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What does it mean to be a refugee?

Worldwide, approximately how
many people have been forced to
leave their homes to escape violence
and war?
60 millions.
What is the difference between
refugees and internally displaced
persons (IDP)?
Refugees cross an international border and
seek refuge outside of their countries of
nationality while internally displaced
persons do not.

According to the international legal
definition, a refugee is someone who:
Is fleeing war, violence and/or persecution


An Asylum seeker is:

Another word for internally displaced


Host countries have several
obligations towards refugees, such as:
All of the above

Can you explain the differences
between, and common traits of,
refugees and migrants?
The difference is that the migrants are
trait like normal people because they go to
another country
for a new life with more opportunities to
succeed, but the refugees are trait
different because there have to go out of
their homes to save their lives by the war.

Think about a family forced to
leave their country to flee war. Explain
the main obstacles and challenges
they may face along the way.

The family will have a lot of obstacles

because they will need to walk a lot for
the place they will want to go. Also theyll
have to sleep in the outside with a lot of
animals or insects.

What can ordinary people do to
help families and individuals who have
become refugees?
They help them giving them food, some
money or giving them a home to stay for a
season. Also they help with giving theme

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