (1.1).

Initial conditions:

Substitution of Eq.1.3 into Eq.1.1 and application of Eq.1.4 yields,

Time period:
The time taken to complete one cycle, is,
It is important to note that, even though there is no specific damper
attached to the system, there will always be the presence of damping of
very small in amount. Because of this the response obtained from
experiment always corresponds to a small amount of damping.
Let c be the damping coefficient, then the equation of motion changes
Damping ratio ( ):

It can be defined as the ration of the damping coefficient to the critical

damping coefficient.


is the Critical damping coefficient, given by:



, the system is said to be over-damped system.


, the system is said to be critically damped system.


, the system is said to be under-damped system

Following the same procedure as described above and by applying the

initial conditions, the solution of the differential equation can be obtained

For Over-damped system



For Critically-damped system

For Under-damped system

The damped natural frequency of vibration is given by,


is the time period of the oscillation:

The motion governed by this solution is of oscillatory type whose

amplitude decreases in an exponential manner with the increase in time
as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 1.3: Displacement-time plot of an under-damped system with

general initial conditions

The logarithmic decrement is given by,

Substituting Eq.1.13 into Eq.1.14,


B. Free Vibration of a Cantilever Beam with a Lumped Mass at

Free End
Theoretical natural frequency for cantilever beam

Fig. 2.1 (a): A cantilever beam

Fig. 2.1 (b): The beam under free vibration

A cantilever beam with rectangular cross-section is shown in Fig.

2.1(a). Bending vibration can be generated by giving an initial
displacement at the free end of the beam. Fig. 2.1(b) shows a cantilever
beam undergoing a free vibration.

When a system is subjected to free vibration and the system is

considered as a discrete system in which the beam is considered as
mass-less and the whole mass is concentrated at the free end of the
beam. The governing equation of motion for such system will be,


Where m is a concentrated mass at the free end of the beam and

k is the stiffness of the system. The transverse stiffness of a cantilever
beam is given as (using strength of materials deflection formula,
Timoshenko and Young, 1961),


Where E is the Youngs modulus of the beam material (it can be

obtained by the tensile test of the standard specimen). The fundamental
undamped circular natural frequency of the system is given as,


Where, m is an equivalent mass placed at the free end of the

cantilever beam (of the beam and sensor masses). By substituting
equation 2.2 into equation 2.3 we get,

The undamped natural frequency is related with the circular natural
frequency as


the moment of inertia of the beam cross-section and for a circular crosssection it is given as,


Where, d is the diameter of cross section, and for a rectangular cross



Where b and d are the breadth and depth of the beam crosssection as shown in Fig. 2.2. Dimensions of the beam material are given
in Table 2.2

Fig. 2.2: A rectangular cross-cross of the beam

In case of the test specimen, the beam mass is distributed over

the length. However, by taking one-third of the total mass of beam at the
free end (Thompson. 1961), the system can be assumed as discrete
system. Hence,


Where mb is the mass of beam and is given as

Where , is the mass density of the beam material and V is the volume
of the beam from the fixed end to the free end.
The equivalent tip mass of a cantilever beam can be obtained as
follows. Consider a cantilever beam as shown in Fig. 2.3 (a). Let be m1
the mass of the beam per unit length, l is the length of the beam,
mb=m1l is total mass of the beam, and Vmax is the transverse velocity
at the free end of beam and f is the force applied, E is the youngs
modulus of the beam and I is the moment of inertia of the beam.

Fig. 2.3(a): A cantilever beam with distributed m

Fig. 2.3(b): The cantilever beam with a tip mass

Consider a small element of length dx at a distance x from the

free end (Fig. 2.3 (a)). The beam displacement at this point is given by
(Timoshenko and Young, 1961),


Here fl3/3EI is the deflection at free end of the cantilever beam. Now the
velocity of the small element at distance x is given by,

Hence, the kinetic energy of the element is given by

and the total kinetic energy of the beam is

where m1l = mb. If we place a mass of 33/140mb at the free end of the
beam and the beam is assumed to be of negligible mass, then

Total kinetic energy possessed by the beam =


Hence two systems are dynamically same. Therefore, the

continuous system of cantilever beam can be changed to single degree
freedom system as shown in Fig. 2.3(b) by adding the 33 /140mb of
mass at its free end.

