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Artifact 3

ETR 520 Introduction to Educational Research: The Use Rogers Attributes of

Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Predict iPads Acceptance Among Special Education
Introduction and Reflection
The paper shown above is the final research proposal for ETR 520. The course aimed to
prepare students to craft a research proposal, which includes three main components. These
components introduction to the research problem, review of the literature, and research
methodology. The paper presented above was my first written research proposal, which entitled
The Use Rogers Attributes of Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Predict iPads Acceptance
Among Special Education Teachers. The goal of the research proposal is to identify factors
predicting the acceptance of iPad devices as assistive technology tool among Saudi special
education teachers. This class was my first step in the educational research world, and I admitted
that this course helped me to create a scholarly research proposal. In addition in this course, I
learned several important aspects of educational research for example:

Choosing a research topic has to be derived from the literature as well as

recommendations for future studies. 

Selecting research method (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods) is depending on

the nature of the research study as well as the type of questions that need to be answered. 

Selecting appropriate theories that fit, theoretically, into the research study scope.
Evidence of Mastery of Objectives 1 and 3

Objective 1, designing a study of an educational research problem or phenomenon using

appropriate methodologies: This objective is met because the artifact demonstrate my
ability to designing a study of an educational research problem that derived from
previous literature. Also, it shows my skills to select an apocopate theory that fit into the
research scope.

Objective 3 distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior when conducting

educational research or evaluations: The research paper showed evidence regarding the
differences between ethical and unethical behavior when conducting educational
research. As outlined in the paper, internal and external threats were discussed as well as
the IRB process and stakeholder permission to conduct the study was discussed.

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