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Lesson Plan


Your name: Sylvia Ruiz

Area: Area A
Title: Pass the Sound
Objectives: The objectives of Pass the Sound are to focus, pay attention to

your surroundings and interpersonal intelligence. This game will make the players focus
not only on themselves but others as well. It will also allow players to pay attention and
focus on their surroundings. With this game, if you are not paying attention to your
neighbors, you can become lost very easily. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to
understand and communicate effectively with others. This game is based on effect
communication with your neighbors so interpersonal intelligence will be tested.
5. Content Standard: Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory
Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to Theatre. (content standard 1.0;
grade 2) - This game covers this standard because the players will be using their senses
such as sight and hearing to respond and analyze what their neighbor said. Having the
correct punctuation of the words is one thing unique to Theatre. Develop problem-solving
and communication skills by participating collaboratively in theatrical experiences.
(content standard 5.2; grade 3)- This game requires the class to collaborate all together
as one. It also requires communication skills between all the players.
6. Materials: No materials needed for this exercise
7. Step by Step: Ask the players to form a circle in the class. Once they are in a
circle, explain the game. Starting at a designated player, slowly waving their hand to the
right, confidently say whoosh while also looking at the person to the right, as if passing
the sound to their neighbor. Repeat this step throughout the entire circle until the
whoosh comes back to the original player. Now that the group understands what is
going on, repeat this step one more, (doing it two times in total). After you have

completed it twice, on the third time, you will add an extra element. This time, you will
repeat the whoosh with the waving hand movement going to the person the right, but
this time, the person to the left of the person who started will start a new sound; Bing!
With a direct fast point to the person on their left. At this point, both sounds will be going
to around the circle and the players focus is a must. At one point in the game, the sounds
will overlap, and cross sides. The player who can not figure out what sound to say is out.
Continuing with the next player. Go until there are a few people standing and impossible
to go on.
8. Follow Up Activities: Sit down with the players and have a discussion. Give
them comments or ask them questions. Ex: What did you think about the activity? Was
anything hard about it? What did you like/dislike about it?
9. Assessment: The only way we can tell if we reached our objectives in this
activities is to see how the players participated in this game. In theatre class, this is
known more as a warm up game.

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