Values of the mass density for various beam materials are given in
Table 2.1. If any contacting type of transducer is used for the vibration
measurement, it should be placed at end of the beam and then the mass
of transducer has to be added into the equivalent mass of the beam at
the free end of the beam during the natural frequency calculation. If mt
is the mass of transducer, then the total mass at the free end of the
cantilever beam is given as,


C. Free Vibration of a Cantilever Beam (Continuous System)

Mathematical Analysis
For a cantilever beam subjected to free vibration, and the system
is considered as continuous system in which the beam mass is

considered as distributed along with the stiffness of the shaft, the

equation of motion can be written as (Meirovitch, 1967),


Where, E is the modulus of rigidity of beam material, I is the

moment of inertia of the beam cross-section, Y(x) is displacement in y
direction at distance x from fixed end,
is the circular natural
frequency, m is the mass per unit length, m = A(x) , is the material
density, x is the distance measured from the fixed end.

Fig. 3.1 (a): A cantilever beam

Fig. 3.1 (b): The beam under free vibration

Fig. 4.1(a) shows of a cantilever beam with rectangular cross

section, which can be subjected to bending vibration by giving a small

initial displacement at the free end; and Fig. 4.1(b) depicts of cantilever
beam under the free vibration.
We have following boundary conditions for a cantilever beam (Fig. 3.1)


For a uniform beam under free vibration from equation (3.1), we get



The mode shapes for a continuous cantilever beam is given as


A closed form of the circular natural frequency nf, from above

equation of motion and boundary conditions can be written as,




First natural frequency


Second natural frequency

Third natural frequency

The natural frequency is related with the circular natural frequency as

where I, the moment of inertia of the beam cross-section, for a circular
cross-section it is given as

Where, d is the diameter of cross section and for a rectangular cross

Where b and d are the breadth and width of the beam cross-section as
shown in the Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 3.2: Cross-section of the cantilever beam

Fig. 3.3: The first three undamped natural frequencies and mode shape
of cantilever beam

Table 3.1 Material properties of various beams



Youngs Modulus










Table 3.2 Different geometries of the beam










Example 3.1: Obtain the undamped natural frequency of a steel beam

with l = 0.45 m, d = 0.003 m, and b = 0.02 m.

First natural frequency

Second natural frequency

Third natural frequency

The above frequencies have to be modified since there is a mass

in the form of an accelerometer at the free end of the continuous beam.
By continuous approach the solution is difficult since with tip mass the
boundary condition at free end is now time dependent. Now we would
explain a simpler procedure by which corrections to the natural
frequency could be made so as to get closer to the measured natural
frequency. In case of non-contacting sensors, there would not be any
correction required since there will not be any additional tip mass on the

3.3.1 Consideration of the mass of accelerometer onto a continuous

cantilever beam

1. First natural frequency - Let us consider the beam specimen as

mass-less with stiffness k and has a discrete effective mass, meff , at the
free end, which produces the same frequency as a continuous beam
specimen without any tip mass. Hence, the natural frequency of discrete
model of the beam without an accelerometer can be written as,


From which the effective mass at tip can be written as



Now, if we consider the mass of accelerometer, macc, at the free

end of the beam, than the total mass at free end will be
So for the discrete beam with accelerometer, the theoretical
fundamental natural frequency after considering the mass of
accelerometer will be


Following the above procedure, other natural frequencies can be

improved to account for the mass of the accelerometer. However, we
need to obtain the effective stiffness of equivalent discrete system with
additional supports at nodes (for the second natural frequency at one
location and for the third natural frequency at two locations). The finite
element method analysis is presented subsequently for the same.
Example 3.2 Obtain the fundamental natural frequency of beam by
considering the mass of the sensor also.

Taking data from Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for steel,

The mass of accelerometer is 4.8 gm = 0.0048 kg, so the total mass will

Hence the corrected natural frequency after consideration of mass of the

accelerometer would be

which can be written as

2. Second natural frequency - Using FEM, we will find the second

natural frequency of the cantilever beam (continuous system) having
accelerometer mass at free end. The basic procedure is outlined here.

1. In the first step, the geometry is divided into a number of small

elements. The elements may be of different shapes and sizes.
2. Then elemental equations are obtained for each element.
3. In the third step the elemental equations are assembled to yield a
system of global equations.
4. Then assembled equations are modified by applying the prescribed
boundary conditions.
5. The last step is to find the solution from these modified equations.

Fig. 3.4 (a): A cantilever beam with a tip mass

Fig. 3.4 (b): Disceretisation of the beam into 3 elements

For a uniform beam, the elemental stiffness matrix (Tiwari, 2010; Dixit,

and the consistence mass matrix is given as


1. First step: Divide the given beam geometry into three small elements
as shown in Fig. 3.4 (b). In Fig. 3.4(b), numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent
the nodes.

2. Second step: Construct the elemental equations. For the first element,
from equations (3.18) and (3.19), we have

Here {X} represents the vector of nodal variables (i.e. at the first
and second nodes). In this case node variables are displacement and
slope, the right hand side vector {F}, represents the force.
Then for the second element,


In this only nodal variables will change and for third element, the
elemental equations

Here, 0.0048 is the mass of the accelerometer in kg at free end of the
cantilever beam.
3. Third step: Assemble all the elemental matrices to form a global
matrix. The length of the each element l = 0.453 m and area is A =
0.0020.03 m2, mass density of the beam material = 7850 Kg/m3,
and Youngs modulus of the beam E = 2.1 1011 N/m. After
substituting values of the l, , d, E, A in elemental equations (3.20),
(3.21) and (3.22); assembled equations become,

and for free vibration

Hence, above equations can be written as


By solving the eigen value problem of equation (3.23), we get

nf1 = 11.85 Hz and nf2 = 74.711 Hz. If we take more elements then
we will get very accurate results especially of the higher modes. For
example, on taking 10 elements then the first and second natural
frequencies are Hz and Hz. From experimental response plot (Fig 3.5) of
the same beam, the first natural frequency is 11Hz and second natural
frequency is 79Hz. Some deviation is expected especially in higher mode
due to modeling error of actual test conditions.


1.1 The spring of Figure 1.2 is successively loaded with mass and the
corresponding (static)
displacement is recorded below. Plot the data and calculate the spring's
stiffness. Note
that the data contain some error. Also calculate the standard deviation.
m(kg) 10








x(m) 1.14





1.2 Derive the solution of mx + kx = 0 and plot the result for at least
two periods for the case
with n = 2 rad/s, x0 = 1 mm, and v0 =

5 mm/s.

1.3 Solve mx + kx = 0 for k = 4 N/m, m = 1 kg, x0 = 1 mm, and v0 =

0. Plot the solution.

1.5 Find the equation of motion for the hanging spring-mass system of Figure P1.5,
and compute the natural frequency. In particular, using static equilibrium along with
Newtons law, determine what effect gravity has on the equation of motion and the
systems natural frequency.

The free-body diagram of problem system in (a) for the static case and in (b) for the
dynamic case, where x is now measured from the static equilibrium position.

1.6 Find the equation of motion for the system of Figure P1.6, and find
the natural frequency. In particular, using static equilibrium along with
Newtons law, determine what effect gravity has on the equation of
motion and the systems natural frequency. Assume the block slides
without friction.

Figure P1.6

Choosing a coordinate system along the plane with positive down
the plane, the freebody diagram of the system for the static case is
given and (a) and for the dynamic case in (b):

1.7 An undamped system vibrates with a frequency of 10 Hz and

amplitude 1 mm. Calculate
the maximum amplitude of the system's velocity and acceleration.


